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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Anyone remember the Bogdanov affair?

Turns out the twins (famous for plagiarism, some awful sounding TV shows, denying having plastic surgery & etc.) both died recently of Covid after refusing to be vaccinated because "their healthy lifestyle would protect them".

Anyone remember the Bogdanov affair?

Turns out the twins (famous for plagiarism, some awful sounding TV shows, denying having plastic surgery & etc.) both died recently of Covid after refusing to be vaccinated because "their healthy lifestyle would protect them".

yeh we've done them :D
Just came across this long list here.
I do think that if you’re really laughing at them the many hundreds of them for being dead idiots you’ve probably lost it. Don’t mean anyone here just the general told you so type glee that greets every new one of these stories. Its just sad as fuck imo.
Yeah I've thought about this and it's not as if it's a genuinely happy, positive state of affairs to laugh about is it. And I'd say it's definitely counter-productive in advancing the pro-vaccine cause.
I see where you're coming from but I think it's just people enjoying schadenfreude, particularly for those who have spread lies about the disease or vaccine.
This. It's people who have the complete arrogant certainty that they're right, that they've seen through the whole charade and us lowly sheeple are just following the herd. Furthermore, they influence others, especially people like that French politician and they endanger other people's lives...

Then they die from the disease that's upended everyone's life for two years, the one they said didn't exist, was just the flu rebranded and the one they refused to be vaccinated against because big pharma Bill Gates, maaaannn... And it just leaves me thinking well, what a stupid fucking twat you are. I don't particularly laugh or have any glee in it, it is in fact sad but my main feeling is what a stupid fucking twat.
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I would prefer it if the antivaxxers were to just wise up, get their shots, and mask up. But that's not going to happen, is it?

They are impervious to reason, because they didn't reach their positions via reason in the first place.

Emotional appeals don't work, because they're already addicted to the dopamine rush of being one of the "enlightened" who are inherently better than any of the bleating sheeple.

Confronting them with force and anger only serves to confirm their conspiracy.

So someone please tell me, what the fuck is there left after all of that? Some of them will cling to this shit even as they're being sedated and intubated on their way to the fucking grave.

Maybe the power this shit holds over people will wane, as the long, slow and painful grind of this thrice-fucking-cursed pandemic continues exacting its grisly toll in misery and bodies. I have no idea when or even if that will happen. The only certainty that I feel about it is that it won't be any time soon.
So someone please tell me, what the fuck is there left after all of that? Some of them will cling to this shit even as they're being sedated and intubated on their way to the fucking grave.

Maybe the power this shit holds over people will wane, as the long, slow and painful grind of this thrice-fucking-cursed pandemic continues exacting its grisly toll in misery and bodies. I have no idea when or even if that will happen. The only certainty that I feel about it is that it won't be any time soon.

Pretty much this - I suspect the mindset and the path out of it is essentially the same as any cult. Some people will snap out of it if the scales fall, some might be dragged out of it by friends or family, but a lot of the people will ride it to the bitter end (certainly QAnon and related stuff has already got thousands of people prepared to go all Jonestown on this). As you've observed, the "reward" given by conspiraloon thinking is very enticing, especially to people who are stupid and/or narcissistic.

