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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

This is a new one to me. An article in the Lancet saying that absolute risk reduction figures should be reported to give a fuller picture of vaccine effectiveness, posted by anti vaxxers because the ARR figure is around 1% and that must be bad because they're telling up its 90+% effective.

I'm clueless about relative risk reduction and ARR so had to Google the terms and their use relating to vaccines. Tried explaining to the poster though not entirely sure I'm correct. Kept repeating the same thing in different ways but the antiva poster was sticking to their interpretation. Interested to know if the two, of many, replies below are correct.

"They're just saying it's useful but not that it invalidates the RRR percentage. If you have 2 groups of 20,000 people and 200 of the unvaccinated get covid and none of the vaccinated do then the RRR is 100% but the ARR would be 1%. Whatever the ARR is the RRR stays the same. It's looking at a group outcome but the ARR is looking at individual risk. If only 1% of the population are catching covid the benefit, or reduction in risk is low as you're unlikely to catch covid"

"I think you're not getting what absolute risk reduction means. I didn't until I read the article and looked it up.

In the Pfizer trial there were 21,720 people who got two doses of the vaccine, and 21,728 got two doses of placebo. Study was two months long. 8 vaccinated and 162 placebo group tested positive for covid. That means the risk of COVID-19 in the vaccinated group was 8/21,720 = 0.037%, and the risk in the placebo group was 162/21,728 = 0.745%. The ARR is the difference in risk between the two groups. In this case it would be = 0.745% – 0.037% = 0.708%.

The authors have said that their article is being misrepresented, the figures are complimentary not a contradiction"
what I usually do is google the phrases they use and usually someone has unpicked it ...
If this lasts 10 years I'm never going to get my head around probability and stats ...
This is a new one to me. An article in the Lancet saying that absolute risk reduction figures should be reported to give a fuller picture of vaccine effectiveness, posted by anti vaxxers because the ARR figure is around 1% and that must be bad because they're telling up its 90+% effective.

I'm clueless about relative risk reduction and ARR so had to Google the terms and their use relating to vaccines. Tried explaining to the poster though not entirely sure I'm correct. Kept repeating the same thing in different ways but the antiva poster was sticking to their interpretation. Interested to know if the two, of many, replies below are correct.

"They're just saying it's useful but not that it invalidates the RRR percentage. If you have 2 groups of 20,000 people and 200 of the unvaccinated get covid and none of the vaccinated do then the RRR is 100% but the ARR would be 1%. Whatever the ARR is the RRR stays the same. It's looking at a group outcome but the ARR is looking at individual risk. If only 1% of the population are catching covid the benefit, or reduction in risk is low as you're unlikely to catch covid"

"I think you're not getting what absolute risk reduction means. I didn't until I read the article and looked it up.

In the Pfizer trial there were 21,720 people who got two doses of the vaccine, and 21,728 got two doses of placebo. Study was two months long. 8 vaccinated and 162 placebo group tested positive for covid. That means the risk of COVID-19 in the vaccinated group was 8/21,720 = 0.037%, and the risk in the placebo group was 162/21,728 = 0.745%. The ARR is the difference in risk between the two groups. In this case it would be = 0.745% – 0.037% = 0.708%.

The authors have said that their article is being misrepresented, the figures are complimentary not a contradiction"

It seems to me (declaration: I'm not an expert!) that the principle of what they're getting at is sound. In that the effect of a vaccination programme obviously is related to the number of cases that it would prevent - if you have an incredibly rare disease that kills 10 people a year and a vaccine that's 90% effective in relative terms would it be worthwhile administering vaccines to billions of people to save 9 lives? Probably not - tough luck if you're one of those 9 I guess but you could put those resources into something more efficient that would save more people.

I think the flaw though is in considering that absolute risk as being fixed by the stats from the vaccination test period. You'd obviously need a longer term view than that - in fact iirc the numbers in summer 2020 when the testing was going on were really quite low and so absolute risk would be low. If you then subsequently have a surge in cases (possibly caused by restrictions being relaxed) then the relative risk (what the testing actually measures) benefit from vaccination is the same but the absolute risk goes through the roof. And if you can't rule that out, which obviously with Covid you definitely can't, then the absolute risk stat there isn't that useful.

ETA: Plus of course you can't react in time to changes in that absolute risk given the scale of a mass vaccination programme.
iirc the numbers in summer 2020 when the testing was going on were really quite low and so absolute risk would be low.
I would never have volunteered for a vaccine trial as were I to catch Covid with my lifestyle I would have to offer myself to science ..
If I was doing a vaccine trial I would be hyper-aware ...
It must be something to do with me searching for dodgy FB posts to comment on ...
"nutraceuticals" masquerading as medicine - reported.


