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Vigil to be held for man who fell to his death after Metropolitan Police used Taser: 30 September 2023


Well-Known Member


Vigil to be held for man who fell to his death after Metropolitan Police used Taser
Tasers are used by lazy policemen who lack the skills of negotiations and restraining.

Can even remember a guy in his 70s being tasered alot of year's ago.

I thought tasers were only to be used as a last resort in dangerous situations.
Tasers are used by lazy policemen who lack the skills of negotiations and restraining.

Can even remember a guy in his 70s being tasered alot of year's ago.

I thought tasers were only to be used as a last resort in dangerous situations.
the evidence base has developed

Taser is less harmful than baton strikes

baton strikes have gone right up there in the use of force continuum , primarily becasue a strike on the 'red zone' likely will cause a life changing / limb threatening injury

it's compleicated becasue of the politics of the baton being considered as a piece of 'personal safety equipment' becasue of the history of the carrying of truncheons vs Taser having initially been deployed asa less lethal alternative to actual firearms
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the evidence base has developed

Taser is less harmful than baton strikes

baton strikes have gone right up there in the use of force continuum , primarily becasue a strike on the 'red zone' likely will cause a life changing / limb threatening injury

it's compleicated becasue of the politics of the baton being considered as a piece of 'personal safety equipment' becasue of the history of the carrying of truncheons vs Taser having initially been deployed asa less lethal alternative to actual firearms
It's really strange how frequently cops whack people in the head when apparently they're trained not to do that
Prison service it was made very clear that head strikes were potentially lethal and if you killed a prisoner you'd be joining them! that said a major fight can turn into complete everything mayhem we got showed a video of one in a gym where one of the gym staff ended up being restrained! although that might have just been jealousy gym instructor was seen as a bit of a doss job cutting about in tracksuits the whole day :D
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