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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

It’s weird how a lot of the victims on that Herman Cain Reddit also test positive for racism, misogyny etc. Easy to find yourself cheering the virus on in some cases, then need to have a good look at your own humanity.

But it is a good place to witness the absolute idiocy of far right memes etc., see where all the shitty attitudes are sourced from (usually Turning Point, Candace Owens, Tucker).
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Talking about resuuuurch ...

For all the millions of times his bullshit has been passed around social moronia, incredibly few people seem to have bothered to actually google "Robert Malone"

I'm no Christian, but I've always thought that the way that evangelical Christianity raises the status and power of Satan, such that he is a legitimate challenger to the power of God with dominion over this world, is bad theology bordering on (if not crossing over into) outright heresy. Satan in the Old Testament is quite clearly on speaking terms with Yahweh (see the book of Job), playing a role more akin to a prosecuting attorney, rather than the God of Evil.
I'm no Christian, but I've always thought that the way that evangelical Christianity raises the status and power of Satan, such that he is a legitimate challenger to the power of God with dominion over this world, is bad theology bordering on (if not crossing over into) outright heresy. Satan in the Old Testament is quite clearly on speaking terms with Yahweh (see the book of Job), playing a role more akin to a prosecuting attorney, rather than the God of Evil.
Heresy not necessarily bad theology. Heresy just what the establishment doesn't like.

As an aside Matthew 4 9 sees Satan offer Jesus dominion over the world -> so many people think it's his to offer. Might be the case: but equally Satan might be offering him London bridge for a song, something of a con. And who is to say he's not actually doing it at the bidding of gtf to show gts as incorruptible, thus largely a continuation of Satan from job
I'm no Christian, but I've always thought that the way that evangelical Christianity raises the status and power of Satan, such that he is a legitimate challenger to the power of God with dominion over this world, is bad theology bordering on (if not crossing over into) outright heresy. Satan in the Old Testament is quite clearly on speaking terms with Yahweh (see the book of Job), playing a role more akin to a prosecuting attorney, rather than the God of Evil.
Almost as if it’s a load of made up bollocks highjacked by people wanting to control others :hmm:
I'm no Christian, but I've always thought that the way that evangelical Christianity raises the status and power of Satan, such that he is a legitimate challenger to the power of God with dominion over this world, is bad theology bordering on (if not crossing over into) outright heresy. Satan in the Old Testament is quite clearly on speaking terms with Yahweh (see the book of Job), playing a role more akin to a prosecuting attorney, rather than the God of Evil.
He is the Great Deceiver though, so that is exactly what He wants you to think.
Good blog on many Americans' very real belief in Satan and the anti vaxx movement

But for millions of Americans—some two-thirds of the country, by one poll—the darkness is populated by bigger and more frightening things: demons and their consorts, feeding on hapless human beings, as one early Pentecostalist minister put it, “like ticks on cattle.” These parasitic forces exist to draw humanity into a long and terrifying war, where prayer has the power of any great weapon; and there are many Americans who believe, every day, that they don the armor of God to wage an endless battle in the spirit realm.

Two-thirds, blimey. :bigeyes:
Was waylaid by an anti-masker on my morning walk today, who saw me removing a load of White Rose stickers from lamp posts. (Walked down a different road and found shitloads of them, damnation.)

We had a chat and he was nice enough but you could tell he had been down some real wormholes and of course had all the "facts" that I inevitably didn't. A study in the Lancet shows water vapour can go through masks, they haven't isolated the virus, Fauci funded the lab in Wuhan, etc.

He seemed genuinely compassionate when I explained that my parents had COVID at the moment (they are OK), but then tried to start telling me that they might just have flu etc.

Made me despair slightly as the guy was orthodox jewish and all this White Rose stuff about the new world order is patently anti-semitic.
I promised myself I wouldn't do this, but I am my own worst enemy:

The top two hits for Lancet and masks, clearly say that they can prevent the transmission of COVID.

