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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Campbell isn't a medical doctor, he's a nurse, but had a doctorate in a nursing related topic I think. He started off being OK and then fell down some 'just asking questions' rabbithole that pays him as his YouTube views have gone through the roof.

Assem was always a bit of an oulier with his stuff on diet and alternative health, and is just wrong on the vaccines. IMO he a bit lost the plot as his dad died and he's blaming an mRNA vaccine.

Yes, I took Campbell quite seriously in the lockdown days because he seemed to give a reasonable fact based day to day update of the situation and I had far to much free time, and wanted to know more about what was going on. I began to have my doubts when the Vitamin D, and Ivermectin stuff started to creep in and he started enthusing about David Davis. I stopped watching whilst he was still being regularly interviewed by Deutsche Weil. These days, he's swapped channels and seems to have a regular spot on GBNews with the Cistguy.

Was he ever as reliable as I assumed?
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Yep, I've checked, thanks.
I stress that I'm talking about my situation, not anyone elses.
I'm not saying anyone should get vaccinated or not.
If I was younger I wouldn't, if I was older or knew that I was more prone to infection, I would take every booster available to me.
I'm not anti-vax, it's not that I don't believe in the technology, I just believe that I would need it in certain situations, but not others.
Also, there is more than one vaccine and more than one technology.
I'm also dissapointed that many see my view as extreme, when it's pretty much the middle road.
There are loons on both sides.
For example, someone who says that EVERYONE should have the vaccine, that there should be "consequences" for those that don't and believes in digital vaccinantion passports for domestic purposes such as getting into venues, is just as much a lunatic as someone who believes that vaccinations are de-population bio-weapon.

I'm not seeing any links to your sources.

I'm reading and watching an awful lot on the internet and it's not good news about the vaccines.

So where are you hearing this supposed bad news?
Have you read one fucking one I've posted? The mind boggles. Run back, re-read my posts, with an adult present if you have to.
What's the point you stated that:
There is no health risk with vitamin D.
A quick Google returns a Wikipedia page that shows this is untrue. So why should anyone take you seriously when you miss such an obvious source? If you don't believe The Wiki, the referenced links show the same.
Now find a Doctor who

At least that's not a risk for any of us on here.
Indeed, I confess to having been a bit too dismissive of the heart issues as at my age I gladly take any jab going and have gone full hazmat in Aldi for nearly 3 years and hold my breath when passing the bus stop.
I also give people an even wider berth when out walking as I still see them (notably the young) as a biohazard ...

Since our new chewtoy has had four jabs, I assume they are no spring chicken and must have some other potential danger in mind.

My 87 year old mother is fearless and spends a lot of time out and about and with my niece's scary 8 year old....
Feel a bit sorry for some of them in the sense that in the UK, people have very much "moved on" - i.e. covid/vaccinees are not really a talking/thinking point. Most people it's just not on their radars anymore. It was an incredibly tough time, wtih a lot of stress for everyone. So it's a relief to find space from that. But these guys....where it is still occupying huge amounts of emotional and mental energy - but I guess that's the case for most strands of extremism - a war within themselves where the enemy is actually shadows in their own minds.
Btw, just thought I'd say - my mate who was watching Campbell's videos etc has fortunately had all his covid vaccines despite any exposure to disinformation etc. I'd say I've got a better chance with him compared to my facebook friend (who is probably a lost cause imo). My mate actually has the critical thinking abilities that the guy on facebook lacks and that is key.
If I was younger I wouldn't, if I was older or knew that I was more prone to infection, I would take every booster available to me.

There is a very strong correlation between age and risk with this disease, which shows up very strongly when it comes tot he population level, what sort of numbers they can estimate for risk in different age groups, etc.

The problem is that this is still a rather imperfect guide when it comes to the individual. And individuals own assessment of their health is not a perfect guide, and is often based on the knowns of their past, and the assumptions that have grown from their general health over the years, rather than the unknowns about the future.

