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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

If Piers Corbyn died from COVID I definitely wouldn't feel sad, there'd be a sense of some kind of justice having been done after the number of people the fucker must have killed with his misinformation campaigns.

Would it actually be laugh-out-loud funny? I don't know, maybe if he was coughing so hard he didn't look where he was going, slipped on a banana peel, and cracked his head on the pavement...
maybe it's a problem with the internet itself. we are so atomised, people just become screenshots and memes. we laugh at them. but if they were colleagues or people we had known in the pub, it would be different. we are distanced from people but suddenly bought close to them by a screenshot or a reddit thread or whatever.
just sad as hell, whether he posted anti vax stuff on facebook or not, isnt it.
One thing I get from these stories is that so many people really don't stop and consider the real risks of stuff. You see it in driving, attitudes to healthcare, vaccinations, general risk-taking behaviours, and there is a common mentality of "Ach, I'll be fiiiiiine!". And then, when the car's upside-down in the ditch, or that vault over the fence results in a broken neck/leg/arm, there's an attitude of total surprise at how that could possibly have happened.

I think it's a societal thing - we've done a bloody good job of making the place safer, we haven't had a conscript war in over half a century, antibiotics and vaccination have made once-serious diseases ('flu, measles, scarlet fever, diptheria, smallpox) a rarity, and we've all adjusted our expectations accordingly. Even the lifestyle stuff isn't as bad any more - when I was younger, someone having a heart attack or stroke invariably had a very significant impact on their life prospects, or at the very least the quality of it: now (some) people have heart attacks and go on to run marathons, etc.

So something like Covid comes along, and people's risk calculation, based as it is on all the threats we've successfully protected against, is in a lot of cases wildly amiss. Then they get sick, and only then realise that, actually, life isn't nearly as benign and safe as they'd complacently assumed; that things won't just magically be OK And that is sad, although it's really just an emergent property of the illusion of safety we've carefully constructed around ourselves.
but just on paper - there is humour there. pride before a fall is always funny. it's like the swish footballer who is doing flash kick ups and tricks in teh warm up, pissing off the home crowd, and then when he is heading back to the dressing he trips himself over and falls flat on his face.
sorry bimble but i would laugh if your neighbour got covid, and got it bad. not death. but if he was GHASTLY for a few weeks. he's spread misinformation, he is so sure that he's right. see above the footballer analogy.
One thing I get from these stories is that so many people really don't stop and consider the real risks of stuff. You see it in driving, attitudes to healthcare, vaccinations, general risk-taking behaviours, and there is a common mentality of "Ach, I'll be fiiiiiine!". And then, when the car's upside-down in the ditch, or that vault over the fence results in a broken neck/leg/arm, there's an attitude of total surprise at how that could possibly have happened.

I think it's a societal thing - we've done a bloody good job of making the place safer, we haven't had a conscript war in over half a century, antibiotics and vaccination have made once-serious diseases ('flu, measles, scarlet fever, diptheria, smallpox) a rarity, and we've all adjusted our expectations accordingly. Even the lifestyle stuff isn't as bad any more - when I was younger, someone having a heart attack or stroke invariably had a very significant impact on their life prospects, or at the very least the quality of it: now (some) people have heart attacks and go on to run marathons, etc.

So something like Covid comes along, and people's risk calculation, based as it is on all the threats we've successfully protected against, is in a lot of cases wildly amiss. Then they get sick, and only then realise that, actually, life isn't nearly as benign and safe as they'd complacently assumed; that things won't just magically be OK And that is sad, although it's really just an emergent property of the illusion of safety we've carefully constructed around ourselves.
yeh i think the word "privilage" is useful in these discussions. and why the grinning families wearing yellow stars taken in their well-designed leafy suburban living rooms are so grotesque.
If Piers Corbyn died from COVID I definitely wouldn't feel sad, there'd be a sense of some kind of justice having been done after the number of people the fucker must have killed with his misinformation campaigns.

Would it actually be laugh-out-loud funny? I don't know, maybe if he was coughing so hard he didn't look where he was going, slipped on a banana peel, and cracked his head on the pavement...
quite amazed that he hasn't caught it yet. perhaps he has and kept it quiet, would affect the grift.
The anti vax revolution has it's own Simon and Garfunkel now.

This is the kind of shit that londonkid nuisance keeps spamming isn't it. The disclaimer is pure weasely please-don't-ban-us-youtube maggotry - "The views, information, opinions and/or activities expressed in this video are solely those of the individuals appearing in the video, and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of Hi-Rez LLC, or its producers, officers, agents, and employees.", "strictly journalism" etc.
quite amazed that he hasn't caught it yet. perhaps he has and kept it quiet, would affect the grift.

Would not surprise me at all if it turned out that he was secretly vaxxed up the gills. People like that are the truly evil ones, spreading fear and misinformation about the vaccines while enjoying their protection.

They deserve the worst fate, and I don't give a fuck if that makes me callous.
Would not surprise me at all if it turned out that he was secretly vaxxed up the gills. People like that are the truly evil ones, spreading fear and misinformation about the vaccines while enjoying their protection.

They deserve the worst fate, and I don't give a fuck if that makes me callous.
What annoyes me about him is there will be no day of reckoning. They will get away with it and slither away when Covid is over
Yep, it's interesting is all. Catching my brain wishing sickness on my anti-vax neighbours, it might be understandable but it is a pretty fucked up thing to be thinking i reckon, probably a combination of personal dislike and the general desire to blame someone for all the stress and anxiety of the last two years.
I wouldn't feel bad about it. I've wished it on a few people over the course of this, all of them were arrogant, non mask wearing fuck wits coming into my work and claiming exemptions when it's clear many of them weren't. It was very specific though in a sense I didn't want them to die of course, or even get hospitalised but to just be on the cusp of it to really put the shits up them.
This. It's people who have the complete arrogant certainty that they're right, that they've seen through the whole charade and us lowly sheeple are just following the herd. Furthermore, they influence others, especially people like that French politician and they endanger other people's lives...

