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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Generally, suicidal people need real-world help rather than some kind of psychological magic spell. A psychologist can certainly be tremendously helpful in assisting them identify what they need and how to move forward to find this, but this is not “psychological help” in the classic lay interpretation of that phrase. Problems in living are not waved away by finding the right way of thinking. And none of this is “psychiatric” either. Mostly, suicidal ideation does not imply an acute clinical problem.

Quite. Particularly as the psychological interventions given to/imposed on those struggling with suicidal thoughts/impulses are increasingly horrible
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can these people see inside their own bodies or something? how do they know when cancer, say, will or will not onset? or anything else that will put them at risk of dying of covid? i could drop dead any second now. too healthy i guess, that bit more special.
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Another rw radio host bites the dust, this is one of those who caught it at the far-right reawaken America event (that Covid-denying attendees claimed was subject to an antifa anthrax attack when they all started getting a cough)

Another rw radio host bites the dust, this is one of those who caught it at the far-right reawaken America event (that Covid-denying attendees claimed was subject to an antifa anthrax attack when they all started getting a cough)


Doug is a broadcaster on the FROG News Network (F.R.O.G. stands for Fully Rely On God). This network seems to be at least partially a marketing scam to push Lifewave X39, which is a bogus patch that supposed to activate your stem cells through some kind of channeling of light. This network is also known to be Qanon Friendly and of course, anti-vaxx and anti-heatlthcare in general (which of course you would be if you have an "alternative medicine" you're trying to sell).

Wankers. :mad:

Anyway, so Doug here got a VIP pass to a Lin Wood Qanon conference in Dallas called Reawaken America. It appears that it was a super-spreader event and many of the Q-people who attended are trying to claim they were attacked by a biological weapon. They weren't attacked by a biological weapon they were attacked by an anti-logical weapon -- their brains.


That one seems a bit borderline, although unvaccinated herself, she doesn't seem to have campaigned against vaccines, just vaccine mandates.

These GOP activists are, however, complete wankers. :mad:

Following the 46-year-old’s death, some GOP activists falsely suggested that a vaccination shot was the cause of it, according to The Orange County Register.

Now her husband, Axel Mattias Ernby, has taken to social media to squash those false rumours.

“Please stop spreading lies about Kelly Ernby,” he wrote on one Facebook post about his wife’s death.

“She was NOT vaccinated. That was the problem.”

Tsk, you'll have people on your case for being insufficiently respectful.

I refer you to -

I am fairly sure I've only reacted with 'haha' for the extreme loons, like right-wing radio hosts & religious leaders that have gone out of their way to persuade large numbers of people against the jab, and I'll do so again if covid takes out the likes of Corbyn and/or Icke, and happily dance on their grave(s).

If anyone thinks that makes me a bad person, frankly I couldn't give a flying fuck.
Here we go, another dead Qucumber.

A quote towards the end of the article shows where the mindset is going when death-by-stupidity occurs:

After Weldon’s death, her QAnon allies threatened to pursue violent action against staff at the hospital where they died. Scott McKay, a QAnon personality known as the “Patriot Streetfighter,” said he would publicize the names of doctors and nurses involved in treating Weldon, saying he wanted to “put the fear into these medical professionals” in a Telegram post. McKay proposed the hospital staff be sentenced to death, or be murdered in vigilante violence.

“If it’s not done in a military tribunal then it’s going to be done in the street eventually and not to my wishes,” McKay wrote. “That’s my greatest fear. But if it’s necessary, it’s going to be necessary.”
Simon Briggs's piece on Djokovic's quackery is excellent. Paywalled but maybe someone can c+p.

How science sceptic Novak Djokovic became a pin-up for the anti-vaxx movement
6 January 2022
Want to know how Novak Djokovic became seemingly so vulnerable to quackery of all kinds, and a poster boy for the anti-vaxx movement? You only have to read his autobiography, Serve To Win. This peculiar book is full of new-age jibber-jabber, with chapter titles such as “How Opening My Mind Changed My Body”.

Here is an anti-scientific crank hiding in plain sight. Our personalities, they say, are formed by the stories we tell ourselves. So it is interesting to see how Djokovic’s frames his book. He mentions the NATO bombing raids on Belgrade during his childhood, which is invariably how TV documentaries about him begin. But these elements of the story are a sideshow beside the main thrust: how he suffered from recurring physical ailments – allergies, breathing difficulties, blocked sinuses – until he gave up gluten.

Nothing especially weird so far - until he explains how his gluten intolerance was diagnosed. A Serbian nutritionist called Dr Igor Cetojevic asked Djokovic to hold his right arm out at right angles and resist the pressure as he pushed down on it. Then the exercise was repeated, only this time while Djokovic held a slice of bread against his stomach. “I was noticeably weaker,” writes Djokovic, who adds that “kinesiological arm testing [has] long been used as a diagnostic tool by natural healers.” Yes, and mediums have long claimed to speak to the dead.

