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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Pathetic losers were protesting in front of a column that * gasp * had LGBTQ+ flags on it for LGBTQ+ History Month at London Bridge station yesterday. And I did see someone onlime last week asking how she could complain about these 'aggressive' * clasps pearls * LGBTQ+ flags on display. Or you could just walk past and ignore them if it's not for you, love. The Telegraph also publishing articles about 'I don't need my sexuality affirmed by a railway station' :rolleyes: Maybe not everything is for you?

It's like when you see people being sarky about 'Oh God, why do they need to "queer" Shakespeare? Why do we need to question historical figures' sexuality?' and I just think - it takes nothing away from you. It's not for you. You don't have to engage with it, because it's not for you. But many people are interested and/or it does matter to them personally, so let them have it, for the love of God.
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Pathetic losers were protesting in front of a column that * gasp * had LGBTQ+ flags on it for LGBTQ+ History Month at London Bridge station yesterday. And I did see someone onlime last week asking how she could complain about these 'aggressive' * clasps pearls * LGBTQ+ flags on display. Or you could just walk past and ignore them if it's not for you, love. The Telegraph also publishing articles about 'I don't need my sexuality affirmed by a railway station' :rolleyes: Maybe not everything is for you?

It's like when you see people being sarky about 'Oh good, why do they need to "queer" Shakespeare? Why do we need to question historical figures' sexuality?' and I just think - it takes nothing away from you. It's not for you. You don't have to engage with it, because it's not for you. But many people are interested and/or it does matter to them personally, so let them have it, for the love of God.

That was Posie Parker's lot who's response to the Brianna Ghey verdict yesterday was to call her mother evil following her recent calls for mothers of trans children to be arrested for grooming.

That was Posie Parker's lot who's response to the Brianna Ghey verdict yesterday was to call her mother evil following her recent calls for mothers of trans children to be arrested for grooming.

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As well as her callousness here, it's quite telling that she reckons parenting responsibility is all down to women. It's the same as something a mens rights person would say.
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KJK is an utterly vile human being.
one has to question whether the last two words apply to KJK.

but itis absolutely on message for KJK to be gloating over the death a transgender woman and calling the mother of that woman evil etc. nevermind the misogyny I note KJK hasn't Attack Brianna's Dad for the way in which he segued from using he/him to she/her when talking aobut Brianna's transition. Personally I am a distinct none fan of the use of Dead names unless there is an exception reason to do so related to linking that person's pre transition actions to the current situation
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Another teenage trans girl stabbed in what sounds like a transphobic attack. Thankfully she survived.

A teenage transgender girl was rushed to hospital after being stabbed 14 times, a court has heard.
The victim, 18, was attending a roller-skating party with friends when she was allegedly attacked by a group and subjected to slurs, it is said.

My Twitter seems to be awash with JK Rowling versus a new Scottish Hate Crime Law. None of it is people I follow or who follow me. The gist of seem to be that if if you call a trangender person who was born as a man but now wants to be known as a woman, he or him, that should be a crime, or is under the new law? JKR has done that on Twitter and challenged the police to arrest her, and they've said 'er, no crime has been committed'.

What am I missing? Does that law making calling someone born male he or him a crime, if that person doesn't want you to?
My Twitter seems to be awash with JK Rowling versus a new Scottish Hate Crime Law. None of it is people I follow or who follow me. The gist of seem to be that if if you call a trangender person who was born as a man but now wants to be known as a woman, he or him, that should be a crime, or is under the new law? JKR has done that on Twitter and challenged the police to arrest her, and they've said 'er, no crime has been committed'.

What am I missing? Does that law making calling someone born male he or him a crime, if that person doesn't want you to?
The new Law seems to be a bit of a mess. Apparently it a criminal offence to make derogatory comments based on disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. But it's okay to misgender people.
The new Law seems to be a bit of a mess. Apparently it a criminal offence to make derogatory comments based on disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. But it's okay to misgender people.

