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    Lazy Llama

Tory lead cut to 6% in poll ..

It doesn't need to be that significant. I'm praying for a hung parliament that leads to a lib-lab coalition. If there is a god, he will not let that shiny faced eton prick get the keys to number 10
It doesn't need to be that significant. I'm praying for a hung parliament that leads to a lib-lab coalition. If there is a god, he will not let that shiny faced eton prick get the keys to number 10

The last thing I want is a lib-lab pact.

You can just guess what the Libs would want out of it, PR..

And if we have PR, then the Libs will have influence for ever !!

I wouldn't get too excited as this is only one poll, show me a couple more like this from other pollsters then I'll raise an eye brow...
The last thing I want is a lib-lab pact.

You can just guess what the Libs would want out of it, PR..

And if we have PR, then the Libs will have influence for ever !!


the last thing I want is a Tory majority.. now that would be the disaster
Well according to the Observer, 5 out of 7 polls this month have had the Tories below 40%. Anyone who knows their psephology will tell you that 40% is practically the bare minimum the Tories need to win an election given that turn out in Tory seats is invariably higher than in Labour ones. If the gap between Labour and the Tories narrows to five points or fewer, we're in hung parliament territory.

They've still got a lot to do to win. Been saying it for months.
I found the fact that Cameron's approval ratings are +13% (with 48% of people saying he's doing a good job) but the Tories themselves only scored 37% in the poll. People may be taken in by Cameron to an extent but they're less likely to be taken in by the nature of his party.
The last thing I want is a lib-lab pact.

You can just guess what the Libs would want out of it, PR..

And if we have PR, then the Libs will have influence for ever !!


PR would be a step in the right direction, in that regard Lib dems would probably get my vote anywhere they stood a chance of winning.
I wonder if people remember how hated the tories were in 97 .i think cameron may not frighten them too much but the tories under him have been showing their teeth of late .Butchers said there would be an hung parliament and could be right and said that even when the tories had a bigger lead
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