Then they die from the disease that's upended everyone's life for two years, the one they said didn't exist, was just the flu rebranded and the one they refused to be vaccinated against because big pharma Bill Gates, maaaannn... And it just leaves me thinking well, what a stupid fucking twat you are. I don't particularly laugh or have any glee in it, it is in fact sad but my main feeling is what a stupid fucking twat.
I hadn't actually read the sorryantivaxxer site until after I posted this. There's some really sad cases on there, especially the younger people leaving their kids behind. It does amplify the stupid fucking twat part for me too though. You had kids ffs why didn't you just get vaccinated? But then their brains have been filled with shit and they didn't have the skills to think their way out of it.

There's a woman I work with who looks like some of the younger women on there. She's very overweight, breathes heavy, smokes, diabetic and has a daughter... Not even one jab. She doesn't exhibit signs of falling far down a rabbit hole but she's definitely picked up some anti vax shit from somewhere. I'm fully prepared for the worst for when she gets it.
One thing I get from these stories is that so many people really don't stop and consider the real risks of stuff. You see it in driving, attitudes to healthcare, vaccinations, general risk-taking behaviours, and there is a common mentality of "Ach, I'll be fiiiiiine!". And then, when the car's upside-down in the ditch, or that vault over the fence results in a broken neck/leg/arm, there's an attitude of total surprise at how that could possibly have happened.

I think it's a societal thing - we've done a bloody good job of making the place safer, we haven't had a conscript war in over half a century, antibiotics and vaccination have made once-serious diseases ('flu, measles, scarlet fever, diptheria, smallpox) a rarity, and we've all adjusted our expectations accordingly. Even the lifestyle stuff isn't as bad any more - when I was younger, someone having a heart attack or stroke invariably had a very significant impact on their life prospects, or at the very least the quality of it: now (some) people have heart attacks and go on to run marathons, etc.

So something like Covid comes along, and people's risk calculation, based as it is on all the threats we've successfully protected against, is in a lot of cases wildly amiss. Then they get sick, and only then realise that, actually, life isn't nearly as benign and safe as they'd complacently assumed; that things won't just magically be OK And that is sad, although it's really just an emergent property of the illusion of safety we've carefully constructed around ourselves.
Which is why some of these sites highlighting the deaths of vaccine sceptics can be quite useful, they can bring home the full horror of what it’s like to slowly suffocate as your lungs pack up. There’s some really bleak tales out there, stuff like young families losing both parents, massive medical debt in the US and vivid descriptions from healthcare staff. So many use the same refrain ‘Covid is no joke’ once they’re in hospital and family members scuttle for the jab realising it’s not a case of supporting your side like a sports game and there are consequences. The majority are decent enough not to start shouting at doctors and making death threats, but we do hear about the pricks that do this because the extremes are newsworthy/interesting.
Hasn't there always been gallows humour around death including a certain amount of schadenfreude when the death is both self inflicted yet was dangerous to others?
I'm not getting the moral high ground finger wagging over it tbh. It's not like we know them personally yet they are doing others harm.
Hasn't there always been gallows humour around death including a certain amount of schadenfreude when the death is both self inflicted yet was dangerous to others?
I'm not getting the moral high ground finger wagging over it tbh. It's not like we know them personally yet they are doing others harm.
TBF, the moral high ground finger wagging is mostly coming from people who have a strong incentive to divert attention from their own responses, which already incorporate considerable elements of lying and disingenuous remarks.
TBF, the moral high ground finger wagging is mostly coming from people who have a strong incentive to divert attention from their own responses, which already incorporate considerable elements of lying and disingenuous remarks.
Which people are those? Can’t see much finger wagging, as you call it, on here.
then i have no idea who it is you're accusing of being a finger wagging liar, if you want to air some stale beef might be better to be clear about who its for.
I was responding to a comment about some of the holier-than-thou pearl clutching which was indulged in on this thread in recent days. The phenomenon was more relevant than the perpetrators, so I didn't see any point in doing any further finger pointing of my own.
While I accept that dark humour and schadenfreude over the majority of the anti vaxxers who catch Covid is part of the culture of these boards, and I do participate from time to time, I did think laughing and pointing at the person who set themselves on fire took things further than was acceptable. It really shouldn’t have been a point of debate that that went too far.
I was responding to a comment about some of the holier-than-thou pearl clutching which was indulged in on this thread in recent days. The phenomenon was more relevant than the perpetrators, so I didn't see any point in doing any further finger pointing of my own.
You weren't making some grand sociological observation, you were accusing somebody here of being a holier than thou pearl clutcher and a liar. Bit cowardly to refuse to say who imo but whatever gets you through a monday morning.
You weren't making some grand sociological observation, you were accusing somebody here of being a holier than thou pearl clutcher and a liar. Bit cowardly to refuse to say who imo but whatever gets you through a monday morning.

He’s referring to me, and the conversation that followed my posting this:

Imagine he was screaming about voices in his head when he did this. Would so many of you be laughing then? Clearly this is a case of someone suffering from a serious psychological disorder, not just a 'loon' to be made fun of.

Some of you need to log off the internet and take look at yourself. The antivax angle on this story is most likely incidental to the events. Mental illness tends to manifest itself in a context dependent way, and if it wasn't for there being a pandemic his delusions would have taken some other form.

There is a real person in this story. Most likely with family and friends who love him.
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