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US immigration scam run by US immigration - Bastards!

Don Troooomp

Condescension and embedded self importance
This is just plain nasty.

US immigration set up a scam uni site, paid known scammers to set up recruitment, but arrested potential students with the claim they know what they were doing was illegal.
I would tend to disagree, more so when it's likely a good few don't have the English or internet skills to work out it was a scam so they were scammed out of their money by US immigration, arrested, then will be deported with nothing to show for the money their families probably had to loan to get them to the US.

The news is here

US fake university sting angers India

US immigration have removed the site but a cashed copy is here

The University of Farmington

Looking at the site, I'm suggesting a lot of the arrested students have been scammed.
On the face of it, it does seem an extremely shitty way for US immigration to behave.

But I'm confident that US nationals will be staging major protests in support of those Indian students...
I wanted to know who they were

Whois universityoffarmington.edu

They silly sods have left the FB pages on

Ned Roberts

The photos are stock images, but there was clearly an attempt to make it look real, that making my suggestion the students are victims even more likely.

To set up their fake site, they needed help from these people
They run all the .edu domains

The scam has been running since 14-Sep-2016, advertised in French, Spanish, and English.
'I fled the fake US university'

I'm glad this guy got away but I still believe a large number of the arrested people were scammed by US immigration.

He still hasn't told his parents why he returned.

"They think I am on vacation. But the truth is that I have no job and a college loan to pay off. My parents would be devastated if they knew the truth."

His parents are farmers and Veeresh had hoped to help them out by earning an income in dollars, some of which he could send home.

"I am the only son. I wanted to take care of my parents. We do not have land or a house in our name. I wanted to go to America for few years to earn better so that I can buy a house for my family in India."
If there are places that do pretty much fake accreditation for students as a sort of immigration trick, it might not be entirely wrong for a government to take a good look at such.

This seems quite nasty, though.

(I am reminded of cases when some UK universities were found to be happy to accept lots of students from India, Pakistan, I don't remember details, but not to care whether the people did study or not. A matter of funding, so the not-really students could stick around in the UK, sort of thing, and those universities were happy enough to play that dodgy game).

So, is this scam about finding people who want to overstay visas? That makes no sense, does it?

But people have been arrested? :confused::eek: . Bad. I am not sure I understand this. Not sure what supposed crimes they were arrested for. Must read more, and read properly, Celyn!
If there are places that do pretty much fake accreditation for students as a sort of immigration trick, it might not be entirely wrong for a government to take a good look at such
Shouldn't they be going after the people who set these things up rather than the people who try to use them?
Running an enterprise that has sound business principals but no morals and criminal intent is good old USA capitalism. Being the patsy is what people from developing countries are for.....
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