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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

I had to pause it, and take a break to do something more interesting.

But, whilst doing the weekend's washing up, I took time to think, and I've decided the basic plot idea could be a box office winner, now stop laughing at the back, I am being serious. :mad:

I'll report back with my ideas, once I've finished watching it, I've got two film versions in mind already.

ETA - At least I am getting some laughs from it. :D
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How did we arrive here ?
I think in large part the American healthcare system really doesn't help. Because it is awful and people do die because of health insurance issues and profiteering by the pharmaceutical industry over there, which makes it very, very easy to believe the health industry is on not on your side. And then a lot of people in other countries pick up on the lingo without reflecting that it may originate from a health system very different to their own.

Also general inquality and racism - as people have reflected here there's different levels and reasoning around not vaccinating. I'll be honest, on one level I cannot understand why a whole group would have a strong tendency against vaccination, but then I recognise I have not existed under systemic racism. I assume given the traumatic patterns of history, that are not even remotely a thing of the past, a lot of people are thinking 'How can we know they're not testing something on us without our consent?' 'How can we know they're not giving us a second-rate or unsafe vaccine to save money?' And you can't really blame them when you look at the pattern of how POC have been treated by authority.

Unfortunately there are unscrupulous people taking advantage of this who don't give a shit about systemic racism.
Did someone here do this? :D

View attachment 306428
Whoever reviewer Diane is, she’s brilliant.

Difficult to Convey How Terrible This Film is So I Conducted An Experiment ...
I was tired of watching movies made by someone who got a Handicam and a copy of iMovie from the GoodWill store so I decided to conduct a scientific experiment to quantitatively determine just how bad this movie was.

I placed 35 Neo-Nazi Evangelicals with neck tattoos into a locked room (one at a time) for two hours with a television that only had two channels, this movie and Roots, and could not be turned off or unplugged. Here were the results:

  • 85% of the participants switched to watching Roots withing 15 minutes

  • 12% destroyed the TV and had to be euthanized.

  • 2% attempted to self-immolate using their zippo lighters

  • 1 person apparently teleported out of the room which is worthy of a sci-fi film in itself.

Conclusion: While certainly not one of the worst films in the known Universe, this film ranks among the too 10.
Over the past week-end, the anti-mask twits have been terrorizing stores and malls.
It looks like the cops are now one step ahead of them.

Anti-mask protesters tried to storm some Toronto stores but cops were waiting for them


The guy running their social media account is a spineless piece of filth:

The IG account responsible for organizing the protests appears to be distancing itself from some of the attendees, and has since issued a statement condemning "rude and disrespectful people who try causing problems in the freedom movement."

What is it with these types and not being able to own their shit?

Apparently I can register my legal fiction with them by registering my birth certificate

from the website:

The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. By submitting a declaration for your birth, you have confirmed that you exist

It really should have 'and are a sucker' added to the end of that statement.
I’ve never worked out why the internet researchers haven’t deduced that the previous cases argued on this front got thrown out. And therefore it is..
Oh whatever.
I’ve never worked out why the internet researchers haven’t deduced that the previous cases argued on this front got thrown out. And therefore it is..
Oh whatever.

You can find videos online of US "sovereign citizens" trying on this shit with the cops, and getting their car windows smashed in and arrested for their trouble.

The proof is right there that it doesn't work, but they keep going for it anyway.
These are the wankers who protest by my place. The website is tragically funny. Every fucking weekend on their megaphones…’FREEEEEEDOM’. While i’m coming off a night shift with plugs in my ears trying to get some sleep. And wankers in cars tooting their horns in support. Humanity is great generally but my goodness there as some serious arseholes.

I had a new visitor to my lonely pro-vax paltalk room yesterday.

American ...claimed to be a "Christian" - asked why I cared if people like him chose to go unvaccinated and I raised the issue of the elderly and immunocompromised and over-stretched hospitals ... (i.e. giving a shit about others)

And he seemed to think that he could reasonably expect priority hospital treatment were he to get covid, but that sod all those people whose lifestyle choices (or simply age) had made them at risk of severe disease or to simply need hospital beds ...

After shutting down his passive-aggressive right-wing shite persuaded him to leave, I changed my room name from "In this room we are vaccinated or want to learn", to "Gentlegreen's Commie SJW Pro-vaccine Science Refuge" - which is more in keeping (but opposite) with the style of Paltalk's politics section.

I have encountered quite a few perfectly decent "Christians" on Paltalk, but a great many of them are even worse than him.
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Maybe my Paltalk room name change helped but just had a nice chat with someone in Biological "data cleaning" - using Python etc ...sounded like the sort of guy we could have done with in the UK when the idiots tried to process a whole county's data through an old version of Excel ...

Ironically based in Washington DC where my paranoid Peruvian is based - left the chat to visit the Arlington Library ...

Pointed me in the direction of some RNA taxonomic s/ware techniques ...


I learned a new expression the other day - "in silica" - as opposed to "in-vitro" and "in-vivo" - the context was John Campbell failing to notice that the science in THREE of the Invermectin papers he used to "debunk" Pfizer's new antiviral had never left the inside of a computer ...

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