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Ukrainian refugees, visas, etc

Just read (BBC) that 27,308 Ukrainian refugees had gone to Belarus as of 12th of May. People there have been detained for even small objections to the war, including shouting "Slava Ukraini" and writing "No War."

Can't imagine how it must be for people who've fled the war and have to be very careful even speaking about it.
Just received this message. I'm just putting it out there in case anyone can help. Please DM me for more details.

'Hi. A friend of mine is in a bad situation right now. She and her mother, as Ukrainian refugees, moved to England, but the host who agreed to accept them refused at the last minute. I need to help them with a new host to live in. They are very decent: my friend is 40 years old and her mom is 60+. Is there any way you could help with this issue, as I don't have too many friends in England.'
Just received this message. I'm just putting it out there in case anyone can help. Please DM me for more details.

'Hi. A friend of mine is in a bad situation right now. She and her mother, as Ukrainian refugees, moved to England, but the host who agreed to accept them refused at the last minute. I need to help them with a new host to live in. They are very decent: my friend is 40 years old and her mom is 60+. Is there any way you could help with this issue, as I don't have too many friends in England.'

Seen a few of these, with the 'hosts' acting like all sorts of arseholes.
If anyone fancies watching a long video discussion on the subject:

The participants include a Ukrainian anti-authoritarian volunteer speaking on support for refugees, a Roma activist addressing how the crisis affects Ukrainian Roma communities; and an organizer from the Polish group No Borders discussing racism towards refugees at the border of Poland and Belarus.

To learn more about the panelists’ organizations and how to support them:


Ukrainians at risk from anti-refugee tensions in host countries, report warns​

Tom Ambrose
Ukrainian refugees are likely to become victims of rising tensions and disinformation campaigns in their host countries, a report has warned.

False reports exaggerating how much aid refugees receive compared with local people, as well as linking refugees with violent crime and political extremism, could cause a breakdown in relations with local communities, the charity World Vision said.

In its report, Warm Welcomes, Lurking Tensions, the humanitarian organisation said anti-refugee messaging was already spreading on social media and “niche media outlets” in neighbouring countries.

“Messaging that could stoke anti-refugee tensions is already being spread in Romania, Moldova, Poland and across central and eastern Europe,” the report said. “Whilst not a major issue yet, tensions are beginning to develop in some host countries.

“Children may face risks such as verbal and physical abuse between refugee and host communities, human trafficking and more as early as February 2023.

“The international community needs to act now in order to prevent the situation deteriorating to dangerous levels like in Lebanon and Bangladesh.”

The report’s lead author, Charles Lawley, an advocacy, policy and external engagement senior adviser at World Vision, said disinformation campaigns would change attitudes if misreporting was allowed to continue unchallenged.
More shit from our 'government' The sheer inhumanity is unbelievable.
A “shocking” 50,000 Ukrainian refugees in the UK could be made homeless next year, the government has been warned, but ministers are refusing to offer a fresh package of support to offset the impending crisis.

As the cost of living crisis bites and with no end in sight to the war with Russia, fears are mounting that the government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme will unravel next month when refugees’ initial six-month placements with hosts end without alternative accommodation in place.

Truss et al seem appealing more and more to the farther Right. But they are losing more and more voters. The polls are showing less and less well for the Tories, so I don't get the political strategy behind this.
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