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The Trump presidency

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'cos all us Irish are Catholics :facepalm:

The pub might have been predominately Catholic, also it might not - thats a determination the pub user has to make. I , on the other hand, am aware of political significance of the colour orange. Which was sort of my point, rather than anything else.
The pub might have been predominately Catholic, also it might not - thats a determination the pub user has to make. I , on the other hand, am aware of political significance of the colour orange. Which was sort of my point, rather than anything else.

I think it's safe to say that ordering an orange squash, on Patrick's Day, in London or in Ireland, will not result in someone taking sectarian offence. More offence would be caused by assuming everyone in an Irish pub is a Catholic. Or some clown putting a fecking shamrock on the pint. :p
Your right. Im sure most native americans are just totally cool with her being referred to as "pocahontas" - totally respectful and not a derogatory insult at all. No siree.
And if somebody claimed african heritage, he could call them "chicken george" and that would be fine too.

I can definitely vouch for many white Americans believing they have Native American ancestry. Up until about the 1960s, it would have been seen as a source of shame. But that started to shift with the counter culture, absorption/appropriation of aboriginal spirituality into "new age" beliefs and even more positive portrayals of First Nations people and cultures in films like Man Called Horse and Billy Jack. "Indian Reservation" by Paul Revere and the Raiders was one of my favourite songs when I was about 6. Makes me squirm now - they sing it in first person, but to my knowledge, none of the band were First Nations.

It became "cool" in a way that having African ancestry wasn't, perhaps because First Nations peoples had become so marginalised that having a "tame" Indian ancestor didn't threaten their white identity or privilege. The sad thing is for most white people who do have aboriginal ancestors, it's probably the result of white male settlers or soldiers kidnapping / forcing native women to "marry" them. But, that tends to get whitewashed out of the tintype pictures.

I saw a post on Facebook from a school friend who did one of those DNA tests that showed something like Irish, English and French. His sister then posted, "So no Indian ancestors? Are you sure?" Similarly, my niece has asked me several times if in any of my family history research if I've found any Native Americans.

Couple pieces about this here, here and here.

To compensate for Paul Revere, the 4 members of Redbone did actually have First Nations heritage (and the song is better!) :)

I can definitely vouch for many white Americans believing they have Native American ancestry. Up until about the 1960s, it would have been seen as a source of shame. But that started to shift with the counter culture, absorption/appropriation of aboriginal spirituality into "new age" beliefs and even more positive portrayals of First Nations people and cultures in films like Man Called Horse and Billy Jack. "Indian Reservation" by Paul Revere and the Raiders was one of my favourite songs when I was about 6. Makes me squirm now - they sing it in first person, but to my knowledge, none of the band were First Nations.

It became "cool" in a way that having African ancestry wasn't, perhaps because First Nations peoples had become so marginalised that having a "tame" Indian ancestor didn't threaten their white identity or privilege. The sad thing is for most white people who do have aboriginal ancestors, it's probably the result of white male settlers or soldiers kidnapping / forcing native women to "marry" them. But, that tends to get whitewashed out of the tintype pictures.

I saw a post on Facebook from a school friend who did one of those DNA tests that showed something like Irish, English and French. His sister then posted, "So no Indian ancestors? Are you sure?" Similarly, my niece has asked me several times if in any of my family history research if I've found any Native Americans.

Couple pieces about this here, here and here.

To compensate for Paul Revere, the 4 members of Redbone did actually have First Nations heritage (and the song is better!) :)

imagine being this person
Should you ever muster the courage to actually travel to the US [and if they let you in], try this little experiment. Go to the Navajo Nation. Monument Valley is a nice tourist spot nearby; but before you do that, go to one of the Navajo towns: Kayenta, or Chinle, maybe. Stop your car near a group of Navajo people that includes men and women. Get out, and yell across the street at one of the women: "Hey Pocahontas!"

See what happens.

Record your experience.

Report back to us, soon as you can. :)
Trump calling Warren "Pocahontas" was offensive on SO many levels. Yes, it was a racist and sexist slur, along the lines of "squaw." Pocahontas wasn't Cherokee, but to someone like Trump, all Indians are the same, right? :rolleyes: He was also saying that Native Americans aren't suitable to be political party leaders. Given his birtherist views on Obama and cosyness with white supremacist groups, seeing them as racially inferior would be par for the course.

I'd like to know why no one didn't challenge him at the time though.
Dunno how reliable this source is but these paragraphs. Jesus wept. Seems plausible.

In light of this, and out of worries about the White House’s ability to keep secrets, some of our spy agencies have begun withholding intelligence from the Oval Office. Why risk your most sensitive information if the president may ignore it anyway? A senior National Security Agency official explained that NSA was systematically holding back some of the “good stuff” from the White House, in an unprecedented move. For decades, NSA has prepared special reports for the president’s eyes only, containing enormously sensitive intelligence. In the last three weeks, however, NSA has ceased doing this, fearing Trump and his staff cannot keep their best SIGINT secrets.