Possibly they have published one study that raises issues about this but the scientific consensus is pro. Duh.

There are appears to have been a political slanging match between Republican Senator Rand Paul and Dr Fauci about Wuhan and virus research:

The allegations about Fauci funding "gain of function" (these are the words that my new friend used) virus research seem to be unproven and are denied by the scientists involved.

The stuff about COVID not being "isolated" is bollocks CDC has not said SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated - Full Fact

My Dad has a PhD in biochemistry so I reckon if he says he has COVID and has tested postive for it, then he flippin has it :D
The stuff about COVID not being "isolated" is bollocks CDC has not said SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated - Full Fact

My Dad has a PhD in biochemistry so I reckon if he says he has COVID and has tested postive for it, then he flippin has it :D
We had the bloody genome within a few weeks and the Chinese set to work making whole deactivated virus vaccines - and everyone else was synthesising miles of frigging spike RNA.

The same idiots post predictable comments on adverts for PCR materials I weirdly get on Facebook ...

The cargo-cultism is strong in these people - they love using science words and think it gives them power ..
An anti-vaxxer colleague has just returned to work after a spell in hospital with gastric issues. I can’t listen to them bollocking on about how the hospital put them in a Covid ward cos they refused the vaccine or some such shit. It makes me so angry that someone would use up doctor and nurses time and energy and patience, all presumably in short supply right now, just cos they’ve got a stupid internet-fuelled idea about common law and rights in their thick fucking head. Have to just walk away as soon as they start going off on one.
The cargo-cultism is strong in these people - they love using science words and think it gives them power ..

They don't understand the science, but the person who made the YT video they saw seemed confident in what they were saying so it's probably true.

Got to say that I don't understand most of the science either, but I choose to listen to the overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion and believe that.

Of course it is possible that 99.9% of the world's scientists are wrong/lying/cabalists but that seems less likely than the fact that Joe Rogan is talking out of his arse
An anti-vaxxer colleague has just returned to work after a spell in hospital with gastric issues. I can’t listen to them bollocking on about how the hospital put them in a Covid ward cos they refused the vaccine or some such shit. It makes me so angry that someone would use up doctor and nurses time and energy and patience, all presumably in short supply right now, just cos they’ve got a stupid internet-fuelled idea about common law and rights in their thick fucking head. Have to just walk away as soon as they start going off on one.
One of the reasons I'm glad to have retired was this one 40 year old colleague - Peterson fanboi / Trumper /microdoser / bitcoiner / ANTI-SJW - working in a university FFS - albeit in IT / AV (though even my most macho colleague called him "Tory boy" ...)
Though I am very curious about his views on vaccination etc ...

The last time I briefly encountered him during the summer of 2020 he seemed to be trying to reinstate friendly relations some months after we'd exchanged words and agreed to not discuss politics after he'd come out with racist / classist shit ... we found ourselves alone in a room and he told me he'd given up on "bone broth" and had sort of gone "vegan" ...

Unfortunately he hated Facebook and I never found out where he hangs out online ... doubtless somewhere "dark" ...
Well that was surreal.
I have a sort of "project" antivaxxer on Paltalk who I may be starting to get through to a bit - they've started toning down their profile a bit ...

So I head up the road to the shops and I bump into an old Spanish teacher colleague from work who I last saw in 2017 perhaps ... - coincidentally also of Peruvian origin - and probably why I took on the PT person ... - wearing a mask, apparently double-vaccinated - and they said they were fully-vaccinated as a child because Peru has that many more interesting diseases ... but they didn't vaccinate their children raised in the UK !! - something to do with "thinking there should be a mixture of vaccinated and unvaccinated in society" ...:hmm:

University educated - business and art and design I think ... and grew up with political turmoil etc ..

Only a brief meeting but I managed to sneak in my experience with shingles and that I was planning to get the MMR I missed as a child ...
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