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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Thanks Santino, Balbi and Smokedout for the additional clarity and responses.

Shame none of this stuff will get anywhere near the mainstream discussion and will be ruthlessly expunged from anti-trans communities on social media of course, which will spend the next five years shouting about how Cass vindicates every prejudice going while continuing to claim trans people and their allies are shutting down discussion.
Sorry I'll just put one more thing in here and then I'm done.

The York review had Tilly Langton on the team. They're also known as Trilby Langton which is amusing given she's chosen her name, but social transition is bad eh 😁😁😁

Tilly Langton is part of a Gender Exploratory Therapy group, alongside some pro-conversion therapy folks. That is not a neutral position. No conflict of interest was registered on the York review at all.

Also on the advisory board was Riittakertu Kaltiala, who is cited 7 times in the Cass Review. Kaltiala heads up the gender services for young people in Finland which has recently been subject to shocking allegations of abuse of patients.

This site features the stories of several families referred to the service (google translate does a reasonable job and it's summarised in a twitter thread linked below). Some examples below of how they treat trans kids'.
Young people, according to families, have also been mentally harmed by transpol staff. The mother of Transpoika Aleksi says that the young person had been criticised for clothing to speak and he had always been expected to have been highly stereotypical manhood and masculine, which was then criticized by the staff. In addition to this, the nurse had stated to the boy in the middle of the process question:

How do you feel when you never be as good as real men?

Many other families confirm Alex's story in their own interviews. Questioning manhood or womanhood and portraying transgenderness as a "deficient version" of manhood and womanhood were repeated from one interview to another, even though the interviews were conducted separately.

Several interviewees have also told how the transpoles have asked children to tell them whether they masturbating, and also to describe how they masturbate if they do. At the time of the survey, all children who have been asked for this have been under 16 years of age, i.e. below the age of protection of the Finnish state. The practice is also long-term, as some of the interviewees have experienced this already in the mid-2010s. The diagnostic processes of minor trans people in Finland have only been possible since 2011.

Children have also been asked by the transpol staff to describe in detail what their naked bodies look like in the mirror, as well as asked to tell us what kind of sensations in their naked bodies raise them. In addition to this, children have undergone unnecessary gynecological tests, among other things, and children have been asked to assess whether there has been sexual abuse or violence in the history of family and family.
According to a family of interviewees, at the time of their study, a 13-year-old son had been encouraged to have sexual experiences to "know what remains of unless/when sexuality with the process changes/true. Parents say it is inconceivable that such a young teenager should be encouraged to have sexual experiences. The mother of another boy says that the transpopoli had interpreted a child's sexual development as delayed, when the boy had not had vaginal, penetraphic intercourse at the age of 15. The sexual age of protection established in Finland to protect children is 16 years.

Kaltiala has denied young people were encouraged to engage in sexual activity but largely defended the other allegations.

Reading these reminds me of stories I heard from adults attending the old Charing Cross gender identity clinic. It's also similar to the alleged practices of Ken Zucker whose clinic was ultimately closed down in Canada and who is very active in anti-trans healthcare circles. There have also been echoes of these kinds of intrusive practices in some reports from families who were treated by some of the gender critical whistleblowers at the Tavistock.

The model is that since therapising people out of being trans doesn't work then the only alternative is to traumatise or terrify them out of transition. And if that fails then find some arbitary reason to refuse treatment. They don't have anything else. There are no therapeutic protocols which somehow 'cure' gender dysphoria. This is what we're likely to see here as well if the Cass recommendations are implemented.

Oh, one final note here. Buy ending puberty blocker prescription, and is the NHS restrict hormone prescriptions - that locks every trans woman out of a whole range of sports forever.

A lot of the guidelines that don't outright ban trans women allow them access if they have not gone through male puberty.

This has been acknowledged by some of the more honest gender criticals like Shiela Jeffreys. Their absolute worse nightmare is trans women who pass and they know the younger people receive treatment the more likely that is. All their arguments start to fall apart if trans women have not gone through male puberty and socially transitioned at a young age. Also it's much easier to whip up hatred and prejudice against a middle aged transitioner who doesn't pass that well then an 18 year old trans girl who looks just like any other girl. Preventing youth transition had to be a priority for this reason.
Also on the advisory board was Riittakertu Kaltiala, who is cited 7 times in the Cass Review. Kaltiala heads up the gender services for young people in Finland which has recently been subject to shocking allegations of abuse of patients.

This site features the stories of several families referred to the service (google translate does a reasonable job and it's summarised in a twitter thread linked below). Some examples below of how they treat trans kids'.

Kaltiala has denied young people were encouraged to engage in sexual activity but largely defended the other allegations.

Reading these reminds me of stories I heard from adults attending the old Charing Cross gender identity clinic. It's also similar to the alleged practices of Ken Zucker whose clinic was ultimately closed down in Canada and who is very active in anti-trans healthcare circles. There have also been echoes of these kinds of intrusive practices in some reports from families who were treated by some of the gender critical whistleblowers at the Tavistock.

The model is that since therapising people out of being trans doesn't work then the only alternative is to traumatise or terrify them out of transition. And if that fails then find some arbitary reason to refuse treatment. They don't have anything else. There are no therapeutic protocols which somehow 'cure' gender dysphoria. This is what we're likely to see here as well if the Cass recommendations are implemented.

