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Theresa May's time is up

I think it would take the SAS to remove her at the minute judging by her mindset of late - she is probably wrapped in a blanket, chained herself to a radiator in #10, smeared her own faeces on the walls and is threatening to drink a 70cl bottle of baileys in one go to kill herself is anyone tries to force her out of her house
I think it would take the SAS to remove her at the minute

What about Ex SAS?
You’ve got to wonder how representative of the Tory membership an online poll is - by definition
It’s those online and we know their average member age is 54.

further down on the article they quote a yougov survey that was commissioned at the same time as a previous poll they'd conducted, which had almost identical figures to their survey - I think they reflect the views of the membership reasonably well.
You’ve got to wonder how representative of the Tory membership an online poll is - by definition
It’s those online and we know their average member age is 54.


Fuck I’m quoting 2 year old numbers, 72 is terrible.


Still, your average 72 year old in 2017 probably shops online and Skypes the grandkids every weekend so no reason Conservative Home should be unrepresentative.
Still, your average 72 year old in 2017 probably shops online and Skypes the grandkids every weekend so no reason Conservative Home should be unrepresentative.

Your average 72 year old who is also a conservative member ??

Aye, anyway shouldn't he de called:Al-Bode-PfeJo as his name is: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson? Or has he, like the now late Anthony Wedgewood Benn (of sainted memory), changed his name?

Names come and go but, bearing in mind paternal Ottoman ancestry, perhaps we should just think of him as Boris Kemal.
why should the average age of a tory have soared from 59 to 68 between may and september 2013?

answers on a postcard, please, to killer b
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