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins
I think it's safe to say that ordering an orange squash, on Patrick's Day, in London or in Ireland, will not result in someone taking sectarian offence. More offence would be caused by assuming everyone in an Irish pub is a Catholic. Or some clown putting a fecking shamrock on the pint. :p
Don't get the green food colouring in piss week lager thing though. *boak*

Fun Fact: Most immigrants to the US from Ireland until about the mid 19th century came from the North and were Protestant. When immigrants started arriving in waves after the potato famine, mainly from the South and mainly Catholic, the earlier settlers started calling themselves "Scotch-Irish" to distinguish themselves from the new, "less desirable" arrivals. When white Americans talk about being Scotch Irish, they mean this.
I wonder if it helps Donald to remember who everyone is if he associates people with different Disney characters. Maybe Bannon is Tigger. Theresa May could be Cruella De Ville. Spicer: Pinocchio. And so on. To keep himself anchored in this schema, he would probably walk around the White House quacking with nothing on his bottom half.

This is partly speculation, of course.

When questioned on what constituted the “real" threat to the US regarding terrorism, his (Spicer's) answer was vague.

“He [the President] wants to make sure we understand the threat and it is his job to do everything he can to protect the nation and the country,” he replied.

“While we may not face an imminent threat today, we don’t know when that next threat comes. Is it next week, next month or next year?”

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I wonder if it helps Donald to remember who everyone is if he associates people with different Disney characters. Maybe Bannon is Tigger. Theresa May could be Cruella De Ville. Spicer: Pinocchio. And so on. To keep himself anchored in this schema, he would probably walk around the White House quacking with nothing on his bottom half.

This is partly speculation, of course.
If anything, the nearest cartoon character he resembles is 'Wiley coyote'
“I was a good student. I understand things. I comprehend very well, better than I think almost anybody,” he said.

He argued the order was “correct, not politically correct”, and it was important to stop an influx of people who want to “do harm” to the US.

“It couldn’t have been written any more precisely,” said the President. “It’s not like, ‘oh gee, we wish it was written better’. It was written beautifully.”

I have never liked the American term 'retard' but looking at the Buffoons behaviour, I can see why it gained traction in the US.
“I was a good student. I understand things. I comprehend very well, better than I think almost anybody,” he said.

He argued the order was “correct, not politically correct”, and it was important to stop an influx of people who want to “do harm” to the US.

“It couldn’t have been written any more precisely,” said the President. “It’s not like, ‘oh gee, we wish it was written better’. It was written beautifully.”

I have never liked the American term 'retard' but looking at the Buffoons behaviour, I can see why it gained traction in the US.
"So called ruler of the United States"

If anything, the nearest cartoon character he resembles is 'Wiley coyote'

Trump's Disney character would be Black Pete.

On TNI Will the Yemen Raid Become Trump's Benghazi?
David Sanger, a highly regarded New York Times reporter, stated on television that the decision to launch the strike in Yakla by the Trump team did not follow the usual procedure. There was no meeting in the situation room. In the past, that meeting would have included detailed reports about planned operations, discussions about the goal of the operation, presentation of a risk assessment to U.S. troops and local civilians, and an overview of the legality of the operation. Instead, the matter was decided during dinner conversations by people like Stephen Bannon, Trump’s leading political consultant.

Hence, the first two questions that must be raised are: who briefed the president, and what did that person say? Did they call his attention to the fact that killing a few terrorists, especially when civilians are involved, often increases the number of terrorists the United States and its allies must contend with? (Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was wary about the United States creating more terrorists than it was killing.) What were the reasons given for why Special Forces were used instead of drones? Was the president told that killing Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan in similar raids involving drones had helped to suppress Al Qaeda (at least for a while)? That success was not achieved by a few sporadic raids, but by many raids, which took place one after the other.
I find it a bit fucked up that a Special Forces raid attempting to grab a senior AQAP guy would require much more than a nod from the Whitehouse if that. Have these very senior people not got better things to do than fiddle with tactical details? Things do seem to have been micromanaged under Obama. You might think the GWOT became something of a spectator sport. Always using this long a chain of command is not even a secure way of working and news of this raid does seem to have leaked to the main target.

I doubt it will blow up like Benghazi as it didn't involve the loss of senior diplomat. There were plenty of cock ups involving lots of local civilians get killed that got swept under the rug in Obama's time. CENTCOM only fesses up to a fraction of the likely collateral damage and I have the impression that was really all Obama wanted to hear on that side.
One dead US Soldier in a fucked up operation is a perfect marketing opportunity to create a hero. As the mathematical death toll of US Soldiers rises in an unsuccessful operation, the rapid move along the axis of fuckup is irresistible - this is where Chump may be caught out with his call of duty adventures.
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