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you think thats bad, you know that revolution Euromaidan headquarters the BBC were so concerned the Ukranian cops might storm, and how they reported breathlessly on the plucky brave defenders of democracy holding the nasty cops back . When it was actually a public building seixed by a bunch of neo nazis demanding the elected government stand down and transfer power to them . No surprise there were no fucking pictures from inside it .

check it out with the white power neo nazi flag on the wall


Democracy HQ my arse

More plucky democrats



incredible to think the E.U and some senior foreign ministers have been endorsing this crowd, especially Germany, and of course McCain.
incredible to think the E.U and some senior foreign ministers have been endorsing this crowd, especially Germany, and of course McCain.

the fact theyre there on the streets openly urging on rioters to overthrow a democratically elected sovereign government is outrageous enough . That theyre neo nazi rioters is just the icing on the cake . And its precisely this level of superpower encouragement thats spurring the nazis on .

Just seen Jay Carney there on the box demanding the Ukranian government repeal its new law on protests and blaming it for the trouble . This would be the law banning masks, erecting tents and political movements receiving funds from foreign states . All of which is illegal in the united states.
Article in the latest Private Eye regarding Yanukovuch and the corrupt family kleptocracy he runs, the article also suggests he's already agreed to join Russia's new alliance but is waiting for the right time to announce it. Getting Gazprom to reduce their charges by two thirds is great negotiation but you don't get something for nothing. There are also reports Russian police arriving to oversee the ministries and administrations and things remain grim for journo's who try to investigate what is going on with random beatings common.

All this seems a bit familiar with the latest Amnesty report of Russia making grim reading and further underlining that disagreement with Putin is not conducive to a long and happy life.

On this thread CR has been absolutely right to continually highlight the lead role the hard far right is playing in the 'opposition' movement and how the EU and the US are happy to support them and he may well be right that it would be better for the Ukrainians to align with Russia but fuck me what a shit choice they have on offer.
Eu/US neo liberal policys that will wreck ukraines economy and the EU has said any chance of joining the eu is years away because even doing a greece and out right lieing on the budget numbers wont work.
Or the nice uncle vlad offering sweeties :eek:

Nazis bad but a wannabe imperial mafia state isnt really a whole lot better :hmm:
Yeah and one of those hard places has a shit load of tanks and run by an ex spook who cultivates a "hard man" image.
"Encouraging" the "brave rebels" cant possibly end badly can it?
For even more lols most of western europe buys vlads gas:rolleyes:
Didn't they shoot dead some protesters the other day? He got off lightly by the sound of it.

heres an article on some of the gear the nazis are using against the police . Its no surprise at all people have ended up dead .


these are pneumatic low lethality firearms, but they can maim . The rubber coated steel bullets used in some of them have killed in the past .



Eu/US neo liberal policys that will wreck ukraines economy and the EU has said any chance of joining the eu is years away because even doing a greece and out right lieing on the budget numbers wont work.
Or the nice uncle vlad offering sweeties :eek:

Nazis bad but a wannabe imperial mafia state isnt really a whole lot better :hmm:

Uncle vlad is basically propping the place up at the moment, having bought up billions of their national debt ,loaned them billions more, supplying them with gas at knock down prices and giving their ailing industries favoured tax status on their exports to Russia .The place was on the verge of collapse. The EU know all this, have absolutely no intention of matching it and are insisting upon neo liberal conditions being met that they know Ukraine cant hope to meet . The EU dont give a fuck, its all empire to them . If Ukraine turn their back on Russia they are completely screwed, itll become a failed state almost overnight and the nazis will have a golden opportunity to seize power . And whatevers left the EU will snap up at bargain basement prices . Like it or not Russia is the better choice by far given the scenario on offer .

The accusation of wannabe imperial mafia state can be applied to the EU as well , the UK itselfs institutions has been deeply infiltrated at the highest level by organised crime for years. Its banks have knowingly been laundering billions for narco traffickers for years , fixing Libor rates...all sorts . back in the 40s some newspapers had the odious distinction of proclaiming hurrah for the blackshirts . But thats nothing compared to the financial , diplomatic, political, propaganda and moral support the entire EU media and western political leaders are giving to people they know full well are hardline neo nazis today . To actively assist neo nazis overthrowing a sovereign state and plunging it into a failed state nightmare they can fully anticipate .

The EU, including the Uk government, have decided to use nazis and fascists as their attack dogs against a geo political opponent . We know with hindsight how well that tactic worked before in the 1930s .
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Viktor Yanukovich promises to reshuffle government and bring opposition leaders into anti-crisis team after days of deadly riots


Looks like Yanukovich has seen some sense at last. Should satisfy the majority of peaceful protesters from the beginning. Probably won't have much affect on the increasing numbers of far right loons coming onto the scene. Pravy Sector don't want to be in the EU at all, demanding a national revolution instead.

Looks like Yanukovich has seen some sense at last. Should satisfy the majority of peaceful protesters from the beginning. Probably won't have much affect on the increasing numbers of far right loons coming onto the scene. Pravy Sector don't want to be in the EU at all, demanding a national revolution instead.
Why should that "satisfy the majority of peaceful protesters from the beginning"? What of their demands does it meet? What are their demands?

Very divided country. The south and east are still very much like they were in Soviet times, run by old party members and leaning heavily towards Russia, but the north and east are looking enviously at their neighbours Poland and Slovakia and seeing how democracy has changed and improved the lives of many people there.
The voice of the anti-EU Ukraine.

Communist Party MP Antonina Khromova made statements at the Donetsk regional council, approving the use of force to remove protesters in Kiev. She continued to say that Ukraine does not need European values, namely, "same-sex marriage" and "African pan handlers".
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