I found the ingredients - suspiciously only as a graphic ..
Of course it contains turmeric - seems to be the woo of the moment ...
Oh and licorice - I'd sooner chow down on some pontefract cakes ...

EDIT 2 :- 3 GRAMMES of vitamin C and 4000IU of vitamin D for months !!!! - they should be shot for that alone ...

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I know that I mentioned that Americans don't trust the medical system for a number of reasons. Here's one more:

Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of death — respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year.

The Johns Hopkins team says the CDC’s way of collecting national health statistics fails to classify medical errors separately on the death certificate. The researchers are advocating for updated criteria for classifying deaths on death certificates.

“Incidence rates for deaths directly attributable to medical care gone awry haven’t been recognized in any standardized method for collecting national statistics,” says Martin Makary, M.D., M.P.H., professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and an authority on health reform. “The medical coding system was designed to maximize billing for physician services, not to collect national health statistics, as it is currently being used.”

Most of these are preventable errors and reactions to prescribed drugs. The interesting thing about this is you won't find medical errors on the CDC's most frequent cause of death list in the US, despite it being the third leading cause of death, according to this study. Nearly everyone has a story about how doctors killed one of their relatives.
And then, they wonder why people don't trust the medical community, the CDC, and the government in general, when a preventable issue is completely ignored.
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It comes as news to some people that not only are there people out there who deny that the COVID vaccines work or that COVID really exists, but there are people who deny any vaccines work, and that any disease-spreading germs exist at all. Unfortunately both the latter have popped up on Urban at various times in the past.
This is a new one to me. An article in the Lancet saying that absolute risk reduction figures should be reported to give a fuller picture of vaccine effectiveness, posted by anti vaxxers because the ARR figure is around 1% and that must be bad because they're telling up its 90+% effective.

I'm clueless about relative risk reduction and ARR so had to Google the terms and their use relating to vaccines. Tried explaining to the poster though not entirely sure I'm correct. Kept repeating the same thing in different ways but the antiva poster was sticking to their interpretation. Interested to know if the two, of many, replies below are correct.

"They're just saying it's useful but not that it invalidates the RRR percentage. If you have 2 groups of 20,000 people and 200 of the unvaccinated get covid and none of the vaccinated do then the RRR is 100% but the ARR would be 1%. Whatever the ARR is the RRR stays the same. It's looking at a group outcome but the ARR is looking at individual risk. If only 1% of the population are catching covid the benefit, or reduction in risk is low as you're unlikely to catch covid"

"I think you're not getting what absolute risk reduction means. I didn't until I read the article and looked it up.

In the Pfizer trial there were 21,720 people who got two doses of the vaccine, and 21,728 got two doses of placebo. Study was two months long. 8 vaccinated and 162 placebo group tested positive for covid. That means the risk of COVID-19 in the vaccinated group was 8/21,720 = 0.037%, and the risk in the placebo group was 162/21,728 = 0.745%. The ARR is the difference in risk between the two groups. In this case it would be = 0.745% – 0.037% = 0.708%.

The authors have said that their article is being misrepresented, the figures are complimentary not a contradiction"

A perfect example of a very complex subject matter, that uneducated people in a specialised field, shouldn’t try to interpret.
13 arrests in fake covid pass investigation "around 54 000 fake pass created in a month after a nurse work acount hacked.
e2a: the above in France.

Antivaxx grifters coining it on substack
Research by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a campaign group, showed that Mercola’s newsletters made a minimum of $1m a year from charging subscribers an annual fee of $50, with Berenson making at least $1.2m from charging people $60. Three other vaccine sceptic newsletters, from tech entrepreneur Steven Kirsch, virologist Robert Malone and anonymous writer Eugyppius, generate about $300,000 between them.

German speaking antivax covid deniers move to paraguay
The project’s website bills it as “by far the largest urbanization and settlement project in South America”, describing the colony as a refuge from “socialist trends of current economic and political situations worldwide” – as well as “5G, chemtrails, fluoridated water, mandatory vaccinations and healthcare mandates”.
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Listen to these shameful charlatans:
A Substack spokesperson referred the Guardian to an essay published on Wednesday by the platform’s co-founders, Chris Best, Hamish McKenzie and Jairaj Sethi, in which they said silencing vaccine sceptics would not work. “As we face growing pressure to censor content published on Substack that to some seems dubious or objectionable, our answer remains the same: we make decisions based on principles not PR, we will defend free expression, and we will stick to our hands-off approach to content moderation,” they said.