Suffice to say, this branch of alternative medicine – so-called “applied kinesiology” – remains largely unsupported by any scientific evidence. And that was only the start of the rabbit hole. “Growing up under communism, you are not taught to be open-minded,” Djokovic writes, a couple of pages later, before copying out a page of claptrap from traditional Chinese medicine. “Each organ in our bodies is undergoing repair in roughly this order: Lungs 3-5am, Large Intestine 5-7am, Stomach 7-9am …” You get the picture.

Here is the new Novak. The seeker after truth. The lover of nature. Here is a man who broke up his visits to Wimbledon with trips to the nearby Buddhapadipa Temple to meditate by a lake. A man who revealed two years ago that he has a “friend” in Melbourne’s Botanical Gardens – “a Brazilian fig tree that I like to climb”. Yes, Djokovic’s jet-setting spiritualism might sound charming in itself. But its side-effect has been credulousness.

Serve To Win describes a so-called “researcher” taking two glasses of water and directing loving energy towards one, while swearing angrily at the other. “After a few days … [the angry glass] was tinted slightly green … the other glass was still bright and crystal clear”. Harmless, perhaps, if deeply dippy. But then, last year, Djokovic could be found hosting a former estate agent called Chervin Jafarieh on his Instagram Live channel. Jafarieh was selling bottles of Advanced Brain Nutrients at $50 apiece, which – like Djokovic’s resistance to the Covid vaccination – sounded contrary to the interests of public health.

To return to the present, and the 2022 Australian Open, many have wondered why Djokovic doesn’t just put his career first and receive a jab. But you can see that his sceptical position on conventional medicine, and his enthusiasm for alternative treatments, lie right at the heart of his self-image. These are not positions to be easily abandoned. Especially for a man who has climbed to No1 in the world by following his instincts. The trouble is that, for all the power of human intuition, our instincts are notoriously unreliable. There is a clear story arc at work here, all leading to an interrogation room in Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport.

Following his famous meeting with Dr Cetojevic in the summer 2010, Djokovic won the Davis Cup with his Serbian team-mates, and then set out on the first great season of his career. The manner of the diagnosis is significant. Had Djokovic discovered his gluten intolerance via a conventional blood-test, he might never have decided that alternative medicine represents a great untapped resource. From there, it has been an ongoing evolution to views such as the one that Djokovic expressed in a 2018 interview with Shortlist magazine. “I believe that it is our mission to reach a higher frequency through self-care by exploring and respecting our own avatar, our body and, by doing that, raising the vibration of the planet."

Have Djokovic’s eccentricities hindered his career? From time to time. Take the wilderness period around 2017, when he struggled with an elbow issue before finally undergoing surgery in February of the following year. When I interviewed him about his comeback, in November 2018, he admitted that he had put the procedure off for as long as he could. “I was trying to avoid getting on that table because I am not a fan of surgeries or medications,” Djokovic said. “I am just trying to be as natural as possible, and I believe that our bodies are self-healing mechanisms … I just cried for two or three days afterwards … Every time I thought about it, I felt like I had failed myself.”

The operation proved triumphantly successful, allowing Djokovic to end a two-year dry spell by winning Wimbledon five months later. It is also worth noting that, at around the same time, he was one of the most influential voices within the governance structure of the ATP Tour. One of his suggestions was to equip each tournament with a mobile pod which – using some combination of cryotherapy or air pressure – was supposed to rejuvenate your muscles. In the end, this large, expensive and unwieldy item had to be crossed off the to-do list, partly because it was deemed unsafe by several countries.

And so we return to the dark side of this whole peculiar tale. Were Djokovic just a journeyman player, his pseudo-scientific beliefs would be no more than a bizarre footnote. As it is, he is a powerful role model, particularly in the Balkans. Thousands of people have probably emulated his stance on vaccines. Some are likely to suffer consequences as a result. As for Djokovic himself, he is clearly experiencing some turbulence of his own this week. But do not expect him to change. He is a stubborn character, used to getting his own way, and cut off from normal society by his very success.

He will not easily give up the philosophy that – for better and for worse – has made him the man he is.
There's no coming back from this, is there? No stuffing the genie back in the bottle...
no, i don't think so.

i do think that it's a personality thing though - some people will have something in their personality structure that allows for this stuff (and pandemic meant there were more ways for it to manifest). i think if you have "immunity" to this stuff, it'll be pretty hard to be converted. it seems these folk dont have political problems, but thinking problems.
no, i don't think so.

i do think that it's a personality thing though - some people will have something in their personality structure that allows for this stuff (and pandemic meant there were more ways for it to manifest). i think if you have "immunity" to this stuff, it'll be pretty hard to be converted. it seems these folk dont have political problems, but thinking problems.
It isn't, it baggy. THere'll be someone on tictok or that.

