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US drops 'mother of all bombs' (not nuclear) on Afghanistan

Another US war, another MOAB...

The mother of all bombs to be dropped on Iran
Published at: 15:31, May 3, 2013

The mother of all bombs to be dropped on Iran | The Real Agenda News | The Real Agenda News

The United States has moved its newest -- and biggest -- conventional bomb to the Persian Gulf region, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.

The officials said a single, 21,000-pound MOAB bomb has been moved to an undisclosed forward base.

"I can confirm the MOAB is now in [the] theater," a Pentagon official told CNN. "But I can't comment on whether there are any plans to use it."

The bomb, nicknamed the "mother of all bombs," is officially known as the Massive Ordnance Air Blast.

CNN.com - MOAB bomb moved to Iraq war region - Apr. 10, 2003
$ 16,000,000 it cost to drop this bomb, apparently. sixteen million.
(edited: 314 million is the cost of the whole 20 of them that they had in the cupboard)
It's just a bomb of a certain size. I bet if they used the smallest bomb ever people wouldn't get so excited


It's dick waving. Probably good when talking to some countries to chuck of few bombs about before. Power earns an ear sadly. Status is everything.
Things are actually pretty fucked up in Afghanistan despite it being a very long US deployment and an Obama policy priority when he got elected. The BLU-82 was used during the battle of Tora Bora in 01. Let's say I would not interpret this as a good sign.
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