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US election 2012

He's still creeping up in the popular vote, I believe. The numbers for that probably won't be final for a while. Florida have all gone home for the night and are going to resume the count tomorrow.
He's almost a million votes up in the popular vote. 50-49% at the moment
I can't believe the second lowest group of Obama supporters is the 65+ group. That's mental considering that one of the biggest issues of this campaign was the possible destruction of Medicare as we know it under Romney. Where are people's priorities?

False consciousness - or Alzheimer's?
Confirmation: Washington has voted to legalise marijuana, following Colorado.

Same sex marriage is looking good in Washington as well
The two parties spent about $2 billion on this election? and the results are pretty similar in 2008 - money well spent
Four more years.

EC, the popular vote is pretty much 50-50. Which is why I think Vintage Paw's post about the Republicans needing to change is bizarre.
The demographics are working more and more against the Republicans. Relying on the angry white vote will be more and more a losing game so yes, they have to change
Has anybody got any actual figures for the turnout? I keep hearing that it's a "record" turnout but have no idea what that means.

The demographics are working more and more against the Republicans. Relying on the angry white vote will be more and more a losing game so yes, they have to change
The poplar vote is split 50-50, they control the House, they're no more a party looking at extinction than the Tories were after 1997. Then too loads of liberal idiots were claiming that the Conservative party would become irrelevant. They might have to do some PR work to capture more of the Latino population but that's just presentation.
It is a pleasing result. I did not think Romney would win it so was Obamas to lose really.

Shows up the republican party. Given the economy they had a lot of ammo against Obama. If the angry white vote in a bad economy can't beat Obama then they are a proper failure :)
A change in presentation is still a change. I don't think anyone is expecting them to turn around tomorrow and become the cuddly party.

And trying to compare them in any meaningful way to the Tories is pointless. Different contexts entirely.
Tea Party: Romney lost because he wasn't as mental as they wanted him to be:
For those of us who believe that America, as founded, is the greatest country in the history of the world — a ‘Shining city upon a hill’ — we wanted someone who would fight for us.
What we got was a weak moderate candidate, hand-picked by the Beltway elites and country-club establishment wing of the Republican party. The presidential loss is unequivocally on them.
The collective bargaining amendment in Michigan has been defeated, ffs. But, it looks like the current emergency manager law for Detroit is going to be repealed (and replaced with an earlier version, which merely gives the emergency manager less powers, doesn't get rid of them altogether, I believe).
Tea Party: Romney lost because he wasn't as mental as they wanted him to be:

Aye. They've been fielding pundits who have been saying things from both sides all night. They've been bringing up the inconvenient truth that demographics are slowly working against them, but at the same time wheeling on the frothing fools claiming Romney was a liberal elite and what they need to do is shift to the right.

At least it'll give us more Trump-like meltdowns to witness though.
The honeymoon will not last long. Unless members of Congress agree to a budget deal in the next few weeks, then spending cuts of $600 billion dollars will automatically kick in and the US goes over a "fiscal cliff"

Voting is over in the election of the world’s most powerful politician. Barack Obama has won. Now attention will switch to the question of whether the world’s most powerful economy will commit hara-kiri – and also disembowel the global recovery in the process. Unless members of the US Houses of Congress agree on a new budget settlement in the coming weeks, spending cuts and tax rises worth around $600bn – or 4 per cent of America’s GDP – will be automatically enacted in January.

Researchers at the World Bank estimate that such a massive fiscal consolidation would reduce US GDP by 2.2 per cent in 2013, erasing all the growth that the country would otherwise have registered next year and, in all likelihood, plunging America back into recession. And such is the size of the US, which sucks in huge quantities of goods from the rest of the world, that an American recession would eviscerate global growth, too. If the US goes over what has been termed a “fiscal cliff”, we go over too.
Sadly Montana has voted to ban medical marijuana and to limit Obamacare in the state
The honeymoon will not last long. Unless members of Congress agree to a budget deal in the next few weeks, then spending cuts of $600 billion dollars will automatically kick in and the US goes over a "fiscal cliff"


And the Republicans have absolutely no reason to try to work with the Dems in Congress to try to pass a budget, and will probably continue to purposefully block any and every proposal as they did previously, purely with a view to 2016.
And the Republicans have absolutely no reason to try to work with the Dems in Congress to try to pass a budget, and will probably continue to purposefully block any and every proposal as they did previously, purely with a view to 2016.

Obama's on the last shift he's ever working, expect less uncle fluffy.
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