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The ambiguity of the Ukrainian situation

If, to resist the invasion I need to call myself a Nazi, I will. I say this as someone whose family was Jewish refugees from Germany, and who has a lot of reasons to hate Nazis.
You know what's ambiguous about the Ukraine situation? What's going on with a friend of a friend in Kiev.

First few days after the invasion he was texting her loads, acting all cool about it. Then 12 days ago she got a text saying he'd been caught in a blast, was at the hospital and his vision was blurry. Since then, nothing.

Is he alive? Is he dead? Is he still in hospital? Has he fled the city? Has he been conscripted to fight? Has his phone just run out of battery? Or has he lost his phone and it's contact list?

I don't even know the bloke and I'm alarmed for him. My friend is (was?) quite into him. She's decided to assume he's dead so all those questions don't keep her awake at night and it'll be a happy surprise if she hears from him again.
You know what's ambiguous about the Ukraine situation? What's going on with a friend of a friend in Kiev.

First few days after the invasion he was texting her loads, acting all cool about it. Then 12 days ago she got a text saying he'd been caught in a blast, was at the hospital and his vision was blurry. Since then, nothing.

Is he alive? Is he dead? Is he still in hospital? Has he fled the city? Has he been conscripted to fight? Has his phone just run out of battery? Or has he lost his phone and it's contact list?

I don't even know the bloke and I'm alarmed for him. My friend is (was?) quite into him. She's decided to assume he's dead so all those questions don't keep her awake at night and it'll be a happy surprise if she hears from him again.
I don't know these people, of course, but reading this moves me.
Russian cocksucker
Much as I appreciate the cunt being roundly slagged off on here, the type of name calling such as the above is fucking abysmal.

The problem is not "the Russians" or Russian people in general. The problem is the Russian ruling class, the Putin authoritarian nationalist regime and those who (like ImmanuelKant ) support and seek to justify the atrocities in Ukraine by that regime.
There's nothing ambiguous about invading a country, it is the act of fascists not diplomats. It is not a peacekeeping force.
Whatever the ins and outs of all this, that simply isn't true, is it? Most invaders of other countries are not fascists. Neither before nor after.

It's a curious idea that's being pushed at the moment, that wars of agression are unprecedented and will one day end.
Much as I appreciate the cunt being roundly slagged off on here, the type of name calling such as the above is fucking abysmal.

The problem is not "the Russians" or Russian people in general. The problem is the Russian ruling class, the Putin authoritarian nationalist regime and those who (like ImmanuelKant ) support and seek to justify the atrocities in Ukraine by that regime.
Meh. Some twat - and it's probably Ninjaboy anyway - comes on here spouting pro-Russian propaganda. What on earth is wrong with roundly insulting the twat at every turn?

I mean, if I was going to his house at 4am, beating the door down, and dragging him off to a gulag, you might have a point. As it is...
Whatever the ins and outs of all this, that simply isn't true, is it? Most invaders of other countries are not fascists. Neither before nor after.

It's a curious idea that's being pushed at the moment, that wars of agression are unprecedented and will one day end.
Though IIRC both times China invaded Vietnam last century they called it a counterattack just to avoid any "ambiguity".
Whatever the ins and outs of all this, that simply isn't true, is it? Most invaders of other countries are not fascists. Neither before nor after.

It's a curious idea that's being pushed at the moment, that wars of agression are unprecedented and will one day end.
Quote right. The motel crew of cunts currently relandscaping Ukraine is more like the arsehole assembled to deal with the Sheriff in Blazing saddles
Hello everyone, I want to talk about a lot of facts that for a long time did not reach both me and many of my friends. I used to believe the point of view that there are no Nazis in Ukraine and that it is a completely innocent state. However, in recent weeks I have been trying to analyze information and receive it from various sources, and everything turned out to be not as simple as I imagined before.
In fact, there are a large number of Nazi radical detachments in Ukraine, all of them are part of the armed forces of Ukraine, and, accordingly, are maintained by the state. However, not only Ukraine sponsors them, the United States is also doing this, I am referring to a recent speech by journalist Lara Logan on Real America's Voice, in which you can read about her investigation.
On the other hand, the civilian population has now fallen into the trap of the nationalist militant groups, they are holding a large number of the population as a human shield, and are not letting them out to the humanitarian corridors for evacuation. The most striking example of this is the city of Mariupol, there is now a humanitarian catastrophe, because the inhabitants are hostages of Ukrainian nationalists.
All these are reported by those few people who managed to leave the city. I hope that this situation will be resolved soon, therefore I am reporting this information, in the hope that it will help in some way. Do not be silent, and try to objectively analyze information from all sources!
Привет, Владимир
Adam Hadley, the executive director of Tech Against Terrorism, a London-based initiative supported by the UN counter-terrorism executive directorate, said their analysis indicated that Russian-backed forces in Ukraine, including the Wagner Group, are “almost certainly connected with extreme far-right organisations”.

Hadley added: “Given Putin’s absurd demands for the ‘denazification’ of Ukraine, we suggest he should first root out neo-Nazis in his own ranks before pointing the finger at others.”


The only ones doing traditional nazi stuff.
Invading countries,shelling civilians,looting and murder is this the Russians.
Except it isn't 'traditionally Nazi,' but the act of many different invading armies throughout the ages, at the behest of states of various ideological hues.
Though IIRC both times China invaded Vietnam last century they called it a counterattack just to avoid any "ambiguity".
i remember that vaguely -
tough time for my parents, active maoists & veterans from the anti-vietnam war movement.
big country attacking smaller neighbour & finding it harder than expected - could have been something for my 'lessons from other wars' thread, had it taken off.
I presume it’s take your child to work day at the Kaliningrad troll factory. Poor old ImmanuelKant ‘s dad probably promised them 500 rubles for helping with the shit spamming. Sadly they didn’t know that by Wednesday that won’t even by a single ‘half rubble’ chew down the sweet shop.
What trolls are you talking about? You may not believe me, but you can easily find all the information on the Internet, and not obediently believe everything that they tell you on TV, although this requires a little effort ...
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