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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

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Much ado about nothing to mask the failure of the vaccine! More than twenty countries have just suspended vaccination because of serious side effects. The incompetence of this government is total. We must detect, protect and treat! And above all unlocking! Priority to life! Preventive treatments (vit D, zinc in other) and existing curative treatments (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin) must be used.
To be fair, that was his only comment about vaccines on his Party Facebook page and no one actually knows if he sneakily got vaccinated, but he's exactly the phenotype who would want to be vaccinated to the max and fully masked and staying away from parties ...
On a serious note.. who else has seen in the Netherlands they now have a phoneline for covid vax hesistant or even sceptical people. Such a good idea! I think more should be done to engage gently with people on an individual level and not write people off
Seriously, I have had training courses on 'Vaccine Reassuring' and it is 95%+ a total, utter waste of time. It is like telling a Tory or Brexit voter that things are not going that well.

These harmful people actively seek out the testing and vaccinating staff for a row. They are like a backward (or any tbf) religion telling you 'what is happening' and will not accept anything you say. They have vandalised centres and equipment, abused staff and public seeking help.
Just came across this long list here.
I do think that if you’re really laughing at them the many hundreds of them for being dead idiots you’ve probably lost it. Don’t mean anyone here just the general told you so type glee that greets every new one of these stories. Its just sad as fuck imo.
Just came across this long list here.
I do think that if you’re really laughing at them the many hundreds of them for being dead idiots you’ve probably lost it. Don’t mean anyone here just the general told you so type glee that greets every new one of these stories. Its just sad as fuck imo.
Some of them likely aided the deaths of others in the process - not just by spraying covid around but by forwarding misinformation .. some of them are nasty pieces of work in many ways ...
Just came across this long list here.
I do think that if you’re really laughing at them the many hundreds of them for being dead idiots you’ve probably lost it. Don’t mean anyone here just the general told you so type glee that greets every new one of these stories. Its just sad as fuck imo.

Nah, I think people are just happy to see that these overgrown toddlers have finally encountered a problem that they can't get around by being a screaming nuisance.
Cult Of Dusty does a good rendition from that site - in addition to dealing with other assorted right wing arseholes who haven't chosen to test their immune systems.
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Just came across this long list here.
I do think that if you’re really laughing at them the many hundreds of them for being dead idiots you’ve probably lost it. Don’t mean anyone here just the general told you so type glee that greets every new one of these stories. Its just sad as fuck imo.
To be honest I stopped giving a shit about these clowns after the first year or so of covid.

I suppose, to some, that makes me a bad person. Don't care
No, but it does make you a bit of a sucker playing into the hands of those who gain from dividing us

Nah, fuck this "both sides" bullshit. These people are actively harming others, spreading misinformation and generally making society more shitty. Get to fuck with this idea that schadenfreude makes you as bad as them. "Enlightened Centrist" bullshit.
Every person who was offered a jab refused it and subsequently died with covid they all kind of deserved to die and fuck em ? Or is it only the ones who wrote about it on social media.
What about the massive issues with vaccine refusal in developing countries do those people also count as clowns and nasty pieces of work or is that different.
I just want them to crack on and die so the rest of us can try and get back to normal a quickly as possible which quite simply isn't going to happen with anti vaxxers wandering around
Nah, fuck this "both sides" bullshit. These people are actively harming others, spreading misinformation and generally making society more shitty. Get to fuck with this idea that schadenfreude makes you as bad as them. "Enlightened Centrist" bullshit.
I’m not getting into this as you’re suggesting things I haven’t said, but deliberately polarising people into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ based on ignorance, prejudice and cultural blindness is not a direction we should be going in.
I just want them to crack on and die so the rest of us can try and get back to normal a quickly as possible which quite simply isn't going to happen with anti vaxxers wandering around
So you’re basically happy for people I love to die. Well fuck you then
Every person who was offered a jab refused it and subsequently died with covid they all kind of deserved to die and fuck em ? Or is it only the ones who wrote about it on social media.
What about the massive issues with vaccine refusal in developing countries do those people also count as clowns and nasty pieces of work or is that different.

It's literally self-inflicted. These people are adults, yes? Which means that they get to make decisions and live with the consequences. Unfortunately it's not even that simple, because while these twats are running round getting high on Russian memes, they're also spreading the virus and hurting other people.

People in developing countries generally aren't as stupid about this kind of thing as the spoilt twats in rich countries who've never had to really struggle with rampant disease. Their main problem is getting access to the jab in the first place. I'd be in favour of some kind of vaccine exchange program, but I don't think the logistics would work.
I do think that if you’re really laughing at them the many hundreds of them for being dead idiots you’ve probably lost it. Don’t mean anyone here just the general told you so type glee that greets every new one of these stories. Its just sad as fuck imo.
I see where you're coming from but I think it's just people enjoying schadenfreude, particularly for those who have spread lies about the disease or vaccine.
It’s a bit like if there were loads of folk who thought they were bloody excellent at making bombs safely. Really arrogant about it too, joyously saying how great they were at making bombs with no incidents or anything at all.

But kept getting blown up whilst making their own bombs.

There is a certain “laugher in the dark” to quote Nabakov.

It’s a knee jerk reaction. Deep down no one wants to see people die. The idea we should stuff and suppress humour seems senseless. It’s an Internet forum miles from the event, the families etc.
It’s a bit like if there were loads of folk who thought they were bloody excellent at making bombs safely. Really arrogant about it too, joyously saying how great they were at making bombs with no incidents or anything at all.

But kept getting blown up whilst making their own bombs.

There is a certain “laugher in the dark” to quote Nabakov.

It’s a knee jerk reaction. Deep down no one wants to see people die. The idea we should stuff and suppress humour seems senseless. It’s an Internet forum miles from the event, the families etc.
Yes that's the analogy that struck me.

No, it's not just the ones who wrote about it on social media, and I doubt anyone would find a similar reaction on here to vaccine refusal in developing countries.

It's people who have been telling innocents that covid doesn't exist and that others should avoid the vaccine. The :D reaction to me is the reaction of "tough".

Or should we feel sympathy for the far right that have attacked health workers and accused them of being mass murderers? No sorry I'm as liberal as the come ( :( ) but they've crossed a line, fuck them :mad:
also - we're dealing with something very ugly imo.

on one hand we are trying to make it through a pandemic. people worry about their families, their jobs, their relationships, their prospects. suddenly we are all thrown into somethign together, and a high level of solidarity has been required. (i remember the empty, desolate streets of london during teh first lockdowns - what does solidarity look like? that!)

the anger levelled at these folks could be related to teh overal trauma, a lashign out from our own pandemic wounds, no matter how subtle they are. we all have enough to deal with at hte moment, withotu people saying "that humour you feel is WRONG. change it. think BETTER." there's no such thing in my view as wrong feeligns - its what you do with them - and having a piss take on urban to me is like a drop in teh ocean. we all know pretty much it's a pretty closed loop here. we are not out their fronting up their families or prolesitizing on social media...which sounds familair.
certain sub culture is the best "boat makers around." they spread their methods around social media about how to build be the best, safest boat. all those other boat makers who use science and shit are not as good as tehm. they definitely make the best and safest boat. come to the harbour, i'll show you how great my boat is and how safe it is.

they slowly lower teh boat into the harbour climb aboard and say look at my great big safe boat, it's amazing isnt it and then sink and then drown.
a good example of this dilema was chris morris's four lions where he balanced sympathy adn context and understanding with just basic piss taking of the jahidists.

this is fezel runnign back to the house with supplies to build a bomb.

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