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Ukrainian war - have you been affected?


No amount of cajolery...
I haven't really tbh apart from being quite sad that I won't be able to see friends in Moldova or Russia for the foreseeable future, and pretty concerned about some people I know who are out there. But I know other people here have family connections etc
A workmate/friend is Ukranian. Her family lives in the west of Ukraine so felt fairly safe until recently obviously. It is stressful for her, on top of everything her dad has been in hospital with covid, having just come off a ventilator. While her brother is looking to leave the country, but that was before the reports of 18-60 year olds being told they can't leave, not sure what the plan is now 😕
I’m not being flippant but I think anyone in the UK will be when our energy bills go up even more. They won’t come down after the conflict- whenever that might be.

( whilst that’s good for the atmosphere in the long term it’s still going to hurt in the short.)
had some jewish ukrainian great grandparents who came over to the UK in the 30s, obviously nobody left there now. got ukrainian mates in italy with family back there, including one girl whose grandmother lives in Oleshky, which was one of the first places occupied yesterday morning as its very close to Crimea, on the river Dneiper, etc.
I've been having Skype russian lessons with someone I knew in Moscow for the last few years and I'm selfishly worried that any sanctions could affect western union bank transfers, from what I read this is unlikely tho. Russian friends I've talked to about this are just in shock and theres a lot of sympathy for Ukraine.

To be honest I'm more than a bit worried about Moldova becoming Putin's next target, I love Chisinau and know a lot of people there
Not specifically related to the OP, but this thread (and recent events) reminded me of my Dad's late neighbour, Alex.

He lived thorough The Homolodor as a kid. He said he survived by eating bark from the trees, and at one point had to swim the Dnieper in the depths of winter.

In this country, he was a very keen gardener, all fruit and veg, of which he used every possible scrap. He used to give me bottles of homemade spirits made from all sorts. One gave me such double vision, I poured the rest down the sink, and it made it gleam!

Lovely bloke, and strong as an ox; gardened right into his late 90s. I'm glad he's not around to see what's happening.
For the past few years I've been tutoring mainly Russians and Ukrainians online and have a lot of them on my Instagram. Mostly well off, educated women who appear to live fabulous lives. What I've been seeing on social media in the last few days has been horrifying. There is one particular lady who I became close to as I taught her and her husband intensively for a long time. She's something of an influencer with tens of thousands of followers and travels around the world. Always looks perfect. Today she's posting from the bathroom, eating meals on the toilet, ,with air raid sirens going off.

Other similar awful stories from other students. They have all packed bags ready to go, and some have had their children pack a special toy to take with them.
I haven't been personally affected by the war, I don't know anyone affected but I feel for those that are. The thing that bothers me most is the risk that Russia and America come to direct conflict, as the chance of someone starting to throw nukes about would greatly increase.
Many friends of mine have family in Ukraine. Another, Russian, friend wants her parents to get out of Kaliningrad and come here to the UK but it seems they'd be unable to leave even if they wanted to.

Mrs Frank only communicates with her dad in St Petersburg via facebook so if that gets cut off. She also has a great aunt who was in Donetsk last we heard.
They have all packed bags ready to go, and some have had their children pack a special toy to take with them.
I don't have anyone there but it's these details that bring it home. I saw a young kid on TV today and he looked like my son with his Minecraft t-shirt and it just made me so angry that they have to endure this nightmare because of Putin. It reminded me of the Balkans in the 90s - at work we collected children's toys to be sent to kids whos families had fled their homes. It's just awful.
One of my cousins has a son in Kyiv - he’s been there for several years now and loves the place. To the point that he marred a local girl & appeared to be setting down permanent roots.

She has not heard from him since the middle of the week when he told her he was staying there with his wife and her family.

Naturally she is beside herself with worry.
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I am no pacifist. As a younger man I went to war and, frankly, enjoyed it.

However I find the current conflict quite upsetting and can't watch or engage with it. Maybe it's because I am now old or because I have a kid. Dunno, but it feels bleak.
Not yet , but could be work-wise , depending on the refugee situation. We had a Ukranian guy who put our kitchen in a few years ago, lovely man, did an excellent job , he came to see us after his lads finished with a bottle of prosecco to toast the kitchen . Mrs21 looked him up on Facebook & it's clear, even though his posts are in Ukrainian that he is in some anguish 😧
I've not been affected in the ways the op is talking about.

But for whatever reason this has got under my skin a lot more than any other recent shitshow.

I'm normally pretty jaded about how fucked up the word is, but this is really getting to be, been struggling to sleep since it kicked off.

This will probably make be sound like a idiot (like most of my posts then) but I think I'm shocked by how much of an actual war this is. When the tension was building I thought it would lead to bit of a border skirmish and Russia grabbing more of Ukraine. I don't think it had really entered my head it could turn into this. I think I found it hard to believe they would invade on this scale and if they did I think I thought Ukraine would just surrender (not that I am suggesting they should). But no there is a full scale war going on, in Ukraine and it makes me sick.

One of those moments where I wish I was 20 or 30 years older so I would be closer to the grave and would not have to keep seeing this fucking shit happen. Because I am so fucking tired of this shit.
A former Urban poster has just traveled there to be with family I think. That’s kind of made it more real

This latest nuclear sabre-rattling has scared the shit out of me too. Seeing the way Putin’s ministers cower at his haranguing speeches reminds me of how Stalin’s and Hitler’s underlings behaved. Very alarming.
Very trivial but just showing how close it is in some way. A jam with friends at the weekend got cut short as one guy, Hungarian, had to go home to help advise the relatives of his Ukrainian friends. They're in America but their relatives back home, who do not speak Hungarian, are understandably trying to get out into Hungary.
Being a terrible worrywart at the best of time, this invasion has really got me into what could be turning out to be a dark place.

For the civilians I expect life to become especially dreadful.
I'm pretty sure I've met a number of Ukrainian Esperantists at various International meetings [UEAs in Rotterdam and Poland] and I know my late father corresponded with several esperantists from, I think, Kyiv.

On another tack, I've been trying to get some slow grown Larch for a work project - English Larch grows too quickly to be durable enough for the use I intend - so, several weeks ago, my supplier ordered some Siberian Larch as some of it had to be 17ft in length ... Now worrying whether that timber is already in the country ...
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