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US election 2012

Lying about politics is one thing, but shaving time off your marathon time is truely wrong:

Paul Ryan has been forced into a humiliating U-turn over claims he was an unusually fast long-distance runner.

A red-faced Ryan admitted on Saturday he didn't run a marathon in under three hours, as he boasted last month on a nationally broadcast radio interview.

The conservative congressman acknowledged he misstated his time by more than an hour.
It turns out the GOP V.P. hopeful conveniently rounded his time down - to three hours - instead of up - to four hours.

If you look closely Obama's policies arn't much different from his, except Obama taxes the rich less than he did and he's a "socialist." Regan couldn't get on a GOP ticket if he was just coming up through the party now.

I think you need to brush up on your history.
Any one of these would have put him out of the Republican party of today:


Those facts aren't well kept secrets. There's also a difference between fiscal conservatism and social conservatism. Regan was a fiscal conservative and oversaw the commodification of finance and deregulation of markets much more so than any President before him. He's a Republican's republican and made the party it is today.
Those facts aren't well kept secrets. There's also a difference between fiscal conservatism and social conservatism. Regan was a fiscal conservative and oversaw the commodification of finance and deregulation of markets much more so than any President before him. He's a Republican's republican and made the party it is today.

Tripling the national debt and raising the debt ceiling 18 times isn't exacty fical conservatism. And it was Clinton that completely deregulated banking by signing the repeal of Glass-Steagal.

Any idea why the deficit might have increased during Regan's years and if it had anything to do with his economic policies?

There was a recession in the mid-80s and he very quietly applied a Keynes-style stimulus, while claiming fiscal conservatism. Dick Cheney is famous for saying that "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."
Any idea why the deficit might have increased during Regan's years and if it had anything to do with his economic policies?
more to do with carter's i'd have thought.


regan and carter recently
There was a recession in the mid-80s and he very quietly applied a Keynes-style stimulus, while claiming fiscal conservatism. Dick Cheney is famous for saying that "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."

Keynes-style stimulus? What do you mean by that?
Keynes-style stimulus? What do you mean by that?

Keynesian economics is an economic theory named after John Maynard Keynes, a British economist who lived from 1883 to 1946. He is most well-known for his simple explanation for the cause of the Great Depression. His economic theory was based on a circular flow of money, which refers to the idea that when spending increases in an economy, earnings also increase, which can lead to even more spending and earnings. Keynes' ideas spawned numerous interventionist economic policies during the Great Depression.

In Keynes' theory, one person's spending goes towards another person's earnings, and when that person spends his or her earnings, he or she is, in effect, supporting another person's earnings. This cycle continues on and helps support a normal, functioning economy. When the Great Depression hit, people's natural reaction was to hoard their money. Under Keynes' theory, this stopped the circular flow of money, keeping the economy at a standstill.

Keynes' solution to this poor economic state was to "prime the pump." He argued that the government should step in to increase spending, either by increasing the money supply or by actually buying things itself. During the Great Depression, however, this was not a popular solution. It is said, however, that the massive defense spending that United States president Franklin Delano Roosevelt initiated helped revive the U.S. economy.


I know what Keynesian economics is I'm asking what you mean by that in relation to Reagan's economic policies?

All I'm saying is that the steep rise in the deficit under Reagan has a lot to do with the massive tax cuts he implemented for the rich and at any rate, it doesn't make him a pinko/commie/socialist as you stated earlier.

Then why ask?:p

I didn't say that he was a pinko/commie/socialist. I said that the Republicans of today would label him that and he wouldn't get anywhere if he was an unknown today. You have to be batshit insane. He was only senile.

The stimulus came in when the economy tanked in about '84 or '85 with the S&L crises. He implemented simulus plans (while preaching fiscal conservatism) to keep anyone from noticing that trickle-down economics doesn't work, at least not for the majority of people.
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, illustrated, acceptable? Hang on, why am I asking such a ridiculous question?
Joe Biden has evidently decided that he's sick of just kissing babies.


Is this creepy, or sweet, or both?

BHO, meanwhile. . .

I'm wondering if the 1 million put up by Larry Flynt will bring out Romney's hidden tax returns into view, and why they are hidden.
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