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Trans Day Of Visibility

Please, I was find this thread very informative having only just learned the meaning if cis. I hate it when threads become uncivil, I know people have long running er, disagreements, but most of the thread has been good for an uninformed, unthinking cis gendered gay middle aged white man.
I'm sorry it turned out like that. I'm not going to let myself lose my temper again.
maybee stop trying to tell her how to react and how to express herself about her own expereinces.

The only sense in which I've done so is to ask her not to react to my posts based upon her incorrect understanding of my position, and not to express herself by misrepresenting me.
It's not the first time though, ey? So, y'know - hmmmmm! Hold the thought - decide on its wisdom, who it might affect.......

and shut up! :cool: :thumbs:

Works for me, most of the time.... :hmm:
Yes, I regret my part in derailing an interesting thread.
That's what I regret. As I said.

No it isn't - you regret being called out for your shitty behaviour towards another poster.

You've dressed it up as derailing "an interesting" thread - which is a mendacious response, and speaks volumes...
No it isn't - you regret being called out for your shitty behaviour towards another poster.

You've dressed it up as derailing a thread - which is mendacious.

No, I really don't. I said nothing untrue or unfair. But it was unhelpful and unnecessary to the discussion, such that what I regret is derailing the thread. As I said. Twice.

And, since it's going that way again, I think I'll leave it there. Meantime, you can choose to think otherwise, if you prefer.
No, I really don't. I said nothing untrue or unfair. But it was unhelpful and unnecessary to the discussion, such that what I regret is derailing the thread. As I said. Twice.

And, since it's going that way again, I think I'll leave it there. Meantime, you can choose to think otherwise, if you prefer.

I know why; we've interacted before. It's because you're a liar, and a twat.

A liar, and a twat.


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FYI - anyone interested in what happens when a trans woman tries to stand up and speak in what is supposed to be a fair and democratic system - they try to smear you based on nothing, set up something like this, below, make sure your name gets into a high profile press article or two - and bobs your uncle, you're at the focus of a full on hate campaign, which wears away at your very identity on a daily basis. I nearly stood down, but it was the thought that that was what they wanted that stopped me. I received zero support from my party who were scared of being given the same treatment - in fact my local party decided to investigate me after receiving spurious complaints. Have you ever wondered why so few trans people stand in elections?

I hope the phrase "child rapist" is nice and clear in the quote below.

Stella Gardiner, Green Party Parliamentary candidate for Bexleyheath & Crayford constituency in the 2015 general election, thinks lesbians who know transwomen are male are “vile”
Stella Gardiner, a transgender male and UK Green Party Parliamentary candidate really hates women who know that he’s male and does his best to paint them as evil witches for wanting things like rapists being banned from changing legal gender marker and name. His venomous hatred for women is reminiscent of Allison Woolbert, another trans activist who created a TERF Tracking site of women who liked or commented of Facebook posts that mentioned that transwomen were male. Woolbert was recently outed as a convicted child rapist. Here’s hoping that Gardiner is not motivated to silence feminists due to a sordid past like Woolberts.

Besides, Gardiner’s an anti lesbian, anti feminist dickheaded man who clearly demonstrates that HRT does not cure misogyny. And you, thinking it’s your right to chastise women for not being stupid and agreeing a man is a woman if he says so, piss off. Women are not obligated to obey men and participate in non consensual role playing games cause a man wants to be his version of a female stereotype.
FYI - anyone interested in what happens when a trans woman tries to stand up and speak in what is supposed to be a fair and democratic system - they try to smear you based on nothing, set up something like this, below, make sure your name gets into a high profile press article or two - and bobs your uncle, you're at the focus of a full on hate campaign, which wears away at your very identity on a daily basis. I nearly stood down, but it was the thought that that was what they wanted that stopped me. I received zero support from my party who were scared of being given the same treatment - in fact my local party decided to investigate me after receiving spurious complaints. Have you ever wondered why so few trans people stand in elections?

I hope the phrase "child rapist" is nice and clear in the quote below.

Stella Gardiner, Green Party Parliamentary candidate for Bexleyheath & Crayford constituency in the 2015 general election, thinks lesbians who know transwomen are male are “vile”

Jesusfuck Stella, I don't know how you cope/deal with this shit.
All I can say is more power to you. For what it's worth have some hugs ((( )))
I'm incredibly sorry you have had to deal with that.

