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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

The fuck are you talking about? You're just one dude. Twitter as a whole has a right-wing bias, and especially now that blood emerald boy is in charge of it.
Hunter Biden laptop stories supressed.
Trump banned.
Moderation teams taking instructions from the Democrats.
Loads of cases where the rules are only enforced when someone right wing breaks them, but left wingers are ignored and given a free pass.

Please. You'll never convince me, because I know better than anyone else, that I had to tolerate left wing abuse on twitter and that I'm looking at a suspension if I retaliate.

Honestly, on Facebook, during the 2016 American elections, an argument between Republicans and Democrats made it's way onto my facebook feed.

Eventually I made this reply to a Democrat poster word for word:

"What you're saying is idiotic. I've never read something so stupid in all of my life."

That was my ONLY interaction and FB gave me a 7 day suspension for that comment and it's the ONLY comment I've ever been suspended from FB for.

So don't fucking tell me there's no left wing bias out there, the Democratic Party rules the planet.

Go and fucking critisize them and see what you get. I didn't know till I did.
So fuck up a centuries-old inner city area filled with grand buildings and make it less pleasant for everyone not in a car. just so you can knock 5 minutes off a car journey.


No I am not.
stop hiding behind the free speach/critical thinking posturing. Anyone can roll that out to defend their position. The earth's flat - don't believe me, that's because you're against critical thinking and free speach.

You believe guff peddled to you by people's who view count pays their mortgages.
My point is that free speech has to be protected, without that we can't critisize and if we can't be critical, we can't improve anything and then the only people who can improve their lot are those who had power in the first place.
No thanks.
or just a mahoosive Trump fanboi like my rather odd university colleague ... he had exactly the same bizarre ideas about the bias of the media ...
You obviously didn't get the memo that your defence of stereotypes, makes you more likely to be a racist, than someone else's right-wing poltiical leanings.


Well, you've got it now and I'm warning you, if you let your mask slip once, if you fuck up, I'll be on to you!!!

Someone has to defend ethnic minorities from people like you. Not on my watch will you be allowed to propagate your vile ideology to the kids!
Hunter Biden laptop stories supressed.
Trump banned.
Moderation teams taking instructions from the Democrats.
Loads of cases where the rules are only enforced when someone right wing breaks them, but left wingers are ignored and given a free pass.

Please. You'll never convince me, because I know better than anyone else, that I had to tolerate left wing abuse on twitter and that I'm looking at a suspension if I retaliate.

Honestly, on Facebook, during the 2016 American elections, an argument between Republicans and Democrats made it's way onto my facebook feed.

Eventually I made this reply to a Democrat poster word for word:

"What you're saying is idiotic. I've never read something so stupid in all of my life."

That was my ONLY interaction and FB gave me a 7 day suspension for that comment and it's the ONLY comment I've ever been suspended from FB for.

So don't fucking tell me there's no left wing bias out there, the Democratic Party rules the planet.

Go and fucking critisize them and see what you get. I didn't know till I did.

why are you under the impression that the Democratic Party is left wing?
Hunter Biden laptop stories supressed.
Trump banned.
Moderation teams taking instructions from the Democrats.
Loads of cases where the rules are only enforced when someone right wing breaks them, but left wingers are ignored and given a free pass.

The stupid laptop story is not being suppressed, otherwise we wouldn't be constantly hearing about it from Qnuts.

Trump was banned after the whole January 6th thing.

Twitter got requests from the authorities to remove material from their platform. Something anyone can do. They did not always comply with such requests.

Please. You'll never convince me, because I know better than anyone else, that I had to tolerate left wing abuse on twitter and that I'm looking at a suspension if I retaliate.

Honestly, on Facebook, during the 2016 American elections, an argument between Republicans and Democrats made it's way onto my facebook feed.

Eventually I made this reply to a Democrat poster word for word:

"What you're saying is idiotic. I've never read something so stupid in all of my life."

That was my ONLY interaction and FB gave me a 7 day suspension for that comment and it's the ONLY comment I've ever been suspended from FB for.

Facebook's moderation has been dogshit for a long time. I've heard stories of people getting suspensions for having banter with their mates. Your anecdote is not sufficient to establish a bias on the part of Facebook. That requires data.

