Deal approved, voted through, no MPs voted against, 1 federal executive objection, statement from Clegg in 15-20 mins.
*in a way i guess this is the kind of result PR would throw up too! though im stil very much pro PR.
**by the way, no where else to post this, anyone see Alaister Campbell on newsnight? finally come down of his four day coke binge - looking roooouuugghghhhh!
rumours are sounding like the libdems have got the torys to accept the 10k no tax band - that would be a silver lining - especially after the Brown 10p tax band scandal - for everyone out there on shit pay (like me). great for small business too as business tax bills go right down. hope that happens
that's potentially good, but only sensible if something was done to claw the money back from those higher up the pecking order such as not just leaving the higher rate boundary where it is, but lowering the threshold by the equivalent amount to the £700 per person saved on not paying the bit between the current no tax threshold and the new 10k one, or maybe raising the upper limit on NI or something.
otherwise it's just a tax giveaway to all income tax payers, and anyone earning under 10k would actually get less out of it than other people.
Yawn the lib dem statement isnt due till 00.50 now.
they kind of did, but it was one of the things that I didn't think they'd really thought through properly, as IIRC they were trying to balance it out using vince cable's mansion tax and some other relatively unrelated top end taxes.well, libdems had it costed somehow - supposedly all the figures are in their manifesto, and also supposedly the torys have 'rubbed out their manifesto, and taken the libdem one' <lets wait and see just how hard the torys intend to shaft the libdems. but yeah, it must be costed somehow. have they had to time redo budgets? doubt it
i see it now. no wonder their negotiations went so smoothly.
is it £17bn a year? where are they going to claw that back from???
Back to the Tory/Lib Dem coalition plan. On tax, the key proposal is a "substantial increase in the personal allowance from April 2011, with the benefits focused on those with lower and middle incomes". Part of the cost of this will come from a big increase in non-business capital gains tax.
Does anyone know what the actual deal is? Has it been confirmed anywhere? If not when will we know?
Sounds like they will not be repealing then?Safeguards against the misuse of anti-terrorism legislation
Diamond said:In negotiation you start off with your template and then go for your targets.
Start with AV, on the understanding that it's a prerequisite and then screw it higher into what you really want.
If they don't budge, you consult and come again.
Otherwise if you don't even have AV as your prerequisite when negotiating with the Tories, you certainly are not going to get anything more.
Well starting off saying AV then going oh yeah, we really meant PR will not work - not in terms of getting PR. That's an utterly absurd way to approach things. It's a great way to get AV though.