I'm afraid this is why I veer so closely towards zero tolerance. Even some of the stuff we've had on here ends up reinforcing this hatred. What's really at stake? Is it the ideology of a small handful of feminists who refuse to be inclusive, or is it the very safety and lives of trans people? Which is more important? It's that simple to me.
The humour of The Daily Show isn't always to my taste, nevertheless, while slightly awkwardly handled this piece tries to highlight the shit a lot of trans people go through and the idiocy of some of the arguments used against them.

The Daily Show Eviscerates Trans Panic by Featuring Actual Trans People

(You'll need something like hola to watch the video.)

It's really fucking angering that some ideological bickering is put before the day-to-day safety of trans people.
The humour of The Daily Show isn't always to my taste, nevertheless, while slightly awkwardly handled this piece tries to highlight the shit a lot of trans people go through and the idiocy of some of the arguments used against them.

The Daily Show Eviscerates Trans Panic by Featuring Actual Trans People

(You'll need something like hola to watch the video.)

It's really fucking angering that some ideological bickering is put before the day-to-day safety of trans people.
I saw that at the weekend - thought it was very good.
As soon as trans people begin to be included we get this shit, designed to provoke hatred against trans people. They spin it so it looks like trans people are the ones trying to force gender on young kids, wheras all we're doing is making sure the option for trans people to be themselves is always there.

Choose your gender: Parents blast barmy council for telling kids as young as 4 to pick sex ’they identify with’

Many parents were appalled by the letter. One mother said: “Children at school should be free to develop their identity.
Yes! that is the whole fucking point of having trans friendly options on there!!! Otherwise they will be forced into a binary they don't feel happy in.

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen described the letter as “utterly ridiculous”. He added: “Schools should be teaching kids to read and write, not prompting them to consider gender swaps.”
Ignorant Tory, perhaps unaware of his party's actual policy on trans people.

Author Stephanie Davies-Arai, an expert on child communication skills, said: “If you say the word ‘gender’ to a child they would have no idea what it means.

“If you tell a child they are the opposite gender then they will think you mean the opposite sex. It’s very confusing and it leads to emotional problems for children.”

neglecting to say the form is filled out by adults, not children. Imagine if a child has already identified as a gender that isn't on their birth certificate and is being allowed to live that way by parents. Then comes school and they find themselves having to fight to be who they have already been accepted as. And yes it does happen as young as four.

llr Emma Daniel, head of Brighton’s equalities committee, said: “We have inserted the additional text about gender identity in response to calls from families, young people and schools to show an inclusive approach.

“There are increasing numbers of children and young people nationally identifying as trans.”

i know its the Sun but the Sun is the paper read by most people on my estate - and I know this because I live above the newsagents.
Typically dishonest reporting from The Scum. Deliberately conflating two schools, one of which is a primary, whereas the other goes up to sixth form, to shoe horn in a misleading quote from a so-called expert, to imply that for year olds have been asked to fill in a survey. Whereas, in fact, the primary just wants to know some basic facts about me starters, to deal appropriately. And the Tory MP's idea that a kid who was otherwise comfortable with their gender would be promoted to deal is laughably stupid.
Deputies were continuing to investigate the crash Wednesday night, but Neeley's wife, Emily Neeley, said she had been concerned about Caitlyn lately.

"Being transgender in Nebraska is not easy," said Emily Neeley.

Forty-one percent of transgender individuals attempt suicide, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

"She finally lost her battle with depression,” said Emily Neeley, who implored others in the LGBT community to reach out if they need help.

Lincoln woman killed in crash near Bennet was vibrant, honest, family says

I know several LGBT folks in town and depression seems to be a constant struggle. :(
That's heartbreaking.

And this:

"Forty-one percent of transgender individuals attempt suicide"

As opposed to what percentage of people who feel threatened by trans people's existence?

No more of this "let's debate about trans issues." There is no debate. Treat people like people, give them respect, and support them. 41 percent is 41 percent too many.
That's heartbreaking.

And this:

"Forty-one percent of transgender individuals attempt suicide"

As opposed to what percentage of people who feel threatened by trans people's existence?

No more of this "let's debate about trans issues." There is no debate. Treat people like people, give them respect, and support them. 41 percent is 41 percent too many.

You know what I found heartbreaking? It was the fact that the news finally used the right gender pronouns. About a decade ago there was the murder of a trans man named Brandon Tina. The newspapers insisted on using "her" instead of "he" and using his birth name of "Tina Brandon." There wasn't even any respect given in death. It's taken 10 years to move that tiny incremental amount.
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