Man Made climate change is a hoax? -R eal, but many "solutions" are a con. I'm surprised the left isn't more sceptical of commercial solutions to modern problems.
There will be a great reset - Probably if we do nothing about it or the good guys lose.
Do sovereign Citizens have the correct interpretation of the law? - Some do, some don't, no different than any other demographic.
5G Mobile is harmful? - The 5G protocol is harmless, some of the frequencies are more harmful, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't use them. People should educate themelves as to the dangers. The more masts the better. I don't have children, but given that all children eventually have phones, it's safer to have a mast near the school than far away from it.
Aircraft are spraying mind-altering chemicals? - I hope not!
The Earth is flat? - Such a silly thing to say, I honestly believe most people say it just to get a reaction.
Moon landings were fake? - No. They were not fake, it would have been impossible to create the videos and images of those landings with 1960s technology. Modern technology has proved those videos and pictures to be genuine.
You can't tell if someone is left wing or right wing from those beleifs. You may as well try to figure that one out by the way someone looks or acts.