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Annual Midlands and North Christmas drinks meet at the Castle, Manchester. 24th November

If you made it a week later, my band is playing Manchester!
Ooh, I'll try to make this. Bit gutted I missed you in Leeds but I've since moved to Manchester so chance #2 :thumbs:
Are you coming 5t3IIa, Fez909, Spymaster Callie, sojourner ? I'm trying to remember who everyone who came last year but my memory is rubbish
I'm not sure I came last year but thanks for the tag as I completely missed this thread. Will be there :cool:
I should be able to attend. The thought of soccer fans fills me with dread, but the castle isn't a footie pub is it?

Is it? :hmm:
Why do I fill you with dread? :D
It doesn't show football, but is a popular match day drop-in for fans of all varieties. The match is 3pm so they'll be out of your hair/beard by 2.15 latest.
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