So don't fucking tell me there's no left wing bias out there, the Democratic Party rules the planet.

Go and fucking critisize them and see what you get. I didn't know till I did.

The Democratic Party is not left wing, and they don't "rule the planet", do you think that social media is the world?
Well Mrs Q has returned from her day clay pigeon shooting with her buddies, apparently they hit the bar afterwards followed by karaoke. She is now inflicting phone footage of a dozen 50-60 year old women in various states of sobriety murdering "Like A Virgin" on me. There are some things worse than living your entire lives within a 15 min walking radius of your home whilst under constant video surveillance.
On the bright side she has nicked me a load of sandwiches, pork pies and even cream cakes off the buffet.
Well Mrs Q has returned from her day clay pigeon shooting with her buddies, apparently they hit the bar afterwards followed by karaoke. She is now inflicting phone footage of a dozen 50-60 year old women in various states of sobriety murdering "Like A Virgin" on me. There are some things worse than living your entire lives within a 15 min walking radius of your home whilst under constant video surveillance.
On the bright side she has nicked me a load of sandwiches, pork pies and even cream cakes off the buffet.
what have clay pigeons ever done to them? :mad:
I've had an open mind both ways from the start.
Either way, I never told people what to do or not to do with their own bodies.
I got 4 vaccines because my own relatives begged me to to do so. If I was part of some kind of "cult" with deep ideological views on the matter, I wouldnt' have gone out and got 4 vaccines.

I'm reading and watching an awful lot on the internet and it's not good news about the vaccines.

I don't blame governments for getting the vaccines in and running campaigns encouraging people to get the vaccines.

I do wish I never took the things.

Even to this day, I don't tell people what they should or shouldn't have done, the decisions they made and all.

I do wish people would stop imposing themselves on others either way. It's plain wrong that people should be blackmailed into taking the vaccines, or not.
Nobody is being "blackmailed". You said yourself that you CHOSE to be vaccinated, at the urgings of your family. You may not like it, but that was the choice you were given.

And it's a CHOICE.

I am becoming increasingly suspicious of your posts as you continue to try hard to slant things against the idea of vaccination, but can't actually come up with anything to support the insinuations you are making.
this whole authoritarian thing that is affecting the right's culture war spiel. what's that saying "power is not manipulative, disguising power is". Yes the vaccine roll out was an enormous act of state power - but it wasn't manipulative. They, i.e scientific institutions and the government, presented the case, and the power was I guess exercised by saying "we highly recommend you get this vaccine because X amount of people are dying and filling our hospitals." so yes a powerful arm of the state thrusted into our lives. But here's teh thing - if you had even just a modicum of faith in science and scientific study, you willingly signed up. If looked at bare reality, in this ideological hell hole - no hidden cabals need seeing - as it limps on to its seemingly last stages, then you signed up.
But the forces you are living under StakerOne is disguised power, and therefore incredibly manipulative - namely the mechanisation and algorithyms of multi billion dollar social media sites, who cannot resist collecting and selling your data and using you for their advertising, though it is data and add revenues collected through your watching of every chalatan, dark agent, far right nut job, lunatic, and grifter going - and they've set it all up so it is as addictive and provoking as possible. "Youtube recommends...". You think there was hidden motives and malevolant forces behind the vax push and roll out? not as half as dark and cunning as the shit that's being pumped through your laptop speaker. All the while they are happy to distract you from things that perhaps matter a bit more than a few shots in your arm - let me think of a few - child poverty, food banks, homelessness, zero hour contracts, people heating by burning wood in their homes, the drab death of so many cities, rural poverty, spiralling debt, prices souring, death and then abscence of communities, environmental collapse. but hey, at least it isn't the mainstreaaam meeedddia though is it #bro.
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My point is that free speech has to be protected, without that we can't critisize and if we can't be critical, we can't improve anything and then the only people who can improve their lot are those who had power in the first place.
No thanks.

Your point is you want to post any old bollocks without being called out on it. And like all the broflakes, you get all bald about it when challenged on said bollocks.

Great reset my arse.
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