Substack’s content guidelines state that “critique and discussion of controversial issues are part of robust discourse, so we work to find a reasonable balance between these two priorities”.
Fuck sakes

https://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10445789/Anti-vaxxers-storm-Covid-vaccine-centre-Ealing-demand-site-shut-down.html

Anti-vaxxers have stormed a Covid vaccination centre in Ealing to demand the site be shut down because it is a crime scene'.

Footage shows two men and a woman accusing NHS staff of 'genocide', saying they have a crime number and that vaccines are under investigation.

They attempt to hand out posters entitled 'important public announcement Covid-19 scandal' to people queuing to receive their jab at the site in west London.

Towards the start of the video, the female anti-vaxxer asks to see the manager, and is told to go outside due to not wearing a face mask.

She refuses to leave and tells security workers that the site is a 'crime scene', before the manager approaches them.

The member of staff reads the poster and asks them again to go outside, saying: 'No, we are not closing.' She then tells workers to continue jabbing patients.

The male anti-vaxxer reads out the 'crime number' to a security guard, while members of the public are approached and offered the poster, which they refuse.

Two police officers eventually arrive and the female tells one of them: 'We're asking you to stand under your oath and to close down the centre while it's under investigation for death, genocide and crimes against humanity.'

The policeman replies: 'I'm not going to be closing down the vaccination centre.'

Just how do you get so far gone as to do that???
Fuck sakes

https://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10445789/Anti-vaxxers-storm-Covid-vaccine-centre-Ealing-demand-site-shut-down.html

Anti-vaxxers have stormed a Covid vaccination centre in Ealing to demand the site be shut down because it is a crime scene'.

Footage shows two men and a woman accusing NHS staff of 'genocide', saying they have a crime number and that vaccines are under investigation.

They attempt to hand out posters entitled 'important public announcement Covid-19 scandal' to people queuing to receive their jab at the site in west London.

Towards the start of the video, the female anti-vaxxer asks to see the manager, and is told to go outside due to not wearing a face mask.

She refuses to leave and tells security workers that the site is a 'crime scene', before the manager approaches them.

The member of staff reads the poster and asks them again to go outside, saying: 'No, we are not closing.' She then tells workers to continue jabbing patients.

The male anti-vaxxer reads out the 'crime number' to a security guard, while members of the public are approached and offered the poster, which they refuse.

Two police officers eventually arrive and the female tells one of them: 'We're asking you to stand under your oath and to close down the centre while it's under investigation for death, genocide and crimes against humanity.'

The policeman replies: 'I'm not going to be closing down the vaccination centre.'

Just how do you get so far gone as to do that???

Who films these things. There's a few now. Is it the antivacccers themselves? To be so unaware or so embubbled (yeah that's a word) they don't see to most people they look like absolute punchable fuckwits .

Anyone normal in their lives has obviously just backed away or given up talking to them about this stuff.

Surprised none of the people waiting for vaccines hasn't got a bit robust with them...
Who films these things. There's a few now. Is it the antivacccers themselves? To be so unaware or so embubbled (yeah that's a word) they don't see to most people they look like absolute punchable fuckwits .

Anyone normal in their lives has obviously just backed away or given up talking to them about this stuff.

Surprised none of the people waiting for vaccines hasn't got a bit robust with them...

Naturally there's a liberal sprinkling of FOTLer loonery in there too, The series of clips were posted to Twitter, captioned: 'Vaccine Centre in Ealing targeted by ‘Common Law Constables’ claiming vaccines are under investigation and the centre must close.

Reading that I was feeling quite punchy, but thinking back to my three jabs, the mood in the centres was one of relief that the jabs are happening with a keenness to help get it done as quickly as possible so more people could get jabbed, not sure I would have done anything.
Yes, I think ignoring and mockery is the way to go with these guys - they do actually want to be taken seriously so it's great no one's even giving them the diginity of that sort of attention.
I wonder how they'd respond if an entire vaccination centre full of people started to slow handclap them. Which would combine obvious ridicule with making it harder for them to "do their job"...and of course would be completely non-confrontational.
Mentioned in the post above yours ^^

Not surprising I guess, but still worth noting.....

A report by activists found that half of debunked online disinformation targeting three prominent scientists remains live and unlabelled.

Between January and June 2021, [mentioned authors] identified 85 posts across the platforms [Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Telegram] that contained disinformation targeting the scientists and their institutions, and that had been debunked by several fact-checking organizations. By late July 2021, when the study concluded, 49% of the posts were still live and had not been removed or labelled with a warning about the fact-checkers’ findings. The posts had collectively racked up nearly 1.9 million interactions.
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