I almost liked your post, but through it better to be clear I meant agree. From what I've read, if the law is unclear or is not being applied, in this instance, as expected
My Twitter seems to be awash with JK Rowling versus a new Scottish Hate Crime Law. None of it is people I follow or who follow me. The gist of seem to be that if if you call a trangender person who was born as a man but now wants to be known as a woman, he or him, that should be a crime, or is under the new law? JKR has done that on Twitter and challenged the police to arrest her, and they've said 'er, no crime has been committed'.

What am I missing? Does that law making calling someone born male he or him a crime, if that person doesn't want you to?
I was going to post about this a couple of days ago but I don’t use TwiX any more and the news sites weren’t posting Rowling’s actual original tweet, only reporting about it. So I didn’t know what she’d actually said.

I’m sure the SNP legislation is a mess, whatever its intention. And I’m sure the cops will find unhelpful ways to interpret it. And therefore my understanding of the new laws is limited.

So I didn’t feel able to have a fully formed opinion.

But all that said, Rowling’s stance seems as ever to be about punching down if her reaction to this legislation is “I reserve the right to be a dick about trans people”, as it seems to be.
But all that said, Rowling’s stance seems as ever to be about punching down if her reaction to this legislation is “I reserve the right to be a dick about trans people”, as it seems to be.

I'm not hugely aware of the history of it all and why she's become a loud voice on it, but from what I saw she listed a number of people who were born male, including some sex offenders, who have transitioned, and said they were all men.

I can't say that I disagree with that in itself, but I would be quite happy to call anyone whatever they want, but not sure they should be allowed to insist on it, to the point of not doing so being a crime. The thing about men in women's bathroom seem to be statistically insignificant, but I'm not a woman, so I can't say what the level of threat felt is. Only really seen the sports issue on Twitter the last couple of days, again from accounts don't follow and who don't follow me(?), but that seems pretty cut and dried to me. Sports that are categorised because of natural differences in biological sexes, because certain innate charactistics give a significant advantage, surely should stay that way?

It seems to be a minefield, I questioned my language writing the above, even though I don't have a skin in the game
I'm not hugely aware of the history of it all and why she's become a loud voice on it, but from what I saw she listed a number of people who were born male, including some sex offenders, who have transitioned, and said they were all men.

I can't say that I disagree with that in itself, but I would be quite happy to call anyone whatever they want, but not sure they should be allowed to insist on it, to the point of not doing so being a crime. The thing about men in women's bathroom seem to be statistically insignificant, but I'm not a woman, so I can't say what the level of threat felt is. Only really seen the sports issue on Twitter the last couple of days, again from accounts don't follow and who don't follow me(?), but that seems pretty cut and dried to me. Sports that are categorised because of natural differences in biological sexes, because certain innate charactistics give a significant advantage, surely should stay that way?

It seems to be a minefield, I questioned my language writing the above, even though I don't have a skin in the game

Check out the Podcast, The witch trials of JK rolling. This will give you a lot of background. And from what I gleaned from it she has said nothing hateful. This whole new law thing and whether she will fall foul of it, is a media circus.
Yes the podcast with "The Witch Trials of ..." in its title is definitely an even-handed, nonpartisan and authoritative examination with no missing parts.

Anyway Teen Vogue, as ever, is more on the ball than most for breaking down the recent stuff in which the-billionaire-with-a-huge-platform-who-is-somehow-also-the-most-persecuted-person-ever has decided to oh so constructively intervene, followed by not getting arrested:
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Rowling seems to revel in the attention, which is probably why she's best ignored. Giving it all this oxygen just seems to fuel the fires of the hatred on both sides. From what I've understood of the new law it's just designed to make it an offence to use 'threatening' or 'abusive' language towards minority groups which includes transexuals. It doesn't stretch to insults or simply calling a trans a she or a he, or twitter. She's just making hay with all this without properly reading the law. She'd probably love nothing more than to be arrested.
Given Rowling recently called for two LGTBQ charities to be prosecuted, presumably for having opinions she doesn't like, I'm not persuaded by her commitment to free speech. She's a fucking hypocrite, just like every other free speech warrior who wants to be able to say exactly what they want in any circumstance but is quite happy to use the law (or legal threats as Rowling frequently does) to silence anyone who criticises them or holds views they don't like.