And so it was still possible to find young and middle aged people who had hesitated to get vaccinated in the first year who ended up on a ventilator, full of regret. This included people who were overweight and hadnt spotted the risk patterns in that area, but also "I used to run up mountains, I'm hyper-fit" types. Not a staggeringly vast number of people in that category, not compared to the elderly who were killed by this virus, but still some real preventable serious illnesses and deaths.

Other factors were also considered, such as the possibility that the vaccinated were somewhat less likely to spread the disease, whether that be from less viral load or being infectious for a shorter period of time, etc. And otehr stuff like long Covid. States would certainly have had their eye on how disruptive the virus was in non-lethal ways too, eg the level of staff absences, and the possibility that vaccines could soften that burden. And there was certainly a desire to have a massive amount of momentum behind a very broad vaccination programme, in order that all manner of targets would be hit quickly so that governments could return to their comfort zone of relying on pharmaceutical measures rather than lockdowns etc. Quibbling about where the age cut-off point should be for vaccination was not something they wanted to get bogged down in, they wanted a mass campaign to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible, and they got it.

Also, there is more than one vaccine and more than one technology.

People tend to be more cautious about new technologies, and so when it comes to concerns about Covid vaccines there has been a focus on mRNA fears. But in this country it was actually the Oxford Astrazenica vaccine which showed up a strong enough warning sign in regards a rare blood clotting risk that it ended up being removed from having a role in our vaccination programme.
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Oof, 15-minutes cities as well, that's a very up and coming rabbithole. You're right on the loonspud cutting edge with that one. Oxford traffic planning as the start of locking us all in our bedrooms is very much the new Lockdowns Will Become the Status Quo. Much more important than say, the increasingly widespread use of facial recognition technology with minimal real oversight:

Have you not seen what happened with a recent protest in Oxford against 15 minute cities?

Apparently you're a far right loon if you have serious reservations about state overreach into private lives in the name of fighting climate change.
You do realise that all far right (because that's what it is - with wellness and spiritual tinges) loons in those eco systems say they are not far right loons?
Seriously if I was into conspiracy theorising my main take would be that the scene is super fucking useful for diverting attention away from very real State activities which are fully in the public eye with a straightfoward justification of "increasing public safety." If I was a secret state mook I'd be very much on board with keeping it well fuelled.
But to be fair I have no idea the scope of your beliefs etc, but just a warning. I've seen folk go from hero's to zeros because of what might be popping up on your feed. We are fallible in regards knowledge and critical thinking, just be very careful where you focus your attention.
Have you not seen what happened with a recent protest in Oxford against 15 minute cities?

Apparently you're a far right loon if you have serious reservations about state overreach into private lives in the name of fighting climate change.
15 minute cities are perfectly innocent. I'm in my 40s and remember them, walking to the local shops and having parks to play on. Out of town shopping centres and housing developments killed them all off, all at the altar of cars and car owners.

The idea that bus lanes and one-way systems are a conspiracy from Davos or whatever the current thinking might be is anti-everything nutjob weirdo propaganda of the most laughable kind.
15 minute cities are perfectly innocent. I'm in my 40s and remember them, walking to the local shops and having parks to play on. Out of town shopping centres and housing developments killed them all off, all at the altar of cars and car owners.

The idea that bus lanes and one-way systems are a conspiracy from Davos or whatever the current thinking might be is anti-everything nutjob weirdo propaganda of the most laughable kind.
Think of the level of complicity. The house of commons, the house of lords. The sheer vastness of mechanisation of it all. All without whistleblowers. All happening in the shadows that these geniuses have sussed. The lunatic ideologies have never had so much reach. The current ideology we live under is bad enough without muddying the waters 1000000 fold.
The real reason it gained traction is of course because the phrase was coined by a leftie, so first the far-right kooks got into it as a plank in their Marxist Globalism fantasies, followed by the easily manipulated idiots (no offence Staker) who uncritically swallow whatever gets handed down from that pipeline.
Have you not seen what happened with a recent protest in Oxford against 15 minute cities?

Apparently you're a far right loon if you have serious reservations about state overreach into private lives in the name of fighting climate change.
Wherever you are, you're currently in an empty gated community of your mind. And it's a lonely, angry place.

Come in from the wilderness.
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