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Theresa May's time is up

Incidentally, after some googling I managed to find the source everyone is using for the 72 average - they provide no information on what they base the figure on at all.
Rudd is utterly charmless and mechanistic, as much as she would love the top job, she cannot be a contender surely ? how many bodies do they have to push into the mincing machine until they are happy with the result ? Hastings was subject to boundary changes which brought in the tory vote IIRC- she should be out on her her arse at the GE if the local LP get their act together- they already have lost their tax office this year & associated jobs and she refused to do anything about it . Union were supine from what I hear from a rep mate.

Rudd also has her dad's skeletons in her own closet.
And the stab in the back coup has withered. Just how shit are these Tories pricks?

Who would want to oversee the shit fest of brexit ? she will get full support and then fall on her sword and take the rap for the whole thing. Imagine being set up to fail like this on a global scale, knowing fine well your shitty self serving life can only end in humiliation and expulsion from the world you have always craved acceptance in? The girl who grew up wanting to go on the hunt, but was always going to viewed as Non U.

hang in there Tess, hang in for the lolz
Who would want to oversee the shit fest of brexit ? she will get full support and then fall on her sword and take the rap for the whole thing. Imagine being set up to fail like this on a global scale, knowing fine well your shitty self serving life can only end in humiliation and expulsion from the world you have always craved acceptance in? The girl who grew up wanting to go on the hunt, but was always going to viewed as Non U.

hang in there Tess, hang in for the lolz

Maybe she'll finally twig that these people are all cunts and turn on them in some cartoonish firestorm of rage. That's basically her only option besides becoming the official byword for utter failure.
yes, dad was a bit of a rascal and made shedloads of cash- i think She took over the running of some aspexts of the business - pretty sure they went into insolvency

Why do we call these asset-stripping, business-killing arseholes "rascals", as if their crimes harm no-one? White collar crooks like Rudd never get their just desserts, and both the media and the criminal justice system give most of them an easy ride.
Considering they will have members in every age group, for the average to be 72, most of their membership would have to be in the 80s at least. An average age of 72, just doesn't seem credible at all.
One of the choral scholars at the Cathedral here - very much a Tory - hit 21 and suddenly aged 40 years. Now, it's all tweed jackets and reactionary opinions about poor people. I truly don't think it's possible to be a Tory and young at heart - I've certainly never met one who wasn't prematurely (or not) middle aged in their outlook.
One of the choral scholars at the Cathedral here - very much a Tory - hit 21 and suddenly aged 40 years. Now, it's all tweed jackets and reactionary opinions about poor people. I truly don't think it's possible to be a Tory and young at heart - I've certainly never met one who wasn't prematurely (or not) middle aged in their outlook.
A friend once described me as 24 going on 85 (many years ago now). So it's not just Tories that can happen to. :D
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One of the choral scholars at the Cathedral here - very much a Tory - hit 21 and suddenly aged 40 years. Now, it's all tweed jackets and reactionary opinions about poor people. I truly don't think it's possible to be a Tory and young at heart - I've certainly never met one who wasn't prematurely (or not) middle aged in their outlook.

Catching a bout of Hagueitis does seem to have the effect of destroying the pleasure centre of the brain, leaving only a range of emotion going from mild crabbiness to full-on misanthropy.
Catching a bout of Hagueitis does seem to have the effect of destroying the pleasure centre of the brain, leaving only a range of emotion going from mild crabbiness to full-on misanthropy.
I think it subverts the pleasure centres of the brain. People like this gain pleasure from, eg., wearing ties when they don't HAVE to, and being harrumphy about Young People Today. It's the only explanation that makes any sense!
Think she's a bit jammy. If the criticism of her speech had been about the content she'd have been fucked.

And she's riding the two factions quite nicely... They are both right: prepare for hard Brexit cos nothing meaningful is going to get done in a two year period, and no deal IS suicidal. ... On track to focus minds on all sides, and get a single red line signed off, in the time frame :)
Think she's a bit jammy. If the criticism of her speech had been about the content she'd have been fucked.

And she's riding the two factions quite nicely... They are both right: prepare for hard Brexit cos nothing meaningful is going to get done in a two year period, and no deal IS suicidal. ... On track to focus minds on all sides, and get a single red line signed off, in the time frame :)

Anything that can be signed off in the time frame will go over far more than one red line. Basically, the only thing that could meaningfully be agreed before 2019 is an indefinite Norway. And even that won't be trivial to negotiate.
Anything that can be signed off in the time frame will go over far more than one red line. Basically, the only thing that could meaningfully be agreed before 2019 is an indefinite Norway. And even that won't be trivial to negotiate.
Nope missed the boat on that, French ain't even started looking at what they have to put in place at Calais, Spanish similar..

One line deal it will be. Color of ink may vary
Anything that can be signed off in the time frame will go over far more than one red line. Basically, the only thing that could meaningfully be agreed before 2019 is an indefinite Norway. And even that won't be trivial to negotiate.

We're constantly reminded that the whole thing is incredibly complex, which is true. But there's realistically a limited number of forms an agreement can take, and every permutation and more besides will have been worked out already in Whitehall and Brussels. It's not the negotiating with the EU that will take the time, it's the deciding what to negotiate. At the end of the day, we can't have literally no agreement by 2019, so something will have to be arrived at, even if it's shit. It may well simply be more time.
We're constantly reminded that the whole thing is incredibly complex, which is true. But there's realistically a limited number of forms an agreement can take, and every permutation and more besides will have been worked out already in Whitehall and Brussels. It's not the negotiating with the EU that will take the time, it's the deciding what to negotiate. At the end of the day, we can't have literally no agreement by 2019, so something will have to be arrived at, even if it's shit. It may well simply be more time.
And as to actually negotiating, think only one of ALL the interested parties is actually playing properly : RoI
She's on LBC now, just been asked if she'd change her vote if the referendum was held again, seeing as how she is supposedly leading the country through Brexit.

Neither strong nor stable there Tess.

Did she really not prepare for that question?
She's on LBC now, just been asked if she'd change her vote if the referendum was held again, seeing as how she is supposedly leading the country through Brexit.

Neither strong nor stable there Tess.

Did she really not prepare for that question?

She has just created herself a whole new heap of shite to deal with after that interview. That is not going to go down well with the Brexit extremists in the cabinet and amongst the general public.
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