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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

there's a recklessness to folks like this too (and we live in fairly sick times so therefore it is easy to miss it) - him prattling on about how useless/damaging to health vacinnes are - how does he know who is lurking, who he might influence? i rarely if ever give out health advice other than - yeh i like vit c - or something similarly as innocuous - because i don't knwo what the fuck i am on about. how these guys can just send out their memes and endles prattle with no thought of the consequences is baffling and a bit chilling to me.
The technology is safe as long as people educate themselves and take the appropriate precautions.

This is where I tend to step right-off. Because the entire "do your own research"/"educate yourself" train is completely derailed by the very obvious anti-knowledge/anti-education stance of the whole anti-vaxx/truther/contrarian movement. Similarly the widespread reframing of anyone who has an education or has tried to gain even a basic but real understanding of the science and risks/issues (yes, incl political/social/societal) involved as having been brainwashed by the "Science Cult" speaks volumes!
This is where I tend to step right-off. Because the entire "do your own research"/"educate yourself" train is completely derailed by the very obvious anti-knowledge/anti-education stance of the whole anti-vaxx/truther/contrarian movement. Similarly the widespread reframing of anyone who has an education or has tried to gain even a basic but real understanding of the science and risks/issues (yes, incl political/social/societal) involved as having been brainwashed by the "Science Cult" speaks volumes!

You have to admit, universities are hostile environments for people with right wing views, so what kind of a reaction are going to expect from the right?

As for "Do your own research" - it isn't dereailed. You just won't tolerate an outcome where everyone doesn't see everything your way.

Doing your own research and then having a civilised discussion that involves the risk of any one of the participants in that discussion being offended is vital to get consensus as to what the truth is.

But more and more of the left, doesn't tolerate an open forum.

If we don't have an open forum (At least as far as views are concerned), then we don't have consensus.

If we don't have consensus, don't fucking sit there and moan about right wing feedback loops, goldfish bowls or whatever.
there's a recklessness to folks like this too (and we live in fairly sick times so therefore it is easy to miss it) - him prattling on about how useless/damaging to health vacinnes are - how does he know who is lurking, who he might influence? i rarely if ever give out health advice other than - yeh i like vit c - or something similarly as innocuous - because i don't knwo what the fuck i am on about. how these guys can just send out their memes and endles prattle with no thought of the consequences is baffling and a bit chilling to me.
Who is "him"? If you are referring to me, I've never implied that vaccines are useless.
I've no doubt he's been told to stfu about crypto and The Great Reset as well.
I've been told a lot of things about crypto yes. By both sides. I've done my research on cryptos, I know how they work.

Cryptos aren't just something you watch the prices go up and down on. Ethereum is a protocol on which just about anything can be tokenised including GBP.

I would rather hold my GBP on a secure blockchain, than have someone gamble with my money down the bank.

As for the Great Reset, most of it I've learnt about from the WEF itself.
Banning 5G would make little difference to most people as they would have 4G.
There are large areas of the country that are not covered by 5G, especially on O2

Banning mobile data together, though, would have a massive impact.

I think at this stage, 4G would feel a lot of pressure in areas that had 5G covereage, especially the cities.
Dare I say in places like Manchester, Birmingham and London, mobile data would be unbearably slow.
Indeed. Which is not authoritarianism. Ironically enough, it’s the exact opposite, an expression of free speech and liberty on the part of his family.
I never cited or argued that as an example of authoritarianism. Is this how desperate you've become to win an argument? Lies?
You have to admit, universities are hostile environments for people with right wing views, so what kind of a reaction are going to expect from the right?
Define right wing views, the political right covers as broad a political spectrum as the political left. Not all right wingers are frothing Trumpians/QAnon'ers Casting an eye over the current selection of Tory MP's I see plenty of people who did well at Uni despite(possibly because of) their politics.
I would agree that Uni's would appear to be hostile environments for people with the sort of views you have been espousing lately, vaccines bad, doctors bad, 15 min cities are an evil plot, Hunters Biden's laptop (seriously?) but that isn't the unversity environment that's hostile more that actual reality is hostile.
You have to admit, universities are hostile environments for people with right wing views, so what kind of a reaction are going to expect from the right?
It may seem hostile to Right Wing views because universities are a huge melting pot of cultures, classes, ideas and sexualities and for many people, it is the first time they have experienced it; plus, they are away from their parents for the first time and a new found freedom, so coming out with right-wings views is going to make you look like a prize plum to many people.

But you can always join the young conservatives, they are not banned.
Can you hear that scraping noise? That's the sound of goalposts shifting.

Let's just assume youre right in that someone who's not been vaccinated and caught the virus but was fortunate enough not to suffer any of the associated complications is better off (you've still not provided any evidence though). Well that's a bit like saying someone who shut their eyes and ran across a motorway is better off than someone who acknowledged the risks and walked a mile to avoid getting run over. In this circumstance would you say you regretted not running across the motorway with your eyes shut?

Have you had COVID yet?
It would be goalposts shifting if I was here telling people what they should or shouldn't be doing when it comes to vaccinations.

