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Theresa May's time is up

council houses, reduced uni fees, coughing. The obvious one is el corbz has got them now picking some vague and lite versions of what was in the lab manifesto. That would have been news if it wasn't for the three ring circus. Compare it to the 'eat shit and die povs' one they put out for the GE, well.
The Times has named Grant Shapps as the leader of the plot to bring May down. If anything can save her now, I'd say that's it.

BBC news reporting Shapps has come out, admitting leading a group of 30 Tories, including 5 former cabinet members, calling for May to step down.
It was a rather odd interview with Shapps on R4 this morning. He seemed to be saying that it was more important that May goes than that she should be replaced with any particular individual. He said her replacement can be decided on when she is gone. Presumably then the Tories could choose between a brexiteer who would I guess tend to want to leave without a deal because they would consider any demand for money from the EU as too much or a remainer who might want to work towards a position where we never actually leave.
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I think she'll be gone by christmas now - its paralysing government and mps who were prepared to let her stay on (mainly because of the lack of any better alternative) will want to put an end to the situation.
But a new leader will soon be having exactly the same problems that may has - party strife, rebellions, little authority. Brexit is slowly eating the tory party like a tumour (can cancer get cancer?).
The mind boggles at her possible replacements. Gove for a hard Brexit perhaps? Hammond for leave to look most like remain? Surely not Boris? Would they be that daft?
Meanwhile the Telegraph is running a - 'Tory Crisis - Live' feed on the website. They obviously expect something to happen very soon.

From what I discern from Tory voters, the Torygraph has disappeared up its own arse with its transparent agitation against May and for Boris - it simply has no credibility as the voice of reason/experience, the fairly widespread view is that its just a mouthpiece for the Boris campaign - and given how unpopular he has become in the PCP and within Tory associations, its properly barking up the wrong tree as far as Tories are concerned.

May is fortunate in her enemies - Shapps has no credibility whatsoever either in the PCP or beyond.

May will, imv, stay on until April 2019 for two reasons, firstly because she sees that as her duty, regardless of the cost to her reputation and personal dignity, and secondly because the Tories want to present the electorate with someone untainted by the compromised nature of whatever is the outcome of Brexit.

Said it before and I'll say it again - Justine Greening.
There was a poll recently where tory activists rated prominent MPs by how pro & anti brexit they believe they are - Greening was right at the bottom. Also she's May's protege, and anyone in that camp is going to be sprayed with shit when she goes. I don't think she has a chance.
David Davies surely? B.Johnson widely hated. rees - mogg is too ... well where do you start?. Rudd too micro majority, Davidson not an MP (and both too remain for the faithful). Davies is not too repellent for the soft brexiters and brexit enough for the membership.
So he gets the poisoned chalice to wash down the brexit dog dinner with. And will be just as ineffective as May and facing rebellions and challengers within 6 months.
Is Johnson widely hated? He regularly tops polls of tory activists for next leader, and is still annoyingly popular in the country.

Yep, infuriatingly, he seems to have tapped into a Trumpian vein of celebrity and an entirely false 'foot-in-mouth' trope which seems to endear him to the general public (who somehow cannot see the vilely opportunistic, cynical, manipulative, venal shit he is, underneath the manufactured, bumbling (harmless?) exterior.

Even the fucking name 'BoJo' FFS.
Yep, infuriatingly, he seems to have tapped into a Trumpian vein of celebrity and an entirely false 'foot-in-mouth' trope which seems to endear him to the general public (who somehow cannot see the vilely opportunistic, cynical, manipulative, venal shit he is, underneath the manufactured, bumbling (harmless?) exterior.

Even the fucking name 'BoJo' FFS.

Aye, anyway shouldn't he de called:Al-Bode-PfeJo as his name is: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson? Or has he, like the now late Anthony Wedgewood Benn (of sainted memory), changed his name?
I think Johnson is widely hated amongst tory mps after his latest antics - and his star may be waning with the membership. The mps will enusre he does not make the final ballot.
I rekon the final 2 will be Davies and Amber Rudd - and Davies will win.
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