Why should he at Hampshire Local govt branch Roger Bannister got the nomination with more votes than the other 3 combined.
So what? In my branche husting Holmes got far more than the other three put together. What one branch does is hardly that relevant.
He will get more than twice Holmes vote, just as he got more than twice the UUL candidate's vote last time out. On that occasion he was further behind the UUL candidate in terms of branch nominations.
So says the person who isn't in UNISON and obviously has a crystal ball. And you are wrong about him being further behind last time, last time Rogers got about 49 branches and Bannister 29, about 20 behind, which is less than 24, not that it matters.
But Bannister is a three times loser who obviously was going to stand no matter what. To be honest I'd support either candidate standing down, even though I prefer Holmes, but the SP have been all over the shop. First of all it was the red line of the Labour Party, then when that looked ridiculous it was Bannister was the best candidate no matter what, with the kind of crystal ball gazing you have just indulged in. At least Holmes said from day one that he would step down if he didn't get the most branch nominations or was happy to have a vote at an open meeting. And without a rank and file organisation to speak of, what other means was available?
One of the reasons I'd back Holmes is because of the strength of his branch, over 8000 members and around 80% density. Bannister's branch has about 1400 members I believe, and don't think the density would be anything like Kirklees. It is inspiring that Holmes has led a branch like that and an example to the whole union. Jon Rogers on the other hand had about 25% density in his branch, so they are not a like for like by any means.
It's not even a functioning organisation.
UUL is a waste of space, but what have the Socialist Party done? They aren't even attempting to build an organised rank and file at all and their only answer is "join the Socialist Party". I'd have more time for the SP if they actually put their money where their mouth is and tried to set up an organised rank and file.
As sihhi has said building networks and strong branches has to be key and the Kirklees branch couldn't be much more of a better example.
The sad state of the rank and file in UNISON is shown by the response to the London region taking over Greenwich, Bromley and Hackney and kicking out the elected officers, after doing the same at Newham. We have to be honest and say that the response has been pretty muted, which must be in part a reflection of a lack of a militant and pro-active rank and file in those branches. This isn't an insult on those branches (Greenwich was better than most with density, although still less than 50% I believe), but sihhi is right that most UNISON branches barely function in terms of the involvement of membership. Even more reason I would think to have building a rank and file organisation one of the top priorities.