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Think Tank: UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71


Guardian Article

Well this should cheer us all up on a Monday morning. OK, it's only a think-tank saying it and it's not policy but fucking hell ... 71?! I'll be proper knackered by then.

This quote's nice. Angus Hanton, co-founder of the thinktank, said:

“The over-60s should finance their own extra retirement years since they have received such generous treatment from the state,” he said.

Feel free to unleash your MIDDLE-AGED RAGE here.
I was looking at European pension ages this week on wiki...I was surprised how aligned they are becoming so the natural order of Britain pulling away from the pack has a #worldbeating inevitability about it....

The article hits on a key contradiction, the longer you work the iller you get making you unable to work
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I'm fairly resigned to the fact I'll never actually be able to retire.
I worked all mine out over the weekend.

With State Pension and the two pensions I've put into myself, I'll have 19 grand a year to live off. Mortgage should be paid by then so I'll be alright but I might need a part-time job, too, I think. We'll definitely need a smaller house and Mrs V (who's self-employed, like yourself I'd imagine) will need an income in retirement. Apart from the 4 years where I buggered off to India and 6 months maternity leave that Mrs V took, we've both worked all our lives.

I'm not moaning. We've got it better than many. But retiring at 67/68 is fucking late enough, really, isn't it?
My retirement is 67, which is still 8 (and a bit) years away - I don't want to be working at 67, let along 71 ffs. - I'll have a work pension, state pension (whenever I get that) and a small private pension, but I'd much prefer to be retired and let young 'uns like Voley continue to work.
I worked all mine out over the weekend.

With State Pension and the two pensions I've put into myself, I'll have 19 grand a year to live off. Mortgage should be paid by then so I'll be alright but I might need a part-time job, too, I think. We'll definitely need a smaller house and Mrs V (who's self-employed, like yourself I'd imagine) will need an income in retirement. Apart from the 4 years where I buggered off to India and 6 months maternity leave that Mrs V took, we've both worked all our lives.

I'm not moaning. We've got it better than many. But retiring at 67/68 is fucking late enough, really, isn't it?
I'm full time salaried now, no longer self employed... But that said, I think a combination of the age for retirement almost certainly going up and up over the next decades, plus a whole other threads worth of mental health mess where my entire identity being so wrapped up in my work has the thought of not doing it making me feel incredibly weird... I'm fairly sure I'll just keep working until the day I drop. Can't see it any other way tbh.
Guardian Article

Well this should cheer us all up on a Monday morning. OK, it's only a think-tank saying it and it's not policy but fucking hell ... 71?! I'll be proper knackered by then.

This quote's nice. Angus Hanton, co-founder of the thinktank, said:

“The over-60s should finance their own extra retirement years since they have received such generous treatment from the state,” he said.

Feel free to unleash your MIDDLE-AGED RAGE here.

Let’s nationalise smug Angus’s no doubt vast wealth & force him to clean toilets in Sainsbury’s well into his seventies. Then make him feel like a scrounger / benefit cheat when he has to access the NHS or social care and make access contingent on a really complicated 96 page form in 9 point font.

This country is sick in the head, really.
Guardian Article

Well this should cheer us all up on a Monday morning. OK, it's only a think-tank saying it and it's not policy but fucking hell ... 71?! I'll be proper knackered by then.

This quote's nice. Angus Hanton, co-founder of the thinktank, said:

“The over-60s should finance their own extra retirement years since they have received such generous treatment from the state,” he said.

Feel free to unleash your MIDDLE-AGED RAGE here.
I'm proper knackered by 7pm, never mind 71. Ridiculous cunts
I'm not very reliant on the state pension (not that my personal one will be brilliant) but all the same this is infuriating because plenty of people do jobs that are not going to be sustainable past your mid 60s or if you get any of the many chronic illness that people may pick up later in life.
Isn't raising the state pension age a bit of a one dimensional answer to problem caused by a variety of issues. I question the notion that raising the state pension age really saves any money and that the state will "run out" if they don't. How they fund it is a political decision.
Then, when you actually receive your state pension, you quickly discover that you can't live on it and are forced into a position where you have to work in order to survive - that's if you can find a job in the first place. If you're lucky enough to get work, you then find that you're taxed at a much higher rate. You're fucked whichever way you turn.
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