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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

"Graphene oxide" doesn't even make any sense to me. I thought that graphene was the name for a particular allotrope of elemental carbon? Basically carbon atoms arranged into flat sheets of hexagons. Introducing to this arrangement a highly reactive substance such as oxygen would surely destroy it? Molecules composed of carbon and oxygen cannot form graphene by definition. It makes as much sense as calling something "diamond oxide".
"Graphene oxide" doesn't even make any sense to me. I thought that graphene was the name for a particular allotrope of elemental carbon? Basically carbon atoms arranged into flat sheets of hexagons. Introducing to this arrangement a highly reactive substance such as oxygen would surely destroy it? Molecules composed of carbon and oxygen cannot form graphene by definition. It makes as much sense as calling something "diamond oxide".
The whole thing must surely have started out as a prank ...
I can't be arsed to figure out what the motivation is of the video makers - could be just trolling, could be actual conspiratards, but this sequence may help to explain why the American perspective on the whole thing is so bonkers ...
I haven't even watched UK TV for years so it's alien territory to me ...

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I can't be arsed to figure out what the motivation is of the video makers - could be just trolling, could be actual conspiratards, but this sequence may help to explain why the American perspective on the whole thing is so bonkers ...
I haven't even watched UK TV for years so it's alien territory to me ...

the matrix
bill gates
goes back to epstein
what the actual fuck was in that vape he threw away?
I make more sense on psychedelics ffs
Another thing I've noticed about (Americans) - and not just the antivaxxers ... perhaps it's just the Youtube / Paltalk "chattering classes" ... but they're always talking about "my (specialist)" ...
Yesterday I heard someone on Paltalk telling people to check which medical school their GPs went to ...

Clearly these are people with medical insurance ... quite likely aware that they pay a massively high price for it and feel like they are entitled to be fussy ... perhaps there are more rogue doctors in the system ..
(I see a parallel with their enthusiasm for (unhealthy) food choice that causes them to need specialists)

In the UK, we may make a choice over which medical practice to choose ... in my case my moving a couple of years back it was a combination of moderate annoyance with my previous practice and the fact that the new one was much closer ... After a couple of years and quite a lot of consultation, I still couldn't name "my GP" ... I see them as a team ... occaisionally I will glance at their CVs online ...

When I needed hospital treatment last year I had no "choice" at all ...
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“Wake up New York! Wake the f— up!,” one of the suspect yelled while being led into a police van in the heart of Times Square, according to video on social media.

“I got arrested. They arrested me for trying to eat at Olive Garden, that’s what happened,” another protester said, claiming his civil rights were violated.

these liberals :rolleyes:

(sry for the murdoch link)
“Wake up New York! Wake the f— up!,” one of the suspect yelled while being led into a police van in the heart of Times Square, according to video on social media.

“I got arrested. They arrested me for trying to eat at Olive Garden, that’s what happened,” another protester said, claiming his civil rights were violated.

these liberals :rolleyes:

(sry for the murdoch link)
What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent breadstick?
For those with a strong stomach.
A young scientist deals with all the covid loons :-
(he claims somewhere to have once been a bit of a conspiracy theorist himself ...)

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I posted this on the UK loon thread ... the two are difficult to untangle sometimes - like the alt-right / Trump ones...

tldr, but I found loads of stuff about Robert Malone (medical doctor but never completed the RNA/Lipid PhD he wants acknowledgement for) who has become an anti-vax grifter ...Some are calling him the new Wakefield...

The process from his crude (failed) experiments to a viable RNA vaccine is a very long one - and there are hints at Nobel Prizes being in the offing ...

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This is actually real and not a spoof. No, really.


This is actually real and not a spoof. No, really.

View attachment 306369

Bring it on! :thumbs:

(Apart from the travel thing, it sounds great.)
Made on a budget of £10K apparently so I suspect production values are a bit suspect.
This is actually real and not a spoof. No, really.

View attachment 306369

You can edit the film plot on the imdb site if you want to. Just sayin ;)
If I watch this, I will have to skive off from work and watch it in the day. If I suggest watching it in the evening, Mrs Q will think I've lost the plot (much like the screenwriters if the reviews are to be believed)
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