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Interesting article - journo certainly showed some guts wading into that swamp:
[Feature] Light in the Donbass Window | Harper's Magazine
Eleonora Forenza, the European Parliament deputy from Italy, gave a speech castigating the European Union for supporting the “Kiev Junta” and lauded the republics while wearing a T-shirt that read not in my name. “Complicity with the Kiev regime is complicity with fascism. My first task when I come back to the European Parliament will be to ask about recognition for your republics.”
This is the MEP who was attacked by Casapound in Bari. Ukraine presented a dilemma for Italian fascists. Despite connections to Svoboda and explicit support for Ukrainian nazis from ideologue Gabriele Adinolfi, Simone Di Stefano has swerved questions about CP's position in an exceptionally weasely manner. He's totally with daddy Putin though, as are Forza Nuova.

The aforementioned Victor Lenta of the fascist anti-fascist resistance to fascism (tm seventh bullet) was hanging about with antisemite Herve Ryssen at the gilets jaunes thing last week.

victor lenta herve ryssen.jpg
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DaveCinzano said:
Surprised himself ( ;) )hasn't already mentioned this - Graham Phillips (he of Ukraine blogging fame) expelled from Latvia for filming Nazi veterans' march:

Pro-Kremlin journalist Graham Phillips detained by Latvian police in Riga

Грэм Филлипс включен в "черный список" и выдворен из Латвии

Him of the walking obliviously though a perimetere trip wire setting off signal flares then insisting the flares were ukranian troops shooting at him fame. UKIP member Phillips?
The defence at the mh17 trial have today used footage of the eagle eyed Phillips claiming he personally saw Ukrainian planes shoot down mh17.
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