Why are you asking me? You know. Ethos Anthropos Daimon
Oh without a doubt, the internet made all this possible. Generally mainstream media would keep the nutbags for the odd late night/daytime TV, but of course now anyone with charisma and some ideas that make people feel clever and superior can gain an awful lot of traction, and then link people together who follow it.

I find, as I've said before, so many peculiar contradictions amid the antivaxx crowd. Many are the kind of people who'd vote for the Tories, yet also believe they're lying; they go on about people who are following COVID rules 'would never have coped with WWII', but they're the ones not accepting there might need to be restrictions on things in a time of national emergency; they're saying 'don't trust anyone' and 'question everything', but they're trusting any old doink off the internet.
Oh without a doubt, the internet made all this possible. Generally mainstream media would keep the nutbags for the odd late night/daytime TV, but of course now anyone with charisma and some ideas that make people feel clever and superior can gain an awful lot of traction, and then link people together who follow it.

I find, as I've said before, so many peculiar contradictions amid the antivaxx crowd. Many are the kind of people who'd vote for the Tories, yet also believe they're lying; they go on about people who are following COVID rules 'would never have coped with WWII', but they're the ones not accepting there might need to be restrictions on things in a time of national emergency; they're saying 'don't trust anyone' and 'question everything', but they're trusting any old doink off the internet.
the contradictary nature of their ecosystems is fascinating and often hillarious.

on the facebook groups i used to look in on, you'd have say ten posts, each one pretty terrifying to anyone who believed in them, with lots of explanation marks and "links to experts". but even with just a bit of observation you can notice that each post contradicts the former pretty much. so you would have one say "look, bill gates is behind it!!!!" and then the next one a few posts down would be "look the medical companies are behind it!!!!!!" and no one in the group would pick up on it. it seemed to be what ever theory gave the biggest gasp! and emotional reaction was only to be replaced by the next biggest gasp! and emotional reaction. and then, and here's my point, you would get a post of solidarity like "We stand together, as spiritual warriors, seeking truth!" and all the group would like and comment and no one anywhere would see that they have spent the past 6 months contradicting each other.

never seen anything like it. not in the far right or far left. not in any political debate, ever, really. just a roundabout of mass hysteria, round and round. that would be my definition actually of the rabit hole.
The thing that gets me is that immunity from an infection doesn't last, and thus you can contract Covid multiple times. So these people are just setting up themselves up for future pain, possibly a lifetime of it if the disease ends up permanently maiming them somehow. They keep harping on about the disease only being "1% deadly", while forgetting that a disease doesn't have to kill you in order to ruin your life. If their lungs end up becoming damaged due to repeated exposure and more severe illness due to lacking the vax, then their chances of complications or death will only increase.

Not only that, but these arrogant fucking fools point-blank refuse to take actions which will decrease their frequency of exposure to high viral loads. It's as if they're doing the exact actions and taking the precise attitudes necessary for the disease to properly fuck them up. Foolishness piled upon foolishness.

Another thing these twatboxes keep saying in their Russian-authored cookie-cutter memes is stupid bullshit like "I'm not getting vaccinated, I have an immune system". You stupid fucking cunts, have you never heard of a cytokine storm? Your immune system is powerful for sure, but it's also on occasion being commanded by General fucking Ripper who will carpet bomb your entire body in order to root out the viral foe, and he will not care about collateral damage.
The thing that gets me is that immunity from an infection doesn't last, and thus you can contract Covid multiple times. So these people are just setting up themselves up for future pain, possibly a lifetime of it if the disease ends up permanently maiming them somehow. They keep harping on about the disease only being "1% deadly", while forgetting that a disease doesn't have to kill you in order to ruin your life. If their lungs end up becoming damaged due to repeated exposure and more severe illness due to lacking the vax, then their chances of complications or death will only increase.

Not only that, but these arrogant fucking fools point-blank refuse to take actions which will decrease their frequency of exposure to high viral loads. It's as if they're doing the exact actions and taking the precise attitudes necessary for the disease to properly fuck them up. Foolishness piled upon foolishness.

Another thing these twatboxes keep saying in their Russian-authored cookie-cutter memes is stupid bullshit like "I'm not getting vaccinated, I have an immune system". You stupid fucking cunts, have you never heard of a cytokine storm? Your immune system is powerful for sure, but it's also on occasion being commanded by General fucking Ripper who will carpet bomb your entire body in order to root out the viral foe, and he will not care about collateral damage.
that whole 99% survive. well that's still 1 out of 100 people who catch it will DIE. seems pretty scary to me!
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