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One of the most unhinged plays I've seen the "gender critical" movement make was its insistence that Nancy Kelly, the married cis lesbian head of Stonewall, was on a crusade to destroy lesbianism because she and her organisation didn't throw trans people under the bus. All the critics I saw (including, it seems JKR) being straight, of course.
I'm not hugely aware of the history of it all and why she's become a loud voice on it

There's a detailed timeline of her descent here:

Also worth a read:

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There's a detailed timeline of her descent here:

Also worth a read:

Not sure what to take from those. Awfully written and clearly biased (doesn't meant they are wrong, but no balance offered) but the podcast reference above for the "other side" may be similarly skewed, I can't access it on any platform for some reason.

I guess my next question is why is this stuff so dominant in my Twitter, when I have not connection with anyone posting?
It's a political set-to, you won't find an unbiased view. You see it on Twitter because you clicked once and the algorithm has learned to bump "engaging" content (ie. stuff which will efficiently drag you into a rabbit hole of likes, dislikes and arguments) at the least excuse, to turn casual into obsessive. You can try blocking absolutely everything related that it serves you, but it may not completely go away even so.
I just can't see how this is even a debate any more. If a celebrity were to post 11 tweets slagging off a series of Jewish people, or black people, or gay people - mixing up TV presenters and sportspeople with rapists - pretty much the entire world would accept that they are racist / homophobic. Somehow because its trans people it's totally legitimate free speech and you'll be celebrated for it. This is well beyond what policies we should have in place for toilets or sport or jails - it's just plain nastiness and she should just be beyond the pale as a public figure by now.
I just can't see how this is even a debate any more. If a celebrity were to post 11 tweets slagging off a series of Jewish people, or black people, or gay people - mixing up TV presenters and sportspeople with rapists - pretty much the entire world would accept that they are racist / homophobic. Somehow because its trans people it's totally legitimate free speech and you'll be celebrated for it. This is well beyond what policies we should have in place for toilets or sport or jails - it's just plain nastiness and she should just be beyond the pale as a public figure by now.

I think from my 2 days into this, because you are born black, Jewish or Gay, but not Trans. But I know I think about it, you are not born Jewish, or any other religion, you are taught that what's you are.
Bit of a basic one this, but if you are of the opinion that a sexual preference can be baked in from birth why would you dismiss the idea that the same might be true of people being trans? (NB// It's actually a lot more complex, but just as a starter logic)
Discussion on M*msn*t currently with people gloating that the GIDS waiting list has dropped massively: 'Ah the transgender trend is past', 'Oh it's uncool now, my kids all think it's cringe', 'Well now any old tom dick or harry can't just refer kids to it!'. Now I think there may be a degree of some kids seeing their struggles through a lens of gender when they weren't actually gender related, and that becoming less of a thing, but that does not make this some kind of 'defeat' for trans rights, which posters are acting as if it is. Trans people don't want to 'trans' cis kids, they just want trans kids to get treatment.

My view is this goes to show what a nonsense the moral panic about it is - if there are or were kids identifying as trans because it's 'cool', they're not going to go through irreversible medical interventions even if they could get to that stage of treatment. If they socially transiton and then detransition, no harm done. People are crowing that they know kids whose non-medical transition/detransition have messed up they and their families' lives, but then only reasons for that to occur is if a) the parents decide to be arseholes about it, thus destroying their relationship with their child or b) if the child is/was experiencing psychological distress that would have upended everyone's lives anyway, even were it not expressed through gender identity.

NB Jimmy Don't - I would be considered Jewish even if I didn't practice, not every religion functions like Christianity. Plenty of antisemitism is directed towards high profile non-practicing Jews, for example.
Bit of a basic one this, but if you are of the opinion that a sexual preference can be baked in from birth why would you dismiss the idea that the same might be true of people being trans? (NB// It's actually a lot more complex, but just as a starter logic)
The trans rights movement is actually an alliance of two opposing positions. One argues that gender is innate, and the other argues that we can choose our gender.
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