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Annual Midlands and North Christmas drinks meet at the Castle, Manchester. 24th November

Manc is tradition for Christmas drinks. ;)

Chester is for summer picnics by the river :cool:

Liverpool should be our spring break :thumbs:
I would love to but train from London still seems to be around £80 for around 5 hours drinking time. Beyond my means, sadly.
Or if anyone gets totally stranded there might be enough crashing space at mine in centralish Manchester.

I have two spare bedrooms at the mo as I don't have any lodgers. Orang Utan might be coming over from Leeds so has one of them tentatively 'booked'. And there are sofas and an air bed in case of emergencies, so no one needs to sleep on a park bench or in a shop doorway.
Or if anyone gets totally stranded there might be enough crashing space at mine in centralish Manchester.

I have two spare bedrooms at the mo as I don't have any lodgers. Orang Utan might be coming over from Leeds so has one of them tentatively 'booked'. And there are sofas and an air bed in case of emergencies, so no one needs to sleep on a park bench or in a shop doorway.
Liked for teh tang coming :cool:
Or we doing this, then, or wot?
I was planning on doing it until I've paid attention to the rail strikes. People at work this week were saying they had to get taxis because they could only get back to Halifax from Leeds or Rochdale from Manchester last Saturday. I'm not up for a struggle so I may not be there :(
Make yer fucking minds up :mad:

If there are train probs for a few people then why don't we reschedule now for early Jan rather than it turn in to a wash out for the few that can make it in for Sat?

I've got the lad this weekend but I was thinking of bringing him with me. Do they let nippers in teh Castle?
Oh I could have made this one for once but not with the trains :mad:

Problem with rescheduling for Jan is that these train strikes have now been every Saturday since sometime in the summer. The last currently planned one is Dec 29 but that doesn't mean they won't start up again on Jan 5th. A Friday night or a Sunday afternoon might be a better idea.
So what do others who aren't affected by train strikes want to do?
Looks like quite a few of us are out now. Whatever happens to this meet-up I like lazythursday's idea of a Sunday afternoon in January.
So what do others who aren't affected by train strikes want to do?
Looks like quite a few of us are out now. Whatever happens to this meet-up I like lazythursday's idea of a Sunday afternoon in January.
Alright I've not checked trains but if you're not there I'm out girlfriend :D

Lets have a spring catch up. :thumbs:

As long as Jan 2019 isn’t the weekend of 12/1 I am possibly in. That’s another Kit Birthday.

I’d prefer Spring tbh, as I’m native to southern climes and can’t be dealing with Baltic temps on a simple day out #notacclimatised

Let’s not pretend that we’re not all ancient and that 4 months will fly by in the blink of an eye :oops:
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