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Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

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I think that was uncalled for.

I do think it would be better if we had a culture that accepted human diversity, instead of medically altering people to fit in. I don't need to run that opinion past anyone for political approval.
You don't need to speak to the people directly affected to know what's best for them?

As I said, high-handed. And pretty ignorant as an approach.
Thank you for being patronising and the Biology 101. It doesn't alter the fact that you were wrong to say 'Every cell of their body is has XY chromosomes'
No you muppet. If you born a male you have XY chromosomes; and if female XX chromosomes. That's just the way things are.
says one whose only argument so far has been to talk about how no-one is responding to her points whilst failing to address anyone elses, or understand even why the events which began the thread might even distress people
demonstrably false. I encourage anyone to go and read what i actually said.
right - the fact that they attacked the TERFs and that they're revelling in it, and think it's totally justified... that doesn't tell you anything worrying about the political culture of that group
you say you want to see evidence then when it's provided -in terms of documenting a political event that you personally went through - you ignore it casually offhand.

dishonest debating tactics here, when the real issue is that you don't think it's significant that trans-activists have just physically assaulted some TERFs and seem to think it's totally justified
So, your point is simply that shit gets overblown on the internet? Big news.
i don't look like a man. I also happen to be a rape survivor. So? Where does that leave me?

eta - to make it not about me - where does that leave any trans woman who does not "look like a man" whatever that is - does that also exclude butch looking women? Is gender non-cormancy now a reason for people being triggered in safe places?

Given that trans women - statistically - are more likely to be raped and be subjected to sexual abuse than cis women it does seem a tad discriminatory.

I don't know, and I accept it's a really difficult area that often throws up less than ideal solutions.

But I do think on occasion cis-women should be able to define and decide who is allowed entry into certain groups or spaces and that might exclude some/all transwomen sometimes. Especially when the position that's often pushed by some transactivists is that you should be considered and treated as a women from the moment you say you identify as one.
You don't need to speak to the people directly affected to know what's best for them?

As I said, high-handed. And pretty ignorant as an approach.
Yes you've handed down your verdict. I can see that.

But the ignorance would seem to be on your side, unless you can take issue with what I actually wrote.
So, your point is simply that shit gets overblown on the internet? Big news.

my point is that there is clearly a problem in the culture of present liberation politics organising and supposed 'lefties' like you go out of your way to paper over it and dismiss it
No you muppet. If you born a male you have XY chromosomes; and if female XX chromosomes. That's just the way things are.
Aah, sorry, I thought you had recognised earlier that that was wrong. My apologies. You are wrong. There are XX males and XY females.
my point is that there is clearly a problem in the culture of present liberation politics organising and supposed 'lefties' like you go out of your way to paper over it and dismiss it
And eejits like you want to look the other way and pretend oppression isn't a thing any more.
No that's not amazing to me. Your biological sex does not determine your social gender identity.

But your chromosomes do. And your genitals too? That article flatly refutes some of the crap you were claiming.
I don't know, and I accept it's a really difficult area that often throws up less than ideal solutions.

But I do think on occasion cis-women should be able to define and decide who is allowed entry into certain groups or spaces and that might exclude some/all transwomen sometimes. Especially when the position that's often pushed by some transactivists is that you should be considered and treated as a women from the moment you say you identify as one.
specifics please - not some vague wishy washy high handed view that trans women are second class women and could be excluded at a whim if enough people at the meeting decided they want to.
And eejits like you want to look the other way and pretend oppression isn't a thing any more.

never been in the slightest bit true - i'm just not a fan of kow-towing to over-indulged middle-class teenagers with wildly unreasonable demands and an agenda to bully and victimize anyone who gets in their way...

whereas you can't tell the difference between doing whatever they say and being a socialist
i'm just not a fan of kow-towing to over-indulged middle-class teenagers with wildly unreasonable demands and an agenda to bully and victimize anyone who gets in their way...

oh that's sooo me. :rolleyes: OK. So - what's your beef with the other 99% trans people?
Yes you've handed down your verdict. I can see that.

But the ignorance would seem to be on your side, unless you can take issue with what I actually wrote.
Come off it. If you want to address an issue that is faced by a bunch of people, your first port of call is to talk to the people involved, not to assume you know what their problem is and come up with a solution for them on that basis without even asking them. You're interested in science. Does that sound scientific to you? Does it sound like an approach that is likely to produce the correct answer?
I never said your chromosomes determine your social gender identity. If they did, we wouldn't even be having this debate.

What about the social gender identity of a butch dyke trans woman who dresses like a man?
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