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Northern summer drinks meet-up 23rd June 2018

I'm gonna drive so might be worth coordinating a pick up/ lift nearer the time. I can take 4 but 3 would-be less sweaty.
you'll laugh at me :rolleyes: but I've just had a thought process of

'oh my mate lives in Hexham, I'm going to the North, maybe I'll stop in with her for a cuppa'
*googles Hexham to Manchester map*
'holy fuck it's three hours drive!!! Manchester is hardly the north at all :eek:'


Manchester and Sheffield are north .... Midlands! :D

hmmm...I'll be in the holiday inn ..

I don't think Hebden is cosmopolitan or sophisticated enough to have a Holiday Inn. They've only got electricity last year.

Is Soujourner coming? (dont know how to tag people) - don't think ive met anyone else.

sojourner (type the @ symbol followed by the username. The system will show a list of matching names after the first few letters).
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