If and when the pandemic starts to wane, you'll see much of the cult-like anti-vaccine behaviour recede in to the background as well as the mugwumps who've not gone full loon will find other things to worry about, but (as pre-pandemic) there's going to be a pro-plague faithful who probably won't go away until we run in to the next pandemic (which probably won't be as mild as covid).
This. It's people who have the complete arrogant certainty that they're right, that they've seen through the whole charade and us lowly sheeple are just following the herd. Furthermore, they influence others, especially people like that French politician and they endanger other people's lives...
I'd be completely happy if Piers Corbyn died of covid - that'd be such a shame.
Yeah, i'm not going to pretend i'd be sad for one second if Piers Corbyn died of it live on tv. And also don't mind admitting that i have had an ongoing fantasy about my next door neighbours (anti vax yoga teachers with a following) getting really sick from covid.
That American website with the biographies of hundreds of dead just pulled me up, as does thinking about the fact that this is absolutely not a 'first world problem' contrary to what i expected at the start. There is a massive body count from the refusers of the vaccine all over the world, and i think it bears a bit of thinking about, how we hold some people entirely responsible for their individual stupid choices and others we can more easily see the structural reasons why they find themselves in this situation.
Yeah, i'm not going to pretend i'd be sad for one second if Piers Corbyn died of it live on tv. And also don't mind admitting that i have had an ongoing fantasy about my next door neighbours (anti vax yoga teachers with a following) getting really sick from covid.
That American website with the biographies of hundreds of dead just pulled me up, as does thinking about the fact that this is absolutely not a 'first world problem' contrary to what i expected at the start. There is a massive body count from the refusers of the vaccine all over the world, and i think it bears a bit of thinking about, how we hold some people entirely responsible for their individual stupid choices and others we can more easily see the structural reasons why they find themselves in this situation.
If you read the site though you’ll notice it’s not done in a particularly gloating fashion and does seem quite genuine in wanting people to get vaccinated and using the examples of others to promote this - it covers a range of people from out and out racist Q loons to soppy hippies and puritanical health food/exercise freaks. Some genuinely sad cases and others where the sympathy is a little harder to find. It doesn’t seem particularly malevolent and sneering although the comments are a little less kind.

The HCA Reddit group is a bit less diplomatic but still follows rules about not wishing people dead, redacting names etc, and is a bit of an eye-opener into the mindset of right wingers and vaccine sceptics, in some posts you can see the journey through radicalisation from people initially calling for others to follow the rules before getting sucked into bullshit and dying horribly. It’s like they’re following a template, hundreds of them, over and over, the same memes, same comments, blame it on immigrants, thoughts and prayers, intubation, death, a gofundme for the kids left behind, Both harrowing and numbing, most didn’t have to die and it’s a fucking tragedy that a divide has been created around this.

It’s worth remembering that vaccine/mask scepticism is being orchestrated as a political tactic in the US and that the murderous scum at the top of this pyramid of misinformation are not worth any tears, although some of the worst offenders are strongly suspected of having had the jab themselves so will face no consequences.
agree with all of that Dogsauce. I just felt really sad about it all yesterday and as you say its not quite right to suggest they are all adults making individual choices so fuck em, because thats to ignore the orchestrators, in the US and also in places like Malawi where its more likely to be pastors than senators or whatever.
Yeah, i'm not going to pretend i'd be sad for one second if Piers Corbyn died of it live on tv. And also don't mind admitting that i have had an ongoing fantasy about my next door neighbours (anti vax yoga teachers with a following) getting really sick from covid.
That American website with the biographies of hundreds of dead just pulled me up, as does thinking about the fact that this is absolutely not a 'first world problem' contrary to what i expected at the start. There is a massive body count from the refusers of the vaccine all over the world, and i think it bears a bit of thinking about, how we hold some people entirely responsible for their individual stupid choices and others we can more easily see the structural reasons why they find themselves in this situation.

There's a big different between the genuine vaccine hesitate people, and the looney anti-vaxxers that believe any old shit and spread it around, like a monkey throwing its own shit about.

I still feel sad for most of those that have fallen down the rabbit hole, but I'll laugh at the ones that have been spreading misinformation to a large audience, and are probably responsible for many deaths amongst their followers.

As I posted the other day -

Generally speaking with anti-vaxxers dying, I'll react with 'sad', if they have persuaded family members against having the jab and one of those die as well, I'll react with 'mad'.

I am fairly sure I've only reacted with 'haha' for the extreme loons, like right-wing radio hosts & religious leaders that have gone out of their way to persuade large numbers of people against the jab, and I'll do so again if covid takes out the likes of Corbyn and/or Icke, and happily dance on their grave(s).

