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Night & Day: Manchester music venue sweating on noise court hearing outcome because of one posh resident

Clearly the developer who did the flats has been a bit of a wide boy but that doesn't distract from the tenants rights.
Shouldn't apply in this case. Can't see you getting away with that if you built a house in the middle of an industrial estate or in-between a set of sidings in a rail depot. :D

Councils have distinct development plans so you can't build residential property in an industrial / commercial area or a factory etc in the middle of a residential area. How is this area of MCR classified?
Shouldn't apply in this case. Can't see you getting away with that if you built a house in the middle of an industrial estate or in-between a set of sidings in a rail depot. :D

Councils have distinct development plans so you can't build residential property in an industrial / commercial area or a factory etc in the middle of a residential area. How is this area of MCR classified?
there's quite a lot of housing in the northern quarter
I would have thought that myself but it may not have all that obvious if he/she viewed it during the day. I presume the flat is one of those in the grey building next door
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A quick Google for the place, the first line says "hosts to local and international bands". So unless they are running a silent disco it should be blatantly obvious there would be noise. Clearly the nimby Muppet didn't do any research. :facepalm:
there's quite a lot of housing in the northern quarter
Fair enough. It might be classed as a mixed area but if you don't want to put up with noise from a pub/club or the noise from revellers then don't buy a place next to one. Hardly the clubs problem the householder is a Muppet.
A pub/club directly next door should be clearly visible unlike the factory near the first house I looked at unless the Muppet is blind. :facepalm:
Yes, but the main issue (or seems to be) that it didn't used to be normal for N&D to host DJs until 4am. I can tell you for a fact that it didn't. If someone bought the flat some years ago, they will have not bought it with that expectation.
I feel for the neighbour anyway - it's one thing to move in next to a live music venue in a vibrant city centre, it's quite another to have your windows vibrating in their frames to the sound of Don't Look Back In Anger until 4am every friday and saturday night
Yeah, happened near where I used to live in Oxford. What had been a bingo hall for decades (so all over by 9:30/10pm and not noisy) was turned into a club/venue that was open till 3am or something.

It was in the middle of a residential area and in that case, I completely got why people living next to it were pissed off as it really wasn't what they signed up for when they moved there. Didn't last for long -- think there was quite a lot of trouble associated with it -- and it's now a Pentecostal mega church or something.
Yes, but the main issue (or seems to be) that it didn't used to be normal for N&D to host DJs until 4am. I can tell you for a fact that it didn't. If someone bought the flat some years ago, they will have not bought it with that expectation.
That's fair enough if that's the case. But from the articles I've seen it's just a complaint about the noise not how long it goes in for. :hmm:
Yeah, happened near where I used to live in Oxford. What had been a bingo hall for decades (so all over by 9:30/10pm and not noisy) was turned into a club/venue that was open till 3am or something.

It was in the middle of a residential area and in that case, I completely got why people living next to it were pissed off as it really wasn't what they signed up for when they moved there. Didn't last for long -- think there was quite a lot of trouble associated with it -- and it's now a Pentecostal mega church or something.
Too right they should have complained in those circumstances. Might not have got planning permission if enough had complained during the planning process. :(
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the main complainant spoke to the MEN last year - Resident speaks out over Night and Day noise row

"The issues I face are not really the gigs - it’s with the club nights," he said.

"Different DJs running until 3am at least twice a week - but they can run until 4am.

"This can be so loud that the bass vibrates everything in the flat - even the water in the toilet is rippling!

"My new next-door neighbours complained for me to turn it down during a club night - I showed them it was travelling all the way through my flat into theirs.

"Nobody can escape the fact that this is a breach of their licensing objective 'not to cause nuisance noise to neighbours' that they as a business have signed that they will uphold."
I do think it too though tbf. The list of leaden indie bands who seem to have got their start there is not a list I'd use to demonstrate how vital a venue is to a city's music scene
Oh fuck off with your music snobbery. A healthy music scene in Manchester has got absolutely fuck all to do with your personal tastes.
Oh fuck off with your music snobbery. A healthy music scene in Manchester has got absolutely fuck all to do with your personal tastes.
Thankfully the live music aspect of the Night & Day's output doesn't seem to be under threat, so we won't be denied the next The 1975. Thank god.
Yes they can and it doesn't matter whether its rented or bought.
It does
The council has presumably been round with their little meters and took measurements, they wouldn't have gone to all this trouble if they didn't think there was a problem.
Clearly the developer who did the flats has been a bit of a wide boy but that doesn't distract from the tenants rights.

Saw a report from today that the Council deleted the file with all the meter readings in it. Manchester City Council isn't coming out of this well in either direction.
The council has presumably been round with their little meters and took measurements, they wouldn't have gone to all this trouble if they didn't think there was a problem.
No, that's not necessarily true at all. They often go around with meters in response to a complaint, but their presence absolutely does not mean there is a problem at all.
No, that's not necessarily true at all. They often go around with meters in response to a complaint, but their presence absolutely does not mean there is a problem at all.
You're saying a noise abatement notice absolutely doesn't mean there is a problem at all. You've changed your tune since the op
You're saying a noise abatement notice absolutely doesn't mean there is a problem at all. You've changed your tune since the op
Despite me having you on ignore for over a year or so, and me never replying to any of your endless petty personal digs, it seems you just can't stop yourself showboating away. I won't be giving you the reaction or response you so clearly crave but if you continue this behaviour, I'll ask the mods if mutual ignore would be a better option. If you wish to discuss this further, kindly this take it to the mods forum.

Oh and goodbye.
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