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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

One thing I think I really felt strongly after doing a philosophy degree was that semantics are really not reality, and the GCs seem to be very insistent on this. I feel humans can cope with exceptions and ambiguity - as I think I've said here before, my view is that generally, yes, a woman is an adult human female. And about 0.1% of the time she's a trans woman. Most people can deal with this and it works fine for operating in reality.

Just think what kind of a radioactive piece of shit you'd have to be to refuse to call a female adoptive parent a mother on grounds of some kind of biological fundamentalism.

The only reason you'd ever put semantics before human experience is if you didn't give a shit about certain humans; or if you actively wished them harm and saw weaponising language as a means to that end.
Biological fundamentalism?, semantics?.
GTFO... Someone who changes gender is different to someone who retains their birth Gender, trying to say otherwise is complete bollox.
Why can't we just celebrate our differences instead of shooting down anyone who actually admits that we are all different?
There are some right deluded fucking idiots in here
Biological fundamentalism?, semantics?.
GTFO... Someone who changes gender is different to someone who retains their birth Gender, trying to say otherwise is complete bollox.
Why can't we just celebrate our differences instead of shooting down anyone who actually admits that we are all different?
There are some right deluded fucking idiots in here
You'd know all about that
It's about what you do to celebrate, really, isn't it?
My point is we need a continued push for equal rights not be forced into stating biological falsehoods by bullies with an agenda masquerading as the enlightened
Biological fundamentalism?, semantics?.
GTFO... Someone who changes gender is different to someone who retains their birth Gender, trying to say otherwise is complete bollox.
Why can't we just celebrate our differences instead of shooting down anyone who actually admits that we are all different?
Perhaps we should come up with some words to describe those differences? This is just me coming up with ideas off the top of my head here, but maybe we could use the word "trans" to describe someone who changes their gender, and maybe, uhhhhh, "cis" to describe someone who retains their assigned gender, would that work?
My point is we need a continued push for equal rights not be forced into stating biological falsehoods by bullies with an agenda masquerading as the enlightened
But why? You must recognise that sex is a social category as well as a biological one. So assuming safety concerns can be addressed then why base social categories on rigid semantics rather than on what makes people happy and able to live livable lives? Categories are not ordained, surely the dictionary shouldn't come before human happiness. We can still recognise biological sex where it's important, but it often isn't, people generally treat people according to their assumed gender based on presentation, for good and bad, so why not have categories that reflect that?
It's inhumane. So if a gay man finds himself attracted to a trans man, which is a thing that can happen, he's immediately expelled from the gays? Does that mean he no longer experiences homophobia? What if him and his boyfriend get attacked in the street for holding hands? Should he abandon his identity, his sense of community and safety just because it makes a bunch of mostly straight people a bit annoyed if he doesn't abide by rigid categories? This stuff just doesn't survive contact with the actual world for two minutes.
I'm happy to be corrected if I get something wrong, but ignorance is not the same thing as being hateful. I might point out that my record on here, for example, would suggest the former rather than the latter.
hence my wording , it's about flagging a viewpoint of bias, hence the phrase ' this is a transphobic position' vs ' the person saying this is an irredeemable transphobe'

in my 'real life job' we have a checklist that we complete if we have a none standard outcome to a service user interaction ( none standard destinations, not admitting someone to a service if we normally would etc ), this is to backstop / 'safety net ' and also to make sure we've considered the Safeguarding issues - and then tells us to stop and consider biases that might impact on decision making

The use of the term 'Gender Dysmorphia' is a big red flag as it is not a term used in the learned literature at all

when people use the terms 'transsexual' or use the 'nospace' format they can point at reasonably current journal articles etc that use those terms.

it;s also insiduous becasue it gives weight to the idea that Trans people can be cured by psychotherapy - becasue psychotherapy and other psychological interventions are the evidence based care for BDD, where the evidence based care for Gender Incongruence is hormonal milieu correction and if the individual requires it ( their choice - bodily autonomy and all that ) reconstructive / corrective surgeries
I can't imagine the Cass Review is gonig to help matters. Even in the public go-rounds it's quite clear the thing has been an exercise in supporting a prior conclusion that the problem is the existence of clinical support for under-25s, rather than the systematic underfunding of said support and constant culture-warring around the subject. The Graun interview alone is a perfect example, in which it's made very clear Cass has a View on which side is kicking political footballs (despite Amelia Gentleman's best efforts to softball her). I'll be interested to see a full breakdown but there's already some corkers which have been highlighted, such as:




