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U75 northern meet. June 23rd. Do you wanna camp?

Who wants to camp on the weekend of June 23rd in Hebden Bridge?

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Have you booked yet kalidarkone?
I'm not planning on camping as I can drive home at the end of the night.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone though. I may come to the camp for breakfast on Sunday morning if the cooks are in any state to do any cooking.
I may have got the wrong impression, but I imagine a pub crawl would be curtailed by the lure of campsite funtimes if only to give any designated driver the chance to catch up and continue the festivities.

I had the same impression as 5t3IIa. I wouldn’t worry about the pub crawl being curtailed - Hebden is tiny so any designated driver could leave the car at the campsite for the evening and get a taxi back for less than the price of a pint.

And at least three of us will be using public transport to get home so you won’t be alone on that score.

I'm booking a pitch for myself and will do that this week.
Originally I was going to book for everyone, however from past experience of people's plans changing I'm only prepared to take responsibility for myself and don't want to get into booking for other people who then don't turn up.

Might be helpful if people say here when they have booked?

I'm booking a pitch for myself and will do that this week.
Originally I was going to book for everyone, however from past experience of people's plans changing I'm only prepared to take responsibility for myself and don't want to get into booking for other people who then don't turn up.

Might be helpful if people say here when they have booked?
Very sensible.

Which night(s) are you booking for? Because I like the sound of the camping part, but I suspect pubcrawl day will involve drunky taxi back to sleep, there won't be any time for chasing the goat. So I'm thinking about at least one extra day.
I'm thinking 22nd, 23Rd, 24th. But I'm not expecting anyone to be around on the Friday, I just like to take my time! It will be great to see you Stig - it's been at least a decade!:eek:
I’m booking the Saturday night only as I’m busy the Friday night down this end.

eta you might have a bit of a shock when you meet Dovy. She's great tho, impressive wheels too iirc :)

:hmm: :D :oops:
I’m afraid I won’t be in anything impressive this time just a bog standard twingo but I will have a space from Oxfordshire area if anyone wants it
I have been calling the New Delight Inn for a couple of days now, but no answer and no answer machine:confused:. Anyone else called?
Old Chamber camping replied to say their camping is OK for a campervan, but not for motorhomes or caravans as single track to the campsite. 50 % deposit required in advance to secure booking.

When Aarons farm get back to Dovydaitis we will need to make a decision quickly. I don't care were I go as long as it's not very far from Hebden and with all you lot camping!
I've looked up that weekend and the Arts Festival starts on the 22nd. It's the biggest event on the Hebden calendar. The town will be heaving :(
The Aarons camp site is up Cragg Vale so about 5 miles out of town. I've never stayed there so don't know what it's like.
Is the New Delight site full?
Is it worth choosing a new locus?

If Hebden is going to be rammed then this could all be a bit of a nightmare - and anyone needing a B&B or whatever is going to end up paying through the nose...
Is it worth choosing a new locus?

If Hebden is going to be rammed then this could all be a bit of a nightmare - and anyone needing a B&B or whatever is going to end up paying through the nose...

Manchester then. You could set your tents up in Piccadilly Gardens. :thumbs:
Can't you you camp in a random field instead? Shirl - you must know secluded spots where illicit campers won't get shot by an angry farmer.
I don't unfortunately. The farmers around here are mostly sheep and cattle farmers and they are very protective of their land. I've never seen any wild camping in these parts.
Manchester is definitely easier. Hebden does get full of tourists from around the end of May until mid September.
Or the date. I'm unlikely to come to any event where I'm unable to camp, due to my budget. Also I was very much looking forward to Hebden Bridge .

However there is the old Chamber camping and before we abort this U75 mission could people wanting b&b check the situation out in terms of availability and cost?:)
i know a great campsite next to hutton roof crags near kirkby lonsdale. Very basic (outhouse with toilet and sink) and there's no shop or pub nearby. But we'd probably have it to ourselves and you can have a fire. The crags are great to walk around on - a bit of a hidden treasure.


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