Ken Zucker is referenced in the Cass Report. His work from 1985 informs the section on social transitioning, and elsewhere in the report.
Shame none of this stuff will get anywhere near the mainstream discussion and will be ruthlessly expunged from anti-trans communities on social media of course, which will spend the next five years shouting about how Cass vindicates every prejudice going while continuing to claim trans people and their allies are shutting down discussion.
Yes, a lot of GCs crowing 'This report that was entirely set up to prove we were right proves we were right'
The assertion in the Cass report that toy preference in children is biologically determined is something that some in the trans right movement would agree with.
Source please. Who says, and what do they mean by preference?
The Cass Review report states that the choice by girls of which toys to play with is determined by their level of testosterone. It states that there is evidence that biologically female children with naturally higher levels of testosterone are more likely to play with "boys’ toys". (See 6.18 and 6.26).

I can’t quote other sources at the moment, but anyone who has listened to the mass media in the past few years when this topic is discussed will have heard people claiming that gender is innate. Parents have said things along the lines that their child, even as a toddler, would prefer to wear particular clothing, and play with particular toys.
I don't think this is an accurate description of the review in question.
this is an entirely accurate description of the mis representation of the Data in Cass' report

you can only do a double blind trial where it is possible to blind both the recipienct an the researcher

which if you have 2 effective treatments ( Proton Pump inhibition vs H2 receptor antagonist , IV vs IO in cardiac arrest ) you can do and compare who gets better treatment outcomes / less side effects

or if you think you a drug that doesn't work ( leaving aside the recruitment and consent issues for a moment - the trials of adrenaline vs placebo in cardiac arrest, some of the work around SSRIs )
The Cass Review report states that the choice by girls of which toys to play with is determined by their level of testosterone. It states that there is evidence that biologically female children with naturally higher levels of testosterone are more likely to play with "boys’ toys". (See 6.18 and 6.26).

I can’t quote other sources at the moment, but anyone who has listened to the mass media in the past few years when this topic is discussed will have heard people claiming that gender is innate. Parents have said things along the lines that their child, even as a toddler, would prefer to wear particular clothing, and play with particular toys.
we need some actual evidence on this not quoting Cass
I can’t quote other sources at the moment

Time to call upon my innate capacity for sarcastically feigning surprise.

In any case, the claim you made was not, 'some pro-trans people think gender is innate' it was, 'some pro-trans people think toy preference is innate'. The reason you can't find a source for that is because it's bollocks. Genetics operate on a biochemical level. It is not possible to encode in biochemistry the difference between a toy dinosaur and a toy fire engine. And even if it was, this would have no bearing on us as we have been more or less genetically identical for 500,000 years or more and toy dinosaurs have been available for fewer than a hundred of those years.

What gender is or where it comes from is irrelevant anyway. What matters is how we treat people. We have seen what happens to trans people when GC 'ideas' gain ground. And we see with Cass as we have seen over and over again that GC ideology can only win an argument when it discards as tainted or irrelevant the thoughts and experiences of the actual people they're talking about. And doing that is not just a means to an end, it's a key part of the ideology. The medium is the message. Don't listen to these degenerates, it only encourages them.
Well no you wouldn't hear about it would you? Because they've all been silenced. Poor JK Rowling, never was there a person more silent. Not heard a peep out of her in years.

Glinner went on Newsnight and claimed that trans healthcare for young people is comparable to Nazi experiments. JK Rowling, one of the world's most famous women, recently called for trans healthcare supportive clinicians to face jail terms. Julie Bindel called for former Tavistock staff to be sacked over the weekend. Social media is awash with ever more lurid and violent comments about what should be done to trans supportive clinicians whereas in the US hospitals carrying out this treatment have been deluged with bombs threats.

But it's the poor gender criticals who have been terrified out of carrying out research apparantly, because they saw a mean tweet or a colleague isn't as friendly with them as they used to be.
we need some actual evidence on this not quoting Cass

There is evidence that intersex people born with CAH who usually identify and are raised as girls tend to exhibit more boyish toy choices. It's not really known why this is, Cordelia Fine speculates in Delusions of Gender that people may have some kind of innate sex identity and are primed somehow to copy the behaviours of that sex, and that prenatal hormones may have some influence on that (speaking from memory). She doesn't mention trans children but there is a theory that prenatal hormones may play a role in trans identities, although it's far from fully established.

That's probably what Cass is referring to and it's one of the reasons that toy and clothing choices can be supplemental diagnostic criterias in diagnosing gender dysphoria in children (not v helpfully imo, and they would never be the only reasons for a diagnosis).

The main criticism of Cass's comments I've seen on this is from trans people themselves though. It's nonsense to suggest it's trans ideology, it's actually fairly conservative ideology and one that mahy gender criticals - who are increasingly arguing in favour of lady brain - adhere to.
The Cass Review report states that the choice by girls of which toys to play with is determined by their level of testosterone. It states that there is evidence that biologically female children with naturally higher levels of testosterone are more likely to play with "boys’ toys". (See 6.18 and 6.26).

I can’t quote other sources at the moment, but anyone who has listened to the mass media in the past few years when this topic is discussed will have heard people claiming that gender is innate. Parents have said things along the lines that their child, even as a toddler, would prefer to wear particular clothing, and play with particular toys.
So first you said toys preference was innate, then gender preference, and now is just gender. You have no clue what you are talking about.
Let me just point this out - most of the living organisms on this planet don't even have different chromosomes for male and female, yet there are claims that humans (who are a very recent mere blip in terms of all the life on our planet) have an "innate toy preference?" based on 1 chromosome? Toys being an even smaller and even more recent blip than humans. I mean please just have a think about how bullshit that sounds.
I think there is science behind that, although I don't know exactly how solid it is. Studies suggesting boys prefer toys with wheels and things like that.
How about a double blind study where some young children are completely separated from any cultural influence and kept in isolation and then we can see whether any toy choices they make are "innate".
Oh no because that would be unethical. (And I think most people and most scientists and those in the medical profession realise it's bullshit).
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