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The People's Iron Fist vs Imperialist Jackboots: Revolutionaries and Anti-Communists Clash in Cuba

This thread makes me kind of nostalgic. I remember there was a time when I was spending far too much time on forums where people would call each other "tankies" and "anarkiddies".
Yes, teenaged tankies labelling anarchists over the age of 30 as 'anarkiddies'. Truly ridiculous. Just like the OP and title of this thread.
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And there you have it - with us or against us lol.

Okay let’s check back in what, ten years and let’s see. I predict Cuba will either basically be run how it is now or it’ll be a regular capitalist state. If it’s an anarcho-paradise I guess I’ll just have to admit you were right all along
Yes, teenaged tankies labelling anarchists over the age of 30 as 'anarkiddies'. Truly ridiculous. Just like this thread.

Can you find one post where someone called anyone ‘anarkiddies’? No you can’t and please don’t quote Noxion because he was referencing a thread from a different board
I think it's fair to say that there is a struggle from the left within Cuban society, and also that there are foreign powers who would seek to take advantage of any instability. What is actually in contention here? Is it the fact that the Cuban government has gotten up to some awful shit? I don't think so. The prospect of Cuba becoming some kind of multi-party democracy is purely hypothetical at this point, surely? So any conditions under which this would happen would have be notional.

The two most recent examples of countries which have undergone punishing sanctions before a regime change, do not make any such happening in the present look promising to me.
Just checking. Do you really believe that, or are you just being provocative?
He seems to mean it judging by his entire thread dedicated to red totalitarian societies and military parades etc:

'Fidel himself was legitimately popular' is a highly questionable statement. When I lived in Cuba 20 years ago, that was already very far from the whole truth. People have to be extremely careful about what they say, even to family members - one of the hallmarks of totalitarianism - but as an outsider, I was someone some people felt they could open up to without fear of the consequences. There was seething resentment under the surface over the years and years and years of stagnation, shortages and repression.
He seems to mean it judging by his entire thread dedicated to red totalitarian societies and military parades etc:

Jeff is taking the piss.
US Professor of governance estimates here that the Trump/Biden sanctions have negatively impacted the standard of living of 60% of Cuban families and has also meant that the government has a lot less foreign exchange currency to be able to import food and medicine. The sheer barbarity of US imperialism is just staggering.

Cuba has provided medical solidarity to deprived communities around the world and this is how they are treated in turn, in the middle of a pandemic? Repulsive.

Some links from the later sections of that giant twitter thread:

Claim for the freedom of detainees in Cuba​

In the demonstrations this afternoon in Havana, Frank García Hernández, among other members of the Cuban left, was arrested.

Note : not all members of the editorial collective of Comunistas Blog subscribe to this communication.

This afternoon the Cuban people took to the streets. A people that was not summoned by any organization other than the acute economic crisis facing Cuba and the government's inability to handle the situation. Cuba took to the streets with the wrong slogan "Homeland and life", but it took to the streets beyond a slogan, it came out to demand true socialism from the government. Those who were in the streets were not only artists and intellectuals, this time it was the town in its broadest heterogeneity.

This note from the Communists blog does not seek to analyze the situation in Cuba. It seeks to denounce the violent detention of the protesters, to denounce that this time the repressive forces of the State put themselves in the opposite place, that they repressed Cubans, that they used pepper spray and all available resources. This note is a claim for the freedom of all those detained and especially for the arbitrary detention of Frank García Hernández, a Cuban historian and Marxist. For the arrest of Leonardo Romero Negrín, a young socialist Physics student at the University of Havana. For the arrest of Maykel González Vivero, director of Tremenda Nota, a marginal magazine. For the arrest of Marcos Antonio Pérez Fernández, a minor, a high school student. For all those violently detained on this black afternoon that Cuba will not forget. Comunistas appeals to the solidarity of the international Marxist community and also to the conscience of the Cuban government. This time it is about a town that needs answers and dialogue.

It is about a civil society that does not want annexation, but rather to participate and decide the destiny of its nation. Communist blog condemns the repression and says enough to the bureaucracy.

Years of lies by an outdated and authoritarian left-wing government. That is why now it is inevitable that the fascist right will show its face. Down with the blockade! Down with the dictatorship! No to American intervention!

Fiorella does a deep dive into why & how the United States and their media propaganda arm are manufacturing consent via fake photos, fake social media accounts, and exploited protests to frame a political narrative against Cuba.
One of the many contradictions of Cuba. We are Revolutionaries!

The revolution happened in 1959. Most Cubans alive today weren't even born. The Institutionalised Revolution. The Permanent Revolution. It's Orwellian doublethink. It's one of the reasons why Cuba has been stuck for 60 years.
One of the many contradictions of Cuba. We are Revolutionaries!

The revolution happened in 1959. Most Cubans alive today weren't even born. The Institutionalised Revolution. The Permanent Revolution. It's Orwellian doublethink. It's one of the reasons why Cuba has been stuck for 60 years.
They've never been revolutionaries. A revolution is when the people (especially the working class) overthrow the ruling class and their bourgeois capitalist system, not merely become just another repressive bourgeois maintaining a capitalist system like the leaders of Cuba.
One of the many contradictions of Cuba. We are Revolutionaries!

The revolution happened in 1959. Most Cubans alive today weren't even born. The Institutionalised Revolution. The Permanent Revolution. It's Orwellian doublethink. It's one of the reasons why Cuba has been stuck for 60 years.

Maintaining a socialist revolution on a poor third world island with the world's most powerful ever capitalist empire on your doorstep turns out to require vigilance and work.
Maintaining a socialist revolution on a poor third world island with the world's most powerful ever capitalist empire on your doorstep turns out to require vigilance and work.
Either that or it's gradually turned into something else - a deeply corrupt system that is primarily concerned with maintaining itself.

A very high proportion of young people in Cuba just want to leave. I don't blame them. No amount of lectures about what El Che and Fidel and Camilo did will change that.
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