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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

The thing that gets me is that immunity from an infection doesn't last, and thus you can contract Covid multiple times. So these people are just setting up themselves up for future pain, possibly a lifetime of it if the disease ends up permanently maiming them somehow. They keep harping on about the disease only being "1% deadly", while forgetting that a disease doesn't have to kill you in order to ruin your life. If their lungs end up becoming damaged due to repeated exposure and more severe illness due to lacking the vax, then their chances of complications or death will only increase.

Not only that, but these arrogant fucking fools point-blank refuse to take actions which will decrease their frequency of exposure to high viral loads. It's as if they're doing the exact actions and taking the precise attitudes necessary for the disease to properly fuck them up. Foolishness piled upon foolishness.

Another thing these twatboxes keep saying in their Russian-authored cookie-cutter memes is stupid bullshit like "I'm not getting vaccinated, I have an immune system". You stupid fucking cunts, have you never heard of a cytokine storm? Your immune system is powerful for sure, but it's also on occasion being commanded by General fucking Ripper who will carpet bomb your entire body in order to root out the viral foe, and he will not care about collateral damage.
how the fuck do they know what level their immune system is performing at? can they see inside their own bodies or something?

just the usual sort of story from the rabit hole, but it struck me when i read this today - if the guy in the ward was a crisis actor, for those who believe that, how will they ever trust the NHS again?

once you're in that deep. it's logically coherent from this point onward see the whole enterprise, in this case the NHS, as a front for malevolance. can you imagine how dark that must be?

disturbing. well disturbing for them.

these are not wacky fun conspiracies that are fun to read, they are dark places.
how the fuck do they know what level their immune system is performing at? can they see inside their own bodies or something?

I'm a regular reader of r/HermanCainAward and r/COVIDatemyface, and I will say that I definitely think a lot of them have an over-inflated opinion of their immune system performance. The most shocking deaths to me are those which aren't obvious, like the 34 year old mother of two, who wasn't overweight and didn't mention having any conditions like COPD or the like.

This disease is serious. It could kill you! Why roll the dice when you don't need to?
or have i got that wrong #maths
No, if you have a car just count all the people you drive past on the to work and every time you reach a hundred swerve and run that person down. The publicity at your trial will convince thousands of anti-vaxxers to see the error of their way, thereby, on balance, saving lives
I'm a regular reader of r/HermanCainAward and r/COVIDatemyface, and I will say that I definitely think a lot of them have an over-inflated opinion of their immune system performance. The most shocking deaths to me are those which aren't obvious, like the 34 year old mother of two, who wasn't overweight and didn't mention having any conditions like COPD or the like.

This disease is serious. It could kill you! Why roll the dice when you don't need to?
a lot truly have never fully grasped or believe in the idea of global pandemic. of course it's all getting a bit authoritarian at times (lockdowns, huge social pressures for vacinnes, etc), but, duh, that's because there's a deadly disease out there. i bet if all the scientists came out tomorrow and said "it's over, covids gone!" there's not a single government in the world who would keep restrictions.
No, if you have a car just count all the people you drive past on the to work and every time you reach a hundred swerve and run that person down. The publicity at your trial will convince thousands of anti-vaxxers to see the error of their way, thereby, on balance, saving lives

Another way I've seen it put is something like this; the Old Trafford has a seating capacity of 76,000, 1% of which is 760 people. How many people would be willing to enter the stadium if they were told that they had a 1% chance of being randomly picked off by a bunch of snipers above the stands? 760 people killed would be one of the worst massacres this country has ever seen in recent history, and wouldn't even touch on the people injured by ricochets or traumatised by being splattered with the brain matter of their neighbour in the next seat.
It used to be driven (cynically, mostly) by white supremacists. I believe that is still largely true. Simple scapegoating, panic mongering. It's lucrative too for the manipulators. So much nonsense has become 'received wisdom' in a polarised society too e.g. 'cultural Marxism', 'cancel culture', 'the Left are fascists'; 'real men are rugged individualists being sapped by these things'. These things are 'definitely true' to many now. A lot of scare quotes, but I think a lot of it comes from the far right and always has done.

So, because governments (or elements within the establishment) see them as useful idiots to undermine and counter socialist goals and aspirations, it begins to mutate into self harm. Because they are being fucked again and don't know it.
It used to be driven (cynically, mostly) by white supremacists. I believe that is still largely true. Simple scapegoating, panic mongering. It's lucrative too for the manipulators. So much nonsense has become 'received wisdom' in a polarised society too e.g. 'cultural Marxism', 'cancel culture', 'the Left are fascists'; 'real men are rugged individualists being sapped by these things'. These things are 'definitely true' to many now. A lot of scare quotes, but I think a lot of it comes from the far right and always has done.

