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U75 northern meet. June 23rd. Do you wanna camp?

Who wants to camp on the weekend of June 23rd in Hebden Bridge?

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Suits me - in fact it's my idea of heaven - but I wonder if the likes of farmerbarleymow could be enticed in to such a rural paradise, what with the need to tread on grass rather than his preferred tarmac, dogshit, litter and drug paraphernalia...
Suits me - in fact it's my idea of heaven - but I wonder if the likes of farmerbarleymow could be enticed in to such a rural paradise, what with the need to tread on grass rather than his preferred tarmac, dogshit, litter and drug paraphernalia...

I've heard of Kirby Lonsdale and have probably been there, but can't for the life of me think where it is in relation to civilisation. Can't be arsed to google it. :hmm:
I've heard of Kirby Lonsdale and have probably been there, but can't for the life of me think where it is in relation to civilisation. Can't be arsed to google it. :hmm:

Small, pretty town on the edge of the dales - sort of between Lancaster and Kendal but off to the east.

Not far from Ingleton and Sedburgh. Lovely, lovely place. Assuming there's nothing on you'll get a nice B&B or room in a pub.
Small, pretty town on the edge of the dales - sort of between Lancaster and Kendal but off to the east.

Not far from Ingleton and Sedburgh. Lovely, lovely place. Assuming there's nothing on you'll get a nice B&B or room in a pub.

That makes sense - been up there a number of times, including field trips at sixth form (the Twiss and Doe waterfalls - beautiful place). :)

Is there a train link to civilisation?
15 mins taxi from Oxenholme according to one of the pubs websites...

One of us will pick you up if you like - if we go there I'd look to get there mid afternoon on the Friday.

The Sun Inn looks rather nice if you fancy treating yourself...
nearest train to kirkby lonsdale is clapham - about 7 miles away. im sure a car pick up can be arranged. If we're doing hutton roof crags then im probably bringing the sprogs and the the other half cos they love it there.
I can get there by public transport:
  • Train to Lancaster (1 hour 7 minutes);
  • 45 minutes getting lost walk to Lancaster bus station;
  • 55 minute bus journey to Kirkby Lonsdale.
Don't know how much the bus would cost (under a tenner I'd guess) but the train fare is £18.30 return. Cheaper than going via Oxenholme, Settle or Wennington and seems to have the best bus link.
This seems to have turned into a northern camping meet- where as originally it was a meet in Hebden Bridge and some of us were up for camping, others either living nearby or planning to stay in a guest house.
I'm aware that the new plan being hatched is excluding people that don't want to camp...... farmerbarleymow 5t3IIa Shirl all of whom I looked forward to meeting. I also really wanted to see Hebden Bridge.
So what shall we do? Have two meets? Not sure I can afford the the time or money for that. Postpone a Hebden Bridge meet for a time when it's not so busy? i.e after September?
What do non campers suggest?
...new plan being hatched is excluding people that don't want to camp...

It's not - Kirby Lonsdale is more of a tourist place than Hebden Bridge, there will be loads of B&B's and the like.

Moreover, the Arts festival in HB that weekend means that it's the non-campers who will struggle to find accommodation and then pay through the nose for it.

As a camper I'm very happy to do HB - its an interesting place in a beautiful part of the world, but it will be rammed, parking will be a nightmare, and anyone who doesn't want to camp will either have to commute in from other places or shell out a fortune.
It's not - Kirby Lonsdale is more of a tourist place than Hebden Bridge, there will be loads of B&B's and the like.

Moreover, the Arts festival in HB that weekend means that it's the non-campers who will struggle to find accommodation and then pay through the nose for it.

As a camper I'm very happy to do HB - its an interesting place in a beautiful part of the world, but it will be rammed, parking will be a nightmare, and anyone who doesn't want to camp will either have to commute in from other places or shell out a fortune.
:cool: OK I'm happy with that ! :D
Kaka Tim do we need to book the camp site? What's it called? Link?

"cragside" - hutton roof.

You dont have to book - but i'll see if we can get the middle field reserved anyway. Its not very well used and there's no social media page - its owned by this old women. Its proper old school.
"cragside" - hutton roof.

You dont have to book - but i'll see if we can get the middle field reserved anyway. Its not very well used and there's no social media page - its owned by this old women. Its proper old school.

Don't forget to take waterproofs - it is bound to rain.
It's not - Kirby Lonsdale is more of a tourist place than Hebden Bridge, there will be loads of B&B's and the like.
I've just looked on Trivago/booking.com etc. Anything reasonably priced are fully booked. It's popularity shows in its prices. I was going to book for HB for me and a mate from liverpool. I can't justify these prices as much as I would love to meet you all. :(
only other cheap option s to camp...
I used to years ago. Kind of like home comforts now. Nevermind, I'm sure there will be other meets. Says an hour and 50 from me, so could do two wheels if the weather is fair for the afternoon. Just no drinky poos.
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