Well-Known Member
Well put it on the bloody table then! But of course, as i think everyone now can see for themselves, the lib-dems are not at all interested in such a anti-tory coalition, even one guaranteed not to harm them own standing. Their natural inclination today is to work with the tories, not out of imposition but rather, out of clear choice and sense of personal or party interest - puffed up as 'the national interest' of course.
If your reading of your own party is correct and its naturally anti-tory - that was after all the basis for your very confident predictions that the lib-dems would never join a tory govt, that they would never settle for a deal that only contained PR, that members and MPs would revolt, rebel, defect and desert if such a scenario came to pass (and lo it did but they didn't) then they should not only welcome something like i outlined but be actively demanding it right now, pressurising their local parties, their councillors, whatever internal bodies exist, rather than going oh no the labour party wouldn't roll over for us so oiut of spite we're going to give the people of this country a tory govt.
But you're not are you, because the dominant tone of the party is not one open to that, it's a tory party mark 2. It's lead by tories, it shares a program of austerity, cuts and attacks on the working class with the tories. You might as well merge with them.
Why the hell do you think that only tory voters would be the ones to turn out in increased numbers? On what grounds? The labour party in fact, was the only party down to its absolute bare-bones grassroots vote - they're the only one with room to expand their vote upwards - and they would to stop the tory govt that you're prepared to be part of..
Butchers, I have never seen you write so much about anything!!!
Didn't know you had it in you !!