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U75 northern meet. June 23rd. Do you wanna camp?

Who wants to camp on the weekend of June 23rd in Hebden Bridge?

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and if you had his goat you might not have a garden

Oh no, it's a lovely creature - it certainly doesn't bully chickens, or eat flowers, vegetables, trees and sheds, or clothes, or pick fights with dogs, geese or indeed people.

It's a most content beast, it sticks peacefully to its allocated patch and eats only what it's given*.

*May not be true in all, or indeed any circumstances.
Right then I will be camping and I will be driving. I’m coming up from Oxfordshire so if anyone wants picking up along the way (not you and your entire family I only have a twingo) more than happy to oblige. I won’t go miles out of my way but will detour a bit
Why did the poll just close? Some of us need more time to decide, Godamnit!
Cus stupidly I thought that a month was enough time to make a decision!
Anyway 9 people want to camp so we could still go ahead and book pitches....
Can I book some time with the puppy? Donation to the server fund. :cool:

Doubtless - if he takes after his distant cousin, a GWP called Meg, who we adopted last year but who has now gone to live with a gamekeeper in Northumberland, he'll want to be out at 5am and running 20km across the hills...
Busy the night of the 23rd in Leeds, but tempted to pop over for some of the afternoon/evening, or maybe the next morning.
Just realised editor forgot to reopen the poll! Too busy drumming I expect!
However, really going to need final figures in the next two weeks. Also who needs electric hook up and who needs a pitch.. ..
Bump bump bumpity bump.....
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