If anyone thinks that makes me a bad person, frankly I couldn't give a flying fuck.
There's a big different between the genuine vaccine hesitate people, and the looney anti-vaxxers that believe any old shit and spread it around, like a monkey throwing its own shit about.
i'm not sure i agree with this tbh. i dont think the difference is that clear at all. My mum for instance was very 'vaccine hesitant' and when i talked (/ shouted) to her about it her reasons were the same total monkey-shit loonery (big pharma, she heard it kills unborn babies, etc). Difference really is just a mater of degree, as in she just wasn't that convinced by it, and chose to go ahead in order to get her covid pass that was needed to go in cafes and stuff there.
You don't have to feel bad that somebody has died in order to not feel happy that they died. There is plenty of grey area. I agree with bimble that celebrating deaths is... well, I won't complete that sentence.
Sometimes, especially when the deceased has been a vocal and vituperative anti-vaxxer, etc, I experience a sense of poetic justice having been served. But I'd far rather, every time, the story of the rabid antivaxxer who gets Covid, gets treated, survives, and has the courage to publicly reverse their position and plead to their former compatriots to change their approach. For all the use that probably does.

Mostly, though, I feel sadness that my cosy illusion of man as a rational, logical being has to be quite so brutally shattered quite so regularly...
i'm not sure i agree with this tbh. i dont think the difference is that clear at all. My mum for instance was very 'vaccine hesitant' and when i talked (/ shouted) to her about it her reasons were the same total monkey-shit loonery (big pharma, she heard it kills unborn babies, etc). Difference really is just a mater of degree, as in she just wasn't that convinced by it, and chose to go ahead in order to get her covid pass that was needed to go in cafes and stuff there.

There's is, of course, a grey area between the two, like with most things in life.
You don't have to feel bad that somebody has died in order to not feel happy that they died. There is plenty of grey area. I agree with bimble that celebrating deaths is... well, I won't complete that sentence.
I think there is even more nuance than that. The way we react to things is very complicated.

Finding something funny is not the same thing as being happy it happened for one thing.
Yeah, i'm not going to pretend i'd be sad for one second if Piers Corbyn died of it live on tv. And also don't mind admitting that i have had an ongoing fantasy about my next door neighbours (anti vax yoga teachers with a following) getting really sick from covid.
That American website with the biographies of hundreds of dead just pulled me up, as does thinking about the fact that this is absolutely not a 'first world problem' contrary to what i expected at the start. There is a massive body count from the refusers of the vaccine all over the world, and i think it bears a bit of thinking about, how we hold some people entirely responsible for their individual stupid choices and others we can more easily see the structural reasons why they find themselves in this situation.
After the wicked way they treated their poor dog, I'd rather you set one of your bats on your neighbours and they caught rabies.
Yep, it's interesting is all. Catching my brain wishing sickness on my anti-vax neighbours, it might be understandable but it is a pretty fucked up thing to be thinking i reckon, probably a combination of personal dislike and the general desire to blame someone for all the stress and anxiety of the last two years.
Yep, it's interesting is all. Catching my brain wishing sickness on my anti-vax neighbours, it might be understandable but it is a pretty fucked up thing to be thinking i reckon, probably a combination of personal dislike and the general desire to blame someone for all the stress and anxiety of the last two years.
Also pretty normal I think (hope).
There's a big different between the genuine vaccine hesitate people, and the looney anti-vaxxers that believe any old shit and spread it around, like a monkey throwing its own shit about.
The difference between here and the US is that there are mainstream news sources pushing anti-vax stuff to millions of viewers, and these are seen as trusted sources. If you rely on Fox for your information because that’s what your peer group believes to be an authority, then there’s a good chance you might not want a vaccine. I think the level of blame/schadenfreude you can aim at such people is pretty low really.
There isn't much of a moral dilemma with me - even my Tory-leaning family are all vaccinated so far as I know - and I would hazard a guess I have no unvaccinated neighbours - even the raw vegan ones ...
Yep, it's interesting is all. Catching my brain wishing sickness on my anti-vax neighbours, it might be understandable but it is a pretty fucked up thing to be thinking i reckon, probably a combination of personal dislike and the general desire to blame someone for all the stress and anxiety of the last two years.
we labour under the illusion there are right and wrong thoguhts and feelings. it's what you do as a person that counts. if you caught covid and coughed in his face, that would be something else entirely.
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