If I were sat here telling people what to do, one way or the other, then it would be very much more serious and I would be much more careful about what I'm posting. But I'm not really even talking about my health. My main point, or even gripe is that there an lunatics on the pro vaccination side .....

.... and none of you have admitted that such lunatics exist on the pro-vaccination side. What are you afraid of?
I never cited or argued that as an example of authoritarianism. Is this how desperate you've become to win an argument? Lies?
Then what exactly is your problem here? If there is no problem with anybody being forced to take a vaccine and the vaccine isn’t harmful and it is actually better to take it then what the hell is your beef?

And if there is no problem with being forced to take a vaccine and the vaccine isn’t harmful and it is actually better to take it then maybe you should think about how you use your words. Because literally everybody else in this thread has interpreted those messages from what you’ve said. That level of systematic misunderstanding can’t ONLY be ALL our fault
If I were sat here telling people what to do, one way or the other, then it would be very much more serious and I would be much more careful about what I'm posting. But I'm not really even talking about my health. My main point, or even gripe is that there an lunatics on the pro vaccination side .....

.... and none of you have admitted that such lunatics exist on the pro-vaccination side. What are you afraid of?

Which lunatics are you talking about? You haven't mentioned any, nor why their positions are lunacy. We can't judge shit we don't know about.
Define right wing views, the political right covers as broad a political spectrum as the political left. Not all right wingers are frothing Trumpians/QAnon'ers Casting an eye over the current selection of Tory MP's I see plenty of people who did well at Uni despite(possibly because of) their politics.
I would agree that Uni's would appear to be hostile environments for people with the sort of views you have been espousing lately, vaccines bad, doctors bad, 15 min cities are an evil plot, Hunters Biden's laptop (seriously?) but that isn't the unversity environment that's hostile more that actual reality is hostile.
No, many left wingers, too many, way more than on the right are intolerant.

Yes, it is a point that Jordan Peterson brought up, but hey, even the "anti-christ" can be right.

How far is too far in any given left wing view?

How far is too far for pro-vaccinations? How far is too far when it comes to racial equality? How far is too far when it comes to fighting climate change?

If someone can't answer these questions, then they aren't particpating in good faith and they're highly likely to be a totalitarian who's intolerant of opposing views.

Totalitarians don't just want everything. They want infinity, which is everything plus one, anything that might come along that didn't exist before: THAT'S MINE
Which lunatics are you talking about? You haven't mentioned any, nor why their positions are lunacy. We can't judge shit we don't know about.
OK. There are people out there that believe the unvaccinated:

Should not have access to healthcare.
Should not be treated for covid-19.
Should not be allowed into public venues.
Then what exactly is your problem here? If there is no problem with anybody being forced to take a vaccine and the vaccine isn’t harmful and it is actually better to take it then what the hell is your beef?

And if there is no problem with being forced to take a vaccine and the vaccine isn’t harmful and it is actually better to take it then maybe you should think about how you use your words. Because literally everybody else in this thread has interpreted those messages from what you’ve said. That level of systematic misunderstanding can’t ONLY be ALL our fault

He literally said that people who get infected with Covid sans vaccination are better off than the people who got vaccinated.

Someone who has fought the viruses naturally and didn't take the vaccinations, is in a better position health wise today than someone who took the vaccinations
OK. There are people out there that believe the unvaccinated:

Should not have access to healthcare.
Should not be treated for covid-19.
Should not be allowed into public venues.

Are any of them in this thread? Because certainly none of those positions are my own. People should have access to treatment for Covid or any other conditions regardless of vaccination status. I think it should be up to the organisers of the event in question whether vaccination status should be a consideration for entry, rather than being a matter of law. For example, a particular event might be more likely to have clinically vulnerable or immunocompromised people attending, and I don't think they should be prevented from making such provisions.
Then what exactly is your problem here? If there is no problem with anybody being forced to take a vaccine and the vaccine isn’t harmful and it is actually better to take it then what the hell is your beef?

And if there is no problem with being forced to take a vaccine and the vaccine isn’t harmful and it is actually better to take it then maybe you should think about how you use your words. Because literally everybody else in this thread has interpreted those messages from what you’ve said. That level of systematic misunderstanding can’t ONLY be ALL our fault
Go back to my first comment on this thread. My main beef is the social pressures.

People should not be nagging each other about whether to take the vaccine or not.
Are any of them in this thread? Because certainly none of those positions are my own. People should have access to treatment for Covid or any other conditions regardless of vaccination status. I think it should be up to the organisers of the event in question whether vaccination status should be a consideration for entry, rather than being a matter of law. For example, a particular event might be more likely to have clinically vulnerable or immunocompromised people attending, and I don't think they should be prevented from making such provisions.
Are there any anti-vaccination conspiraloons on this thread?

My point was that there are pro-vaccination conspialoons as well as anti.
Go back to my first comment on this thread. My main beef is the social pressures.

People should not be nagging each other about whether to take the vaccine or not.

Peer pressure to engage in pro-social behaviour is a good thing.

Are there any anti-vaccination conspiraloons on this thread?

My point was that there are pro-vaccination conspialoons as well as anti.

I've never heard of pro-vaxxers engaging in conspiracy theorising. You don't need a conspiracy to explain people being obstinate fools.
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