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The Trump presidency

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Coming to terms with late onset Anarchism
Should we?

Here goes....
The new White House dot gov only has six “issues” listed so far. A pledge to aggressively pursue natural gas and oil drilling; an “America first” foreign policy; a pledge to restore manufacturing jobs; a pledge to restore the military’s strength; a promise to renegotiate trade deals; and a section about “standing up for our law enforcement community” that speaks vaguely about how Trump does not want “to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, or the violent disrupter”.
Should we?

Here goes....

His biography on that site is fantastic:

Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story. Throughout his life he has continually set the standards of business and entrepreneurial excellence, especially with his interests in real estate, sports, and entertainment. Likewise, his entry into politics and public service resulted in the Presidential victory in, miraculously, his first ever run for office.
When I was a kid, I used to wonder why all those women in the colour supplement fashion spreads looked so angry.

Then I grew up, and realised that those looks of emotional intensity weren't anger, but raw sexuality.

But I look at those photos of Melanoma Trump, and...I'm not sure. She looks like someone who's angry that she's lost her glasses.

Perhaps I just don't understand female sexuality...
I have tried to pull it as I think it may be taken as a sexist comment but it wont go away.......

Trying to pull it isn't sexist, it's perfectly natural, especially if you're finding it won't go away. Some people will take exception to you reporting your behaviour on the internet, though.
According to the (new) White House press secretary, Trump also signed a proclamation calling for a National Day of Patriotism. It was unclear when that day would be or what, exactly, it would entail. The president can declare a one-time federal holiday any time he likes by issuing an executive order to that effect. Congress, however, needs to sign off on the creation of any annual federal holidays.
When I was a kid, I used to wonder why all those women in the colour supplement fashion spreads looked so angry.

Then I grew up, and realised that those looks of emotional intensity weren't anger, but raw sexuality.

But I look at those photos of Melanoma Trump, and...I'm not sure. She looks like someone who's angry that she's lost her glasses.

Perhaps I just don't understand female sexuality...

Melanoma Trump? That's uncalled for. Leave the woman alone, she never signed up for this. The woman's married to Trump for fucks sake, let her be.
Watching the signing in, three things I noticed, all the former presidents looked shocked and surprized at Trumps speech.

The crowd, in the beginning, clapped with every statement then as the speech got more and more 'out there' the people just looked at one another like 'what did he just say...how can we do that exactly' and the Trump family, dead eyed clones from a B-list horror movie.

Trump sounds like and is shaping up to be a dictator
Watching the signing in, three things I noticed, all the former presidents looked shocked and surprized at Trumps speech.

The crowd, in the beginning, clapped with every statement then as the speech got more and more 'out there' the people just looked at one another like 'what did he just say...how can we do that exactly' and the Trump family, dead eyed clones from a B-list horror movie.

Trump sounds like and is shaping up to be a dictator

Hah! I'm no expert on what arrangements the Americans have setup for the running of their country but even I know that's not true. They considered fascism once, I believe their ruling class considered it inefficient for their purposes. Or the bloke to be fuhrer turned out to not be into the idea and they've not bothered with it since. Who needs a dictator when a system of private dictatorships called Capital run the state anyway. It'd be like nationalising the railways or something, as if the auto-industry would really like American trains to run on time. Maybe they do anyway I dunno.
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