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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

I did 4, they've had 2 of em, so still 2 left, which is why i planted 4 in the first place....dunno hun.. do nets work with slugs? the slimy fuckers seem to get through the teeniest of holes..:(
It's kept them off mine (not courgettes specifically cos they're all in pots so not at threat so badly...but off everything I've planted in the beds)!

Lots of sticks round the outside with the netting over the top (you have to fiddle about a bit to get it to sit well on top of the each stick...not too hard though cos sticks have rough ends!), then tucked under the pegs as well as possible so they can't get under.

Or - as suggested previously eggshells, but I find that to be a more temp solution, whereas once you have the netting done (bit of a fiddly job) it's there for good (well, until the courgettes get too huge)!

Or organic slug pellets?
Well i have some "Slug Off" which I got from Aldis once, but not really ever used as i wanted to try without having to resort to poisoning the little fuckers...but I don't know one slug pellet from another :oops:...says they're "100% natural" and "suitable for Organic gardening" Presumably that would do then....

eta: Oh having read the box properly, they're not pellets after all just a "barrier" to keep em away... just looks like cat litter to me...:oops:

hmm...back to the drawing board then...
I did 4, they've had 2 of em, so still 2 left, which is why i planted 4 in the first place....dunno hun.. do nets work with slugs? the slimy fuckers seem to get through the teeniest of holes..:(

I've heard the using tin cans (bean cans) with the top and bottom taken off, placed around the seedling, can deter slugs as they won't climb over the sharp edge of the can.

Waiting up until dark, with a pair of scissors and then chopping the blighters in half as they appear also works. :mad:
Flippin 'eck !

I'm going to have to re-run this properly as a timelapse, but I think this is 5 days' growth of ornamental tobacco under fluorescent light.

It's a shame everything doesn't grow quite as fast as this ...


  • 5daysgrowthlowres.jpg
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^^ ^ Triffids!

Evening! :)

My borage/comfrey soup has produced the foulest smelling, cough -up -greenies- from- the- back- of -your- throat liquid.

I'm still gagging! I just poured some over my courgettes. I'm also hoping it will keep the rahtid cats away.

My squash are up! Hurrah! And so are my aubergines. Double hurrah!

However there are still a few pots of seedlings which I havent ID'd yet. Im waiting for more leaves.
Right, I've re-potted my two best remaining courgettes up in nice large tescos black flower bin things i had hanging around from ages ago.. and, i've sited them on the concrete, but with all sorts of sharp/dry/prickly stuff...hoping hoping that they don't like that kind of terrain....i say dry...we've typically had a right old downpour now.. so said slugsys and snailys will be having a field day with the rest of everything else i reckon :(
GRRRing at the lack of anything much happening in my garden right now so Im going to plant some cherry tomatoes in an old hanging veg basket and get some cucumbers going.... my seeds just dont seem to want to appear despite lots of TLC... ah well, patience I guess...

It looks like the kids planted some pepper( I think ) seeds ages ago which have sprouted up ok, so im going to pot them on and hope for some growth
I've got pepper seeds planted...umm, think they were planted in middle of april :|... still absolutely nothing there at all... how long do they usually take? they're in a sunny window of my caravan in their little plastic propagator box...
I've got pepper seeds planted...umm, think they were planted in middle of april :|... still absolutely nothing there at all... how long do they usually take? they're in a sunny window of my caravan in their little plastic propagator box...

A week maybe.

I suspect they may have roasted. :(
Well it said on the instructions to leave them in a sunny indoor position :(

I've never tried them before you see :(... is there still time to plant more up if i get some this week?....
Had the first of the garden goodies for tea last night - salad greens, spring onions and radishes.:cool:

Lovely to see the rain so I don't have to water everything, but its brought the fecking slugs back:mad:. I caught one little bugger just about to chomp on my french beans early this morning - he's now slug soup along with his comrades in arms:cool::cool:
I went outside first thing to check on my water butts and they are both full - hurrah!

My tumbling toms in their hanging baskets have really taken off and have lots of new growth and plenty of flowers on them.

Tonight's job is to re-pot my orange peppers - they're looking OK, but I think they could do with a bit more room now.
Tomorrow's job is to go to the garden centre for grow bags and strawberry plants.
I went outside first thing to check on my water butts and they are both full - hurrah!

It's sad, eh? :D

First thing on my mind was having a look in the butt! :cool:

Got my son up, then felt mildly irritated that I had to make his toast before I could take my tea outside to check.... :oops: :facepalm: :rolleyes:
I was the same this morning - I was out there in my dressing gown checking them out!

But I see this as another upside to gardening - I never used to be so pleased when it rained.

ETA: I've now got Jesus & Mary Chain's 'Happy When it Rains' in my head, where I'm sure it's going to be for most of the day :mad:
No rain here yet :hmm: Not that I have a water butt or a garden! :D

Got some jalepeno chillis from Mr Sonic yesterday, and three of my sweet peppers have popped up to say hello this morning. :cool:

Now I just have to get that sod to start drilling in the wall for my vertical planter and hanging baskets to go up! :mad:
Im wondering what I should be starting off now seed wise..... apart from more lettuces

any suggestions?

Peas, runner beans, french beans, broad beans, carrots, pak choi, radishes, winter cabbages, broccoli, spinach, beetroots, cauliflower, squash courgettes, sweetcorn, spring onions, swiss chard are all getting sown over the next two weeks (for second crops in most cases) on my plot. It's about the right time to sow almost anything, really, late May :)
Well it said on the instructions to leave them in a sunny indoor position :(

I've never tried them before you see :(... is there still time to plant more up if i get some this week?....
At the sowing stage, you just need to make sure they have 20 degrees C or so of warmth. At that stage it's probably more important to have them where you can keep an eye on them.

You're pushing it I'm afraid sowing pepper plants now - though you may get some fruit if you have some sort of greenhouse.

Most garden centres will have plants for 75p, but maybe not the variety you wanted. ... a crying shame you don't live near me as I have spares...
More here in Brighton! :cool: :p

Butt is about two fifths :rolleyes: full now :D with more rain to come, but supposedly no more till Mon eve, after tonight's out of the way (which is good as I might be going camping :D ).
If the weather's not going to do the decent thing, and let the sun come out to play, then it should at least water my crops :mad:

Just realised that the pots I thought would be sufficient for my butternut squashes won't be nearly big enough. Off to the garden centre for some monstrous pots, and several bags of compost on Saturday, then. I'll have to get a cab to take me back to my house :rolleyes:
If the weather's not going to do the decent thing, and let the sun come out to play, then it should at least water my crops :mad:

Just realised that the pots I thought would be sufficient for my butternut squashes won't be nearly big enough. Off to the garden centre for some monstrous pots, and several bags of compost on Saturday, then. I'll have to get a cab to take me back to my house :rolleyes:

'Borrow' a Morissons trolley and get down Rye Lane imo. ;):D

99p shop had decent enough compost. :)
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