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Vivek Ramaswamy Watch

Jeff Robinson

Marxist-Lentilist: Jackboots and Jackfruit
Thought it might be worth reserving a thread for this far right fundamentalist extremist.

For those who haven't head of him he's a biotech near-billionaire and Republican presidential candidate hopeful, who arguably emerged as the main victor of the recent GOP presidential debate. His strategy is basically to kiss Trump's ass at every given opportunity and, when he's not doing that, whipping up bigotry and hatred. He thrives off pandering to the savages and barbarians who make up the Republican base.

At the core of his message are what he calls the '10 truths':

  1. God is real.
  2. There are two genders.
  3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
  4. Reverse racism is racism.
  5. An open border is no border.
  6. Parents determine the education of their children.
  7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
  8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
  9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
  10. The U.S. constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

Anyway, in some shape or form I suspect we'll be seeing at lot more of him soon. If Trump is barred from standing, Ramaswamy may well give DeSantis a run for his money. If Trump does stand, he may well be his running mate.
I doubt Trump would chose him as a running mate. VPs are usually picked to widen the base of support, not narrow it.
I can’t see any answers there, only more questions. What’s the answer? Liberals? The media? Jews? Gays? Wokeness?

scroll down a little to the place where it says "Answer".

...taps desk...

oh never mind.

Based on these two posts, Ramaswamy's implied fourth branch is the administrative state.

On X, formerly Twitter.

I will shut down the fourth branch of government, the administrative state. You cannot tame that beast. You must end it.
On Facebook.

TRUTH: You cannot tame the fourth branch of government. You must end it. I will shut down the administrative state.
Thought it might be worth reserving a thread for this far right fundamentalist extremist.

For those who haven't head of him he's a biotech near-billionaire and Republican presidential candidate hopeful, who arguably emerged as the main victor of the recent GOP presidential debate. His strategy is basically to kiss Trump's ass at every given opportunity and, when he's not doing that, whipping up bigotry and hatred. He thrives off pandering to the savages and barbarians who make up the Republican base.

At the core of his message are what he calls the '10 truths':

Anyway, in some shape or form I suspect we'll be seeing at lot more of him soon. If Trump is barred from standing, Ramaswamy may well give DeSantis a run for his money. If Trump does stand, he may well be his running mate.

If it helps, the only "truth" in that list behind his campaign is number 3. The rest is just confetti blown into the wind, the standard tropes that that lot always come out with nowadays.

He also is by no means a far right fundamentalist extremist; to be one of those he'd have to believe his own utterances on the subject and practice what he preaches. What he happens to be is yet another of those edgy finance types who got his money via dubious means (he was mates with that Shkreli horror) and who now wants to get on the political circuit via the same "free thinker" cutout route that so many others have gone down. To get on that circuit requires fossil fuel money, which he is sucking up to (as are most of the other GOP candidates).
That is what they intend for people to think, but they really mean that part of the state that causes whatever bright idea they have to fail the moment it comes into contact with reality. Of course that part of the state doesn't actually exist, so getting rid of it is easy.

agree with this, but there is also Administrative law - Wikipedia
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Thought it might be worth reserving a thread for this far right fundamentalist extremist.

For those who haven't head of him he's a biotech near-billionaire and Republican presidential candidate hopeful, who arguably emerged as the main victor of the recent GOP presidential debate. His strategy is basically to kiss Trump's ass at every given opportunity and, when he's not doing that, whipping up bigotry and hatred. He thrives off pandering to the savages and barbarians who make up the Republican base.

At the core of his message are what he calls the '10 truths':

Anyway, in some shape or form I suspect we'll be seeing at lot more of him soon. If Trump is barred from standing, Ramaswamy may well give DeSantis a run for his money. If Trump does stand, he may well be his running mate.

He doesn’t start well with the truths.

To anyone else who is curious about the bits in bold - I’m pretty sure there isn’t a secret message in there.
He's also brown considering how mental the GOP base went over Obama being Prez, can't see them going for this dude.
There are a number of people of colour running in the Republican primary*. Just as the Tory party has had three female prime ministers and one Asian one does not mean it is racist and sexist - but it does mean simplistic notions of 'those racists won't vote X' are false.

*TBH they don't have much hope of becoming the candidate but then neither do most of the white candidates.
How Vivek Ramaswamy makes money from climate denial

he’s become best known as “the right’s most prominent crusader against climate-conscious investing.” His latest mission: ensure Republican-led states pull their money from big investment firms like BlackRock that are trying (or at least claiming) to make more climate-friendly decisions, and reallocate that money to his firm, Strive Asset Management, which explicitly promises not to invest with the climate in mind.
Ramaswamy has reported more than $50 million in holdings in Strive, which to date, is mostly a fund to promote fossil fuel development. As Semafor reports, the largest fund at Strive—called DRLL—“ invests in U.S. energy companies and urges them to keep drilling for oil so long as it’s profitable.” [...] According to Strive’s own description, 93.6 percent of DRLL’s investments are in oil, gas, and pipeline companies. These companies rank among the world’s top climate polluters.
I'm firmly convinced that rapping should be left to professionals...

and maybe some of the professionals should rethink their career choice.

I don't know why a supposedly "smart guy" doesn't realize that they're going to Herman Cain him. They're going to trot him out to convince us they're not racists, but never let him get too near real power. Herman Cain gave his life for Donald Trump and Ramaswamy should pay attention.
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Except it's not really holding them to account, that would look quite different imo, it's more just the standard 'tough questions' to provide an illusion of a rigorous media and democratic system. I mean I like seeing it as well, but it's just all part of the bullshit circus I think.
Except it's not really holding them to account, that would look quite different imo, it's more just the standard 'tough questions' to provide an illusion of a rigorous media and democratic system. I mean I like seeing it as well, but it's just all part of the bullshit circus I think.

Well what would that look like, coming from journalists?
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