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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Based on the census around half of that 0.5% were assigned female at birth and only 0.1% identified themselves as trans women. For various reasons I suspect it's a little higher than that but not much. In decades of trans women routinely using women's toilets and changing rooms, which they have been despite claims this is all new, there has only been one sexual assault reported committed by a trans woman in a woman's space in the UK - and that by a very damaged teenager and I doubt stricter criteria to enter the toilets would have stopped them.
This is the crux of it for me - what sexual abuser is going to discouraged by a further rule that makes abuse 'a bit more illegal'?

And it makes me sad how this whole thing plays on women's very real fear of men and you get women going 'I'm so scared to go into a toilet in public in case there's a man in there!'; yes, sometimes that's performative arseholery, but sometimes that is an abuse survivor who never thought about this previously but has been told that now there will be men dressed as women everywhere
I think the point to be remembered here is that the vast majority of abuse and violence against women is carried out by cis heterosexual men, in circumstances that don’t require them to present as anything other than cis heterosexual men. Why do they need to pretend to be trans women? And why are trans women being scapegoated for the behaviour of abusers who are cis men?
I think the point to be remembered here is that the vast majority of abuse and violence against women is carried out by cis heterosexual men, in circumstances that don’t require them to present as anything other than cis heterosexual men. Why do they need to pretend to be trans women? And why are trans women being scapegoated for the behaviour of abusers who are cis men?

Part of the problem now is that much of the gender critical movement have latched onto to the discredited autogynephilia theory, have twisted it beyond recognition to suit their needs, and come to the conclusion that all trans women are motivated by a fetish - and this is the motivation for using women's spaces, they think trans women are doing it for a sexual kick as opposed to safety and dignity and are forcing people to partake in their sexual fetish.

It's also become gender critical lore in the more extreme circles that because some research shows that people who have one fetish are slightly more likely to have another one then this means that trans women are not just all autogynephiles, but probably paedophiles as well. It's heading in a really frightening direction where someone just existing as a trans woman, or being a gender nonconforming man such as a drag queen, or even just a kinky gay man, (straight kinky men seem to be okay for some reason) is enough to accuse them of being a sex offender.
I think the point to be remembered here is that the vast majority of abuse and violence against women is carried out by cis heterosexual men, in circumstances that don’t require them to present as anything other than cis heterosexual men. Why do they need to pretend to be trans women? And why are trans women being scapegoated for the behaviour of abusers who are cis men?
This is why I don't trust men like Glinner who make a huge deal of trans crimes. Cis men are statistically more dangerous. It smacks of deflection.
This is why I don't trust men like Glinner who make a huge deal of trans crimes. Cis men are statistically more dangerous. It smacks of deflection.

His creepy obsession with young trans men, and non consensually posting their top surgery pics is revealing as well. As is his claim his marriage broke up because of trans people - I bet that's not what his ex says. And the way he speaks to cis women who disagree with him and how he repeatedly attacks people based on their appearance. He's just a misogynist prick and it's astonishing that he's at the centre of a movement that claims to be feminist.
I think the point to be remembered here is that the vast majority of abuse and violence against women is carried out by cis heterosexual men, in circumstances that don’t require them to present as anything other than cis heterosexual men. Why do they need to pretend to be trans women? And why are trans women being scapegoated for the behaviour of abusers who are cis men?
Similarly GCs going 'Trans rights will destroy women's rights because the word "woman" will become meaningless'. Yes, I know a lot of men hate women, but they act though all men will go 'LOL, I can just walk into a women's loos/changing room and no one can stop me!', and I guess in theory if people took things amazingly literally it trans rights could harm women's rights, but that's just not how things work.

And when it comes to misogynists using their power to hurt women - they don't need trans women to do that. Overturning Roe v Wade anyone? I'd say that's rather more impactful on every single cis woman's rights than a trans woman being able to join a female sports team.
In terms of the propaganda war it was never going to be a fair fight for the transgender community, and it feels like it's getting worse with certain newspapers and a so-called 'people's' television station running what seems like a non-stop stream of negative stories. Most stories and news segments rarely feature any trans voices unless they happen to be of those individuals who have made a name for themselves by putting the boot into their own community. Perhaps the worst thing is seeing certain anti-trans campaigners presented in the mainstream media as butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, Snow White-like figures despite their online behaviour being vile in the extreme.
Liberal feminists clustering around “gender critical “ feminists is becoming much more common.
Be interested to know what it's like, she came out of the Novara crowd so there's that, but it seems to have had an impact on some people who were leaning a bit GC.
I think the book is pretty good iirc. From what I can tell it does a decent job of describing the experience of being trans from a bunch of different people’s perspectives and some of the challenges faced. A much needed humanising of “the issue”.
The trans rights movement is actually an alliance of two opposing positions. One argues that gender is innate, and the other argues that we can choose our gender.
this is of course utter, utter rubbish

please provide a reference for any organisation or person other than John Money (very firmly on the transpohibc side , contrary to the assertions of transphobes , who (transphobes)by and large also actively support performing Gender reassingment surgery on infants , yet oppose it on Gillck competent teens and adults) claiming that gender identity can be chosen or enforced on someone ...
Alternatively you can go for a position where lifelong dysmorphia is real and so is choice in the expression of gender somewhere on a general spectrum.

I'd actually argue the main incompatibility seems to be within the "gender critical" position, which seeks to embrace both the idea of eliminating gender tropes (criticising people presenting as women as a regression into stereotype) and essentialism (highlighting "innate and unchangeable" features of womanhood that are then characterised as being under threat from The Trans Agenda).
people with gender Incongruence do NOT have Body Dysmorphia

to claim they do is an inherently transphobic position, becasue it disregards the clinicla literature on both Gender Incongruence and it's symptom of Gender Dysphoria and the entirewly seperate body of literature on Body Dysmorphia .

conflation of the two leads to one conclusion,. much like the conflation that took place with the Disco sexologists - of if you hide those with Gender Incongruence in a wider population of people you consider undesirable based on body image or innate sense of self you can justify genocide of trans people
I think the point to be remembered here is that the vast majority of abuse and violence against women is carried out by cis heterosexual men, in circumstances that don’t require them to present as anything other than cis heterosexual men. Why do they need to pretend to be trans women? And why are trans women being scapegoated for the behaviour of abusers who are cis men?

as is repatedly proven by any form of physical penetration testing the simplest way for a cisgender man to gain access to any location is by posing as a tradesman / repair operative or as a cop
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I'm happy to be corrected if I get something wrong, but ignorance is not the same thing as being hateful. I might point out that my record on here, for example, would suggest the former rather than the latter.
talking about Dysmorphia when talking about trans people is always an act of ignorance , and often is a an act of hatred -

show me were any organisation of good standing or evidence based guidelines talks about Gender Dysmorphia - the short answer is they done

the entire 'Gender Dysmorphia' discourse is to constructed by transphobes to prove that trans people are mentally ill and regarldess of the evidence base should be subjected to Conversion Therapy, on the basis that Body Dysmorphia which is entirely seperate is best treated by Psychologicla approaches,

i'll also remind you where absent minded middle aged moments liking transphobic content took a once beloved Author of formulaic, derivate and otherwise problematic children's books
talking about Dysmorphia when talking about trans people is always an act of ignorance , and often is a an act of hatred -

show me were any organisation of good standing or evidence based guidelines talks about Gender Dysmorphia - the short answer is they done

the entire 'Gender Dysmorphia' discourse is to constructed by transphobes to prove that trans people are mentally ill and regarldess of the evidence base should be subjected to Conversion Therapy, on the basis that Body Dysmorphia which is entirely seperate is best treated by Psychologicla approaches,
Personally I picked up use of the word from a pamphlet in Freedom years back, written by a trans person, describing their experience of feeling their body was wrong ("dis" "morph") in, presumably, the language they were used to using. As I say, I'm happy to be corrected if it's unhelpful and will keep that in mind for future. But going in aggressively from the off regardless of context is unnecessary, and a bad habit to get into tbh because more often than not people will just think "oh, another internet shouty person" and dismiss what you're saying.

i'll also remind you where absent minded middle aged moments liking transphobic content took a once beloved Author of formulaic, derivate and otherwise problematic children's books
Rowling went down that path for her own reasons, but it wasn't because of a "middle aged moment" (try not to be ageist if telling people off for language, eh) and it's silly to make this comparison. I'm no more JK Rowling than you are.
Similarly GCs going 'Trans rights will destroy women's rights because the word "woman" will become meaningless'. Yes, I know a lot of men hate women, but they act though all men will go 'LOL, I can just walk into a women's loos/changing room and no one can stop me!', and I guess in theory if people took things amazingly literally it trans rights could harm women's rights, but that's just not how things work.

And when it comes to misogynists using their power to hurt women - they don't need trans women to do that. Overturning Roe v Wade anyone? I'd say that's rather more impactful on every single cis woman's rights than a trans woman being able to join a female sports team.

It's a movement that is very, very concerned about semantics, which shouldn't be a thing that concerns anybody - words change their meanings a bit of time, it's no big deal. The changing room issue is not what motivates JK Rowling to pick fights with random people on Twitter.

I have ideas about why semantics is such a big concern for the gender criticals, but certainly one of the reasons is this fear that the "trans lobby" has the supposed power to change things that should be in their view very basic and fundamental. Powerful subversive forces lobbying behind the scenes, changing society's thinking, changing people, changing your children. There's definitely a bit of red scare/Invasion of the Body Snatchers type paranoia to it. The way some of them talk, it's like they're fighting the end of the world.
Just purely on JK Rowling this discussion between youtubers Matt Bernstein and ContraPoints is interesting if a bit JKR niche.
It's a movement that is very, very concerned about semantics, which shouldn't be a thing that concerns anybody - words change their meanings a bit of time, it's no big deal. The changing room issue is not what motivates JK Rowling to pick fights with random people on Twitter.

I have ideas about why semantics is such a big concern for the gender criticals, but certainly one of the reasons is this fear that the "trans lobby" has the supposed power to change things that should be in their view very basic and fundamental. Powerful subversive forces lobbying behind the scenes, changing society's thinking, changing people, changing your children. There's definitely a bit of red scare/Invasion of the Body Snatchers type paranoia to it. The way some of them talk, it's like they're fighting the end of the world.
One thing I think I really felt strongly after doing a philosophy degree was that semantics are really not reality, and the GCs seem to be very insistent on this. I feel humans can cope with exceptions and ambiguity - as I think I've said here before, my view is that generally, yes, a woman is an adult human female. And about 0.1% of the time she's a trans woman. Most people can deal with this and it works fine for operating in reality.
To add to other recommendations on general trans info, philosophy tube's video on her experiences accessing trans healthcare in the UK is worth a watch.

talking about Dysmorphia when talking about trans people is always an act of ignorance , and often is a an act of hatred -

show me were any organisation of good standing or evidence based guidelines talks about Gender Dysmorphia - the short answer is they done

the entire 'Gender Dysmorphia' discourse is to constructed by transphobes to prove that trans people are mentally ill and regarldess of the evidence base should be subjected to Conversion Therapy, on the basis that Body Dysmorphia which is entirely seperate is best treated by Psychologicla approaches,

i'll also remind you where absent minded middle aged moments liking transphobic content took a once beloved Author of formulaic, derivate and otherwise problematic children's books

You're way off here. Attacking someone who has been consistently supportive because they said dysmorphia when they probably meant dyphoria is not helpful.
One thing I think I really felt strongly after doing a philosophy degree was that semantics are really not reality, and the GCs seem to be very insistent on this. I feel humans can cope with exceptions and ambiguity - as I think I've said here before, my view is that generally, yes, a woman is an adult human female. And about 0.1% of the time she's a trans woman. Most people can deal with this and it works fine for operating in reality.

It does feel like some people really struggle and get angry if they can't have fixed definitions and certainties. So there are only two sexes, and anything else is an aberration. And sex cannot be changed as some kind of iron law of nature. And there are spaces for each sex which are historic and sacrosant. And gender is just about stereotypes and people are either same sex attracted or attracted to the opposite sex except bisexuals who can't really be trusted. So if a straight man looks twice at an attractive trans woman he immediately becomes gay or bisexual because that's how it works. And people who call themselves Queer are probably just straight posers and gender dyphoria is either just silly confusion or caused by a fetish because it must be because I don't understand it and experience it. And most importantly, anyone who disagrees with any of this is stupid, brainwashed, in the grip or a cult or doesn't understand basic science.

And yet the map doesn't look like the territory. Categories are fuzzy at the edges. Aspects of physical sex can be changed. Attraction is complex as is the interplay between sex and gender and how that manifests in society under patriarchy. Gender identity is real to the millions of people who experience it as discordant (and many who don't). Gender as a system of social control is still relentlessly powerful and more than about just crude stereotypes. Sex is a social, legal and political category as well as a biological one. You can of course argue against all this if you want, but these are not deluded positions which can just be handwaved away as stupidity. There's no intellectual curiosity, no space at all for nuance and a rigid determination to fit all of this onto a world that just isn't the way they want it to be. It's a world away from the bold, creative and at times revolutionary analysis of the second wave feminists they claim as their forebearers. It's just fairly unimaginative conservatism really.
To add to other recommendations on general trans info, philosophy tube's video on her experiences accessing trans healthcare in the UK is worth a watch.

Yes, it's a very powerful film and worth watching. She very clearly demonstrates this isn't a 'kink' it isn't a 'trend' - this is people's lives and sometimes they don't survive the lack of access to care.
I’m not sure that will be helpful either: many of these threads unfolding in real time were depressing for everyone. I’m not sure how good it would be for anyone’s mental health to compress them!

Probably a concise explainer webpage would be more useful. Not that I know of one off hand.
Fwiw, a few years back I did have a go at compiling a few resources that I thought might be useful for people who are new to the issue, and so might be some help for someone in Jimmy Don't 's position, most of them are a bit old now but here's a few that probably still stand up OK:
(The Rose is very long but really worth a read if you have the time, and probably still just about takes less time than a two-hour Contrapoints video)
And, fwiw, here's my union's guidance on the subject:
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