So, because governments (or elements within the establishment) see them as useful idiots to undermine and counter socialist goals and aspirations, it begins to mutate into self harm. Because they are being fucked again and don't know it.
yeh and it's so heavily monitised now. newspapers perhaps in the past would purposely roll this out to sell more copies, and perhaps a few nutty writers, but now if you have a political ideology it is very easy to monitise it. to sell shit through it. to make a living out of keeping an extreme angle.
i think it's a good start teaching our kids about how the culture wars work. where there's value, where's there's not. whats a good source, whats a not. whats a GRIFTER, who is not. take them to libraries. get them reading half decet broadsheets, books, podcasts (some). i will certainly mine. i am still haunted by seeing my best mate turn from a very normal middle of teh road type, into a raving lunatic in the space of around 3 months.
i remember a friend once said to me when we were talking about i think newspaper columnists and the shit they write. He said something that struck with me: "remember they have bills to pay." They have mortgages, school fees (yuck), cars, etc that need paying. so even on that relatively macro level, i.e. the newspaper columnist, there is a huge vested interest to keep something going, an angle, a style, a "voice" etc. Same with your average politican. he's got one eye on his "principles" and the other eye on the 3 grand mortgage he's got to meet each month. hardly anyone out there in the politic is acting entirely on selfless principles. that is why i think authors and many journalists of non fiction are so good. that slow burn. they know they will make a few quid but there's not that do or die grift. they have other income streams. they are not monitizing their opinion, rather just giving it in the hope it sells a few.
that whole 99% survive. well that's still 1 out of 100 people who catch it will DIE. seems pretty scary to me!
Someone on the HCA group had a meme saying ‘why should I worry about a disease with a 97% survival rate’ which is about 1 in 30. Number isn’t actually correct anyway, but yes, you absolutely should be worried if that was the case. Don’t think they made it.

Plus sawing your own arm off might have a similar mortality rate, but if you survive you’ve still got no fucking arm. Illness/injury isn’t just about not dying but how you come out the other end if you do live, there’s people with severe lung damage on permanent oxygen, cardiac issues before you even get to long Covid type stuff. Trying not to get it and protecting yourself whatever way you can isn’t a bad idea. I’m still well below par after three months, after a relatively mild case, and it’s shitty. Flu doesn‘t do this.
"I'm not getting vaccinated, I have an immune system". You stupid fucking cunts, have you never heard of a cytokine storm? Your immune system is powerful for sure, but it's also on occasion being commanded by General fucking Ripper who will carpet bomb your entire body in order to root out the viral foe, and he will not care about collateral damage.

I'd like to see how their immune systems cope with a nice normal friendly all-natural retrovirus like, say, HIV. Vaccines don't exist for it yet so it's a great test case for how awesome your immune system is (I think some people may have caught it in the 70s and 80s, I've not kept up on the literature though but I assume they're all fine). Even better if you refuse any treatment for it and keep those nasty chemicals out of your system.
Ms St Pierre added that some travellers had planned to put vaseline up their nose for their return trip, in an effort to thwart Covid testing.
Other stranded passengers include local reality TV actors.
The trip organiser, identified as James William Awad, said in a statement on Thursday that Sunwing was being unreasonable over a "simple party".
"I will take a moment to sit down and rethink everything,″ he said on Twitter. "Especially how I can do things better next time."

What a bunch of cunts. Even in non covid times I'd think that. The pandemic just turbo charges their cuntyness. Imagine being stuck in a metal tube half a mile up in the air with that going on?
I mean where do you even start with this kind of idiocy. Is it treated as plausible because some grifter has a slick looking internet TV channel? “It appeared to have an awareness of them being there” ffs. It’d be funny if it weren’t killing people, including the husband of the person posting it. Fuck it, it is still funny despite the tragedy.

She's clearly no microscopist - with no graticule - and even if this stuff would go through an insanely fine tube, exactly what would the effect be if injected - and if there is an effect, why aren't there millions of reports of abscesses or whatever ?
Breaking Paywalls.

Little trick with articles in the likes of the Times & Telegraph, copy & paste the URL into this site - archive.ph

9 out of 10 times I've used it, someone had already done it, otherwise it only takes a few minutes even if it tells you that you're in a queue of thousands, then you can post the 'achieve link' for anyone to read it. :thumbs:
Breaking Paywalls.

Little trick with articles in the likes of the Times & Telegraph, copy & paste the URL into this site - archive.ph

9 out of 10 times I've used it, someone had already done it, otherwise it only takes a few minutes even if it tells you that you're in a queue of thousands, then you can post the 'achieve link' for anyone to read it. :thumbs:
Nice one - thanks for this :)
Breaking Paywalls.

Little trick with articles in the likes of the Times & Telegraph, copy & paste the URL into this site - archive.ph

9 out of 10 times I've used it, someone had already done it, otherwise it only takes a few minutes even if it tells you that you're in a queue of thousands, then you can post the 'achieve link' for anyone to read it
I must thank you for this, I've used it for a couple of months, on your recommendation. Works every time
Breaking Paywalls.

Little trick with articles in the likes of the Times & Telegraph, copy & paste the URL into this site - archive.ph

9 out of 10 times I've used it, someone had already done it, otherwise it only takes a few minutes even if it tells you that you're in a queue of thousands, then you can post the 'achieve link' for anyone to read it. :thumbs:
I can't connect to archive.ph at all via virgin media.
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