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Robin Hood's tree now a stump (iconic tree at Hadrian's Wall)

Just had a notification from another place that someone in their 60s has also been arrested in connection with the felling of this sycamore.

{As yet, no further information}
I just watched the bit in the Robin Hood film that features the tree, which is all well and good:

But this gives you an idea of how spectacular the area is and the tree (was :() within it. Despite the annoying camera work. When shit like this happens, it's one of the many things you wished you'd visited. :(
A ranger said he hopes it will grow back. I am not sure about that. They can grow a new sycamore tree in the same spot.
A ranger said he hopes it will grow back. I am not sure about that. They can grow a new sycamore tree in the same spot.
Someone has already been and randomly planted a sapling which has been removed

Suspicion now seems to be that it was a local farmer [& ex-lumberjack] who had just been evicted from his home.
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Possibly a bit of a stretch? I don't think his dispute was with the National Trust, although they own land nearby (but not the farm IIRC)
It was the Mail he originally spoke to and if you read their article it seems pretty clear it wasn't him. Obviously I can't link to it because no one wants to see Mail links here apparently so you'll have to take my word for it, or go and sneakily read it without telling anyone or whatever.
Here's another link, whether it's nicked from the Fail, I have no idea but he very clearly states it was nothing to do with him:

According to the Guardian the expert lumberjack with a grievance against the Jesuits, landlords and the rest says he didn't do it. He's also now reported as being 69. He was only 68 in the first story. All this suspicion against entirely innocent expert lumberjacks must be very ageing. :(

P.S. if anyone needs a chainsaw with a proven track record, suitable for expert lumberjacks, might be worth dropping him a line.

According to the Guardian the expert lumberjack with a grievance against the Jesuits, landlords and the rest says he didn't do it. He's also now reported as being 69. He was only 68 in the first story. All this suspicion against entirely innocent expert lumberjacks must be very ageing. :(

The current top conspiracy theory doing the rounds is that Jesuits priests cut it down and framed him so he'd get taken away from their land.
The current top conspiracy theory doing the rounds is that Jesuits priests cut it down and framed him so he'd get taken away from their land.
After i had watched The Mission (DeNero and Ray McNally) i vowed never to trust Jesuits priests or Popes.
Update of sorts from the beeb

yes, Guy, we all know that the situation is very complex ... but as yet there's no certain news from the police, plenty of rumours, of course.
“the tree, which was planted in the late 1800s”. Is that true? It was planted, not self seeded, and it’s definitely late 19th Century?

(pedantic point: I wish people would stop saying “late 1800s to mean 1899 or something”. It’s ambiguous. It could mean late in the first decade of the 19th Century, eg 1809, and therefore early 19th Century).
“the tree, which was planted in the late 1800s”. Is that true? It was planted, not self seeded, and it’s definitely late 19th Century?

(pedantic point: I wish people would stop saying “late 1800s to mean 1899 or something”. It’s ambiguous. It could mean late in the first decade of the 19th Century, eg 1809, and therefore early 19th Century).
1809 would be the late eighteen-noughties.
Interesting seeing the reasoning behind the various arrests. Leaves you wondering about notions of ownership over the tree. We assume it's "for everyone" but it clearly doesn't feel that way on some level to a lot of individuals in the community that exists around it?
1809 would be the late eighteen-noughties.
I mean, I disagree. We called the first decade of the 20th Century the nineteen hundreds.

I know people lost the plot with the millenium and started saying two thousand, but they were wrong then and they’re wrong now.
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