The Powerful Trans Lobby must be on a day off, I suppose, given whole thing has been uncritically regurgitated by every single major media outlet.
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I can't imagine the Cass Review is gonig to help matters. Even in the public go-rounds it's quite clear the thing has been an exercise in supporting a prior conclusion that the problem is the existence of clinical support for under-25s, rather than the systematic underfunding of said support and constant culture-warring around the subject. The Graun interview alone is a perfect example, in which it's made very clear Cass has a View on which side is kicking political footballs (despite Amelia Gentleman's best efforts to softball her). I'll be interested to see a full breakdown but there's already some corkers which have been highlighted, such as:

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The Powerful Trans Lobby must be on a day off, I suppose, given whole thing has been uncritically regurgitated by every single major media outlet.
FFS what ever you do dont listen to a well respected Pediatrician on the subject, its all a plot by the anti - woke brigade
FFS what ever you do dont listen to a well respected Pediatrician on the subject, its all a plot by the anti - woke brigade
Do you have any relevant rebuttals to the criticisms raised or are you just demanding I respect her authoritah? Perhaps I should be uncritcally accepting of Kwasi Kwarteng's writing about economics too, after all the man was a chancellor.

(the really sad thing about this appeal to rank as a cover for ideology is you'd see it a mile away in any other walk of life)
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Rejecting evidence due to lack of double blind studies does seem a bit sus (because, as pointed out in a tweet above, anyone who has been taking hormones will know). Good thing she wasn't asked to review amputation services.
It's also notable that she complains about being "thwarted" in her attempts to conduct a study of former patients by adult gender clinics, but it's not explained why this occured. Not hard to take a guess though - she says herself these clinics are wildly oversubscribed, then complains they're not bending over backwards, while in the centre of a media panic aiming to shut them down, to chase thousands of former patients for a research study set up shortly after said panic had begun. "Thwarted" would be a shoddy word to use for this if talking from a perspective that aims to avoid bias, but it's great if your aim is to paint an opponent as unreasonable.
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Do you have any relevant rebuttals to the criticisms raised or are you just demanding I respect her authoritah? Perhaps I should be uncritcally accepting of Kwasi Kwarteng's writing about economics too, after all the man was a chancellor.

(the really sad thing about this appeal to rank as a cover for ideology is you'd see it a mile away in any other walk of life)
Nah I'm sure you know better
It's also notable that she complains about being "thwarted" in her attempts to conduct a study of former patients by adult gender clinics, but it's not explained why this occured. Not hard to take a guess though - she says herself these clinics are wildly oversubscribed, then complains they're not bending over backwards, while in the centre of a media panic aiming to shut them down, to chase thousands of former patients for a research study set up shortly after said panic had begun. "Thwarted" would be a shoddy word to use for this if talking from a perspective that aims to avoid bias, but it's great if your aim is to paint an opponent as unreasonable.

From what I've heard it was because they're patients hadn't given consent to be used as part of a research project so they didn't hand over info on ethical grounds. Which makes sense but in a way is a shame, because if these thousands of patients are still registered with their GIC it means it's likely they haven't detransitioned. Handy for Cass though, in the near total absence of actual victims of this supposed medical scandal she can just claim they must be out there somewhere.
I can't imagine the Cass Review is gonig to help matters. Even in the public go-rounds it's quite clear the thing has been an exercise in supporting a prior conclusion that the problem is the existence of clinical support for under-25s, rather than the systematic underfunding of said support and constant culture-warring around the subject. The Graun interview alone is a perfect example, in which it's made very clear Cass has a View on which side is kicking political footballs (despite Amelia Gentleman's best efforts to softball her). I'll be interested to see a full breakdown but there's already some corkers which have been highlighted, such as:

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View attachment 419384

The Powerful Trans Lobby must be on a day off, I suppose, given whole thing has been uncritically regurgitated by every single major media outlet.
This is a useful analysis of the positionality of Cass
FFS what ever you do dont listen to a well respected Pediatrician on the subject, its all a plot by the anti - woke brigade
your appeal to rank here is very clear

a paediatrician brought in because she would do what the politicians want.

a Paediatrician who has misrepresented the evidence

a Paediatrician who has no Operational experience in the field

a paediatrician who stated that they should not Entertain applicants for the clinical expert panel who were trans even if they were appropriately clinically qualified... ( and there are actually quite a few Clinicians who are trans , and many don't work in Gender medicine but deal with the wider